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George (Belarus) - 12/02/2004 : Notre langue va mourir tres bientot si personne n'aide a la retablir. Moins que 30% des jeunes jens en profitent au quotidien. Peut-quelqu'un conseiller quelque issue?
Adrienne (Belarus) - 07/05/2004 : this is a great website never shut it down
Ira (Belarus) - 08/05/2004 : George, speak Belarusian; teach your children and the children of their children in the future to speak it and the language will never die. Only we can save it doing something, the simple words about the problem don't resolve it
bouchet (france) - 10/05/2004 : Je fait un exposé mais je ne trouve pas la signification du drapeau.Pouvez vous la trouver?
Igor (Poland) - 02/06/2004 : Belarus is such a majectic country....i love its barren wastelands..its endless flat fields...its friendly culture...its Russian character...and overall its urban beauty.
Klimek (Poland) - 12/07/2004 : Fajnie by³oby tam pojechaæ. kto wie, kto wie? Moze juz nied³ugo:)
kookaburra (usa) - 08/08/2004 : Belarus' economy in 2003 posted 6.1 percent growth and is likely to continue expanding through 2004, albeit at a slower growth rate. The Belarusian economy in 2004 is likely to be hampered by high inflation, persistent trade deficits, and ongoing rocky relations with Russia, Belarus' largest trading partner and energy supplier. Belarus has seen little structural reform since 1995, when President LUKASHENKO launched the country on the path of 'market socialism.' In keeping with this policy, LUKASHENKO reimposed administrative controls over prices and currency exchange rates and expanded the state's right to intervene in the management of private enterprises. In addition, businesses have been subject to pressure on the part of central and local governments, e.g., arbitrary changes in regulations, numerous rigorous inspections, retroactive application of new business regulations, and arrests of 'disruptive' businessmen and factory owners. A wide range of redistributive policies has helped those at the bottom of the ladder. For the time being, Belarus remains self-isolated from the West and its open-market economies.
kirbysi (USA) - 16/08/2004 : Belarus is such a beautiful country we are learning much about it from our exchanges student. Hopefully she will lean much from us.
r.shivakumar (india) - 05/10/2004 : respected sir iam frim india i like belarus , i want to learn many more things about the culture pls i need more friends to contact me with there SENDYOUR pictures TO ME, pls send your pictures, so i could send mine to you.thanking you from india. R. SHIVAKUMAR
Aladdin (India) - 11/10/2004 : i like your country. it is very interesting. i wish you to put more pictures of its people on your website. i thank you
() - 30/10/2004 :
Miguel Angelo Flores (Mexico) - 24/11/2004 : Si, me gusta Belarus aun sin conocerlo y tengo la mayor inquietud de algun dia poder ir a visitar ese explendido y magico lugar del cual ya me enamore y todo debido a una Belarusia mujer que supo robarse mi corazon.Ella es de Borisov y algun dia podre tocar su calida mano. I like Belarus...ajuuuaaa!!!
lucie (france) - 08/01/2005 : je suis aller a Gomel une semaine et je repars la ba demain...oui j'aime beaucoup ce pays et ces gens.. si vous voulez en savoir plus et avoir des photos de gomel et des environs n'hesitez pas contactez votre site est très bien
kevin (U.S.) - 21/01/2005 : Belarus is a very interesting country.
Julia (Poland) - 17/02/2005 : Hi, I'm looking for someone who visited Belarus - Polesay region. I'm especialy interested in area between Pinsk and Mosyr. I would like to trevel there by bicycle. Could you give me some necessary information as: how to register? 2. Is it possible to camp everywhere? 3. Is it possible to cross the boarder on the bicycle? 4. What kind of roads are in south part of Belarus? Please write emails to my priv. address -
john woods (scotland) - 30/03/2005 : I am hoping to come to Minsk in June 2005 for the World Cup match between our two countries and I am looking for cheap/reasonable accomodation for my wife and I. Can anyone help?
thomas (france) - 05/04/2005 : Pays aussi magnifique que ses habitants sont sympathiques ! Accueil inoubliable, mais si un certain moustachu autocrate pouvait avoir l'idée géniale de passer le reste de sa vie au groenland, ce serait encore mieux ! ( désolé pour les pingouins .....)
EIDO OUSSAMA (SYRIE) - 05/06/2005 : please can you give me adres for university to start my leairning in russe or belarusse en belarusse???
naveed (pakistan) - 23/09/2005 : hi, i am naveed i am student here in Belarus.Belarus is such a great place in the world where you have a peace of can come in nature if you are in Belarus.the peoples are so good so coaprative and gentle about their behaviour and with unknowing peoples i have been in other countries but i like Belarus.if some one say me to live in Belarus i am accept this offer wiht a laughing heart.
Pawan Acharya (Nepal) - 19/11/2005 : If any one form nepal those who study there please send me the information about the student life in beralus.
snyers daniel (belgie) - 24/01/2006 : send me messages of you're country (belarus)
tronel roger (france) - 16/03/2006 : Avec de l'humanitaire + un mariage ,je connais trés bien les 3/4 de la bielorussie. Le problême est toujours le même .... la douane, attente toujours très longue, il faut de la patiente, sinon le pays et superbe, il faut visiter ,BREST, MINSK,MIR,et surtout le site historique de KHATYN sur la mémoire de la guerre.Dans le centre de Minsk , les filles un peu bécheuses , mais trés jolies..Enfin un pays ou j'ai beaucoup d'amis et ou je me régale de prendre la voiture pour me retrouver avec eux.
Kaylin (USA) - 21/04/2006 : Belarus is a beautiful country. I am glad i get the opportunity to study the country for geography. I love all my friends in Belarus. Special thanks to Galena Y. for teaching me to speak Russian and giving us the Belarusian dolls, chocolates, and crystal glasses. These items will help me a lot with my report. If you have been to Belarus, what famous landmarks or tourist attractions would you recommend?
nelson pious (VOLTA GHANA) - 14/09/2006 : well,ghana as u all know to be a cool place in africa here.i like ghana because of their tradtional festival which they celebrate every year in is happing life here in ghana again this year september 17 to first week in november.imaging how it will be.i will like to me more people out there so that we can arrange for next year traditional invitation here inghana.come and learn variouse types of culture here in africa.i love u all there and hoping to see your mails here.thank u and God Bless u all.
selçuk (ören) - 17/11/2006 : I dream visiting Belarus one day. I heard many things about the beauty of Belarus. Gomel is my favorite city in Belarus :)
Lauryn (United States) - 13/12/2006 : For a competition call Ohio Model United Nations, my team as the country of Belarus. If anyone has any information we may be able to use, please email it to me. Thanks much!!
TatiDragon (Belarus) - 15/05/2007 : Selcuk, you are welcome! :) You will like Belarus for sure! ;)
Ritesh Kumar Seechurn (Switzerland) - 29/05/2007 : Belarus is a nice country, in the following i'll come there to learn Russian
GABRIEL (Belgium) - 30/07/2007 : I've been for five months in Belarus to study Russian at the Minsk State Linguistic University. Minsk is a nive and pleasant city, it is a real pleasure to wander in the streets. The rest of the country is also worth to be visited, though because of the war most of the monuments have been distroyed, severly damaged, but fortunately sometimes restored. Belarussian language is beautiful, most of the Belarussian people do not speak it, and they recognize it is a pity. Visit Belarus!
melissa (Belarus) - 06/02/2008 : Hi I am doing a project on Belarus for school.Please tell me some interesting tings about this country

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