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Do you like Paraguay ? You can publish your opinion here (great places, people...) :

belen (Paraguay) - 24/02/2004 : I LOVE PARAGUAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS AN AWSOME PLACE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ITS ALSO WERE I CAME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Alyssia Feliciano (Paraguay) - 09/04/2004 : pictures of Paraguay
Johnny (Canada) - 23/04/2004 : I didnt much like paraguay. Actually i kinda think it sucks. but thats jus my personal opinon. Nothin atall intrest me there but ijust a dumb gringo.
Connor (Paraguay) - 12/05/2004 : You need to put more pictures on this website
Lizzie Nguyen (U.S.A) - 18/05/2004 : need more games and pictures to print
Irene (USA) - 25/08/2004 : I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to emerse myself in authentic Paraguayan CAMPO life for a couple months this last summer. ROHAYHU paraguay my friends. Paraguay has a very rich, fascinating, wonderful, unique culture that I wish everyone could experience. I learned there more than I have ever learned anywhere else. And I miss that mandioca man.... and terere.... and cosido.... and cocitos..... y pororo. Anyway, if you're going to go to Paraguay, take the time to meet some people and appreciate the culture. Study a little history before you go and maybe a few Guarani phrases. Other then that just smile and act curious and you will soon have a few hundred Paraguayan friends.
Renee (U.S of A) - 12/09/2004 : This site really helped me out with my homework. Keep up the good work and thanks for the help.
Shelley (Canada) - 05/10/2004 : this web site has helped me with a project just put more info on like popular tourists places ect...
Raquel (U.S.A) - 10/11/2004 : I really LOVE that place it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can't wait to go there again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gloria (USA) - 01/12/2004 : You need more informatoin on the capital... I am doin a research paper on (The Capital of Paraguay).
tommy (paraguay) - 21/01/2005 : this place is fully of monkeys. ITS AWESOME!
jewlz (canada) - 10/05/2005 : hi i like to visit this place in a life tyme
richard (paraguay) - 05/10/2005 : I want to say to Belen, Raquel, Irene an d others that I am Paraguayan, and say that you have open the doors of my house, you are welcome anytime, best regards
john (australia) - 25/10/2005 : paraguay is sooooooooooo hott
Ines (Spain) - 23/03/2007 : Really helped me with my Homework of Paraguay..!
Kirsten (New Zealand) - 03/05/2007 : I spent a year in Paraguay on a student exchange in a fantastic little town called La Colmena back in 1993. It truly was one of the best things I have ever done and I've been back to visit twice since. The people there are the warmest I've met anywhere in the world. Paraguay isn't on the traditional gringo travellers trail but I recommend it to anyone who likes to travel to get to know people and cultures.

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