Thien LE (Australia) - 18/02/2004 : Australia is a great country, the people are friendly. The food are perfecto. the government is OK. I'm proud to be an Australian fares (france) - 25/02/2004 : je veux tout les renseignement sur l'australie est la nouvelle zelande me (aust) - 15/03/2004 : i cant stand it here Anaïs (France) - 07/04/2004 : I'm totally in love with Australia ... I'm dreaming of going to down under !!! Tania (Australie) - 11/04/2004 : Hi my name is Tania I never visitate Australia... I live in Canada and I'm in 7 grade. I do a research for my geopraphy claa and i search many pictures of Australia and I'm oblige to find what is the drink national (boisson nationale)! I'm sorry if you has difficulty to understand what I write beause I'm a francophone gril! Bye! Pauline (France) - 13/04/2004 : J' ai fait un exposé sur l' Australie et je trouve ce pays génial car il fait beau et qu' il y a la mer. j' aimerais trop habitée en Australie. Wing (China) - 01/05/2004 : it's a nice place!!i like this place! Titi (Nouvelle -Caledonie) - 03/05/2004 : je voudrais avoir des informations sur la répartition de la population aborigen , sur la population occidentale et surl'évolution de la population de l'austrlie Cookie (Africa) - 05/05/2004 : i luv it!!!!!!!!!1 Francessca (France) - 06/05/2004 : Good day fellow peoples zoolander (china) - 06/05/2004 : hi it iscool Bob Mackenzie (Great White North) - 11/05/2004 : I am Canadian and i dont say eh every sentence mabey every 2nd i dont wear a toque and i dont live in a igloo oh yeah and my neighbor dosent live 10km away and i dont ride a dog sled evey wrere John (Aussie) - 12/05/2004 : Im Proud to be an Aussie connan (australie) - 12/05/2004 : Salut a tous je recherche les Boissons et les Desserts typique d'Australie ; ce pays est génial et j'espère un jour y passer des vacances!! sousou (loic) - 14/05/2004 : e de la bombe Adriana (USA) - 25/05/2004 : hey this is great for me to use for homework !!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! THX ALOT jessey (indon) - 26/05/2004 : australia is so nice and it's culture has attracted me to visit guillaume gélina (canada ) - 27/05/2004 : salut Laguna (France) - 29/05/2004 : L'australie est vraiment un pays génial. Je voudrais trop y vivre. De plus que les Australiens son super cool kel (malaysia) - 05/07/2004 : australia its good Jessie and Emilie (Australia) - 27/08/2004 : Thanks to everyone who has been to Australia or has talked about it! We appreciate it! I wish everyone a good time and hope you enjoy! milovan (australia) - 27/08/2004 : Im moving so i dont reallly care about australia Karma (India ) - 08/10/2004 : Just been about a month here in Australia, Sydney.. the place is beautiful, especially the people :) Aussies are very friendly.. I like the way you people just greet strangers.. I'm from North India- Sikkim, has the second highest mountain in the world Mt Kanchenzonga.. any Aussies interested in Camping and climbing.. you gotta visit Sikkim.. the city may not be as beautiful as Sydney.. but has plenty of Nature! Take care Australia! roberta (france) - 19/10/2004 : hi i think australia is a wonderful place and i strongly recomend to everyone to go there! sandria (USA) - 19/10/2004 : australia is fantastic its the best place i,ve ever been.theres no where quite like it, and you definately cannot fault it!! ciara (ireland) - 02/11/2004 : Irish people love austrailians! Pete (Australia) - 08/11/2004 : G'day, if any of you come to Australia make sure you come to Darwin and check out Kakadu National Park cassie (Ontario) - 17/11/2004 : Bonjour tous qui lis j'ai entandus beaucoup apropo d'Australie et ca sens belle la alor vas la visiter un jour ok.. Merci et aurevoir....:) Christelle (Martinique (Dom)) - 25/11/2004 : je découvre l'Australie par les livres, les revues, le net et j'en passe. Ce continent me fascine énormement, j'aimerai visiter c'est clair que je ne serai pas déçue. Allez gros bisou à tous de Madinina Diammond (America) - 26/11/2004 : hello peoples Cori (Germany) - 14/12/2004 : Hi, i am from Germany and i have never been to australia,but i am very interested in this country and thinking about studying there...would be great if anybody who knows a lot about it could mail me and give me some information...thanx cori mery (australie) - 18/12/2004 : ya pas assez dinformation criss Astrid (Belgique) - 02/01/2005 : Oui je suis bien d'accord avc vous, l'Australie à l'air super bien!!Y vivre serait mon rêve...!!! Ashleigh (Australia) - 06/01/2005 : I am Proud 2 b an aussie Khari (USA) - 25/01/2005 : We went to Sydney in April of 2004. We had a wonderful time. The people were so friendly and the Harbour was so breathtaking. I can't wait to go back. Yasmine (France) - 10/02/2005 : I really love this country ! I wish I could go there one day in my life and even live there. I don't know if you Aussies are conscious of the beauty of your country, but you should ! Aeshuhh (California, USA) - 19/02/2005 : i wanna go meet hott surfer dudes and chill in Australia, the land down under.. peace out ;D Myriam (quebec) - 08/03/2005 : Salut! moi je suis une fan de l'australie ! un jour je vais aller vivre la bas merci!:):):):) DAVID (FRANCE) - 11/03/2005 : HELLO FOR EVERY AUSTRALIANS4 LOVERS THIS COUNTRY IS SO BEAUUUUTIFULL JUST HOPE VISIT IT ONE DAY(THAT'S MY DREAM).THEN I WELCOME EVERYTHING FROM AUSTRALIA, NATURALLY IF SOMEONE WANT TO MAIL ME I'LL ENJOY HIM. Daniel James (England) - 23/03/2005 : How is it there. I always fancy Australia. Is it expensive. Oh please someone over their contact me. Boy or girl i dont mind. Plzzzzzzz romulus (France) - 28/03/2005 : Je suis en train de faire un site internet sur l'australie, je part labas d'ici 1 mois... :) Plus je me renseigne et plus j'ai envi d'y aller charbonneau (france) - 03/04/2005 : I went to Australia last year. It's was wonderful. It's a very nice place and i'd like to go back there. The kangouroos are friendly and the Australians too. Enjoy Australia !!!!!! Gamal (Canada) - 11/04/2005 : I know your supposed to comPLIment Australia in thsi section...but I instead have a comment...Australia contails the most coal in the planet. If it did not exist then we would most likely already be famished of coal reasources, and our planet would be less poluted, therefor less people would get sick, they would live longer, the planetwould last longer and global warming would continue only in a much much much slower rate, and I think the sun would explode before we all burn to death because the ozone layers to thin. At the rate the planets going on now though, we're most likely going to take the fast route to death and all burn to death rather than freeze to death.........No offence. Gamal (Canada) - 11/04/2005 : Wow I had a lot of spelling errors... Amy (Taiwan) - 14/04/2005 : I love Australia!That's a great country! PARK (korea) - 19/04/2005 : WHoosa~ The MOst beautiful country!~ i never forget good momories when i was there.~^^ speciaily, nice people, different cultures from here. Have a nice day guys~! bigron (UK) - 20/04/2005 : fantastic people and the birds are great, especially the ones with perfect breast sizes, i love u all, thanks for the shags! remus (india) - 20/04/2005 : hello, i thought aussie aussie aussie was me neone! i loved it and want to go back, be willing to do nething to get the money to travel back (got a good sense of humour);-) Amy (Taiwan) - 24/04/2005 : i want to travel to Australia~~~~~and koala is very cute! Louise (USA) - 30/04/2005 : Australia is a beautitful country, but not as cool as italy cuz I have been to Italy and it way cooler! Sry:( Masud (Bangladesh) - 04/05/2005 : I like australia. but I have never been to Aus......I like to visit Aus. I thought if i go there i would like it more... Mary (Canada) - 17/05/2005 : Ça a l'air super beau! joan (singapore) - 17/06/2005 : people in aussie are pretty or handsome!aussie's nice.i've been there before. Gianna (Australia) - 18/06/2005 : If you visit Australia you have to come to Melbourne and Sydney...fantastic night life! As well as the Gold Coast (Queensland) which has heaps of theme parks (Sea world, Dream world, Wet N' Wild & Movie World!), great weather and beautiful beaches!!! Hans (Netherlands) - 19/08/2005 : Hi there. I'm very excited for my adventure in Australia in 2006. Just me and my backpack and much great things ahead. It will be the first time for me in Australia and I cannot wait to board the plane :-) I'm always fond of getting into touch with people all over the world, but nowadays especially with Austrialian citizens. I'm reading books and seek contact with travellers already been in Australia. Greetings from one happy lad! christelle (France) - 30/08/2005 : I me my dream is to work in australia but I don't know exactly how is this country or if the life is difficult so if you have an answer please contact me. Big kiss for everybody ALX (FRA) - 07/09/2005 : Australia is awesome... i spent 1 year in 2005 their as an overseas student and I really enjoyed Australia and Australian! U want some fun, leave at the beach, have a cool job... just take your backpack. laptitelili (france) - 12/09/2005 : i likkee australia because its a beautiful country and i love australians lolll Tjeerd (Netherlands) - 13/09/2005 : Hy! I'am Tjeerd, 15 years old and from the Netherlands. I like Australia! There's not so much rain as here in the Netherlands yu-jeong (Korea) - 17/09/2005 : Australia is beautiful place~ ^-^ I want to make a friends Australia's peoples Karthi (india) - 27/10/2005 : I love Australia LYNNE (USA) - 30/10/2005 : I'm going to australia in December. I'm afraid I'll be eaten or stung or bitten before I leave. Is it true? Please tell me lozza (aus ) - 30/10/2005 : i luv being aussie and everyones really laid bak i luv it! Aurélie (france) - 01/11/2005 : je fais un dossier de géographie touristique sur l'Australie et j'aurai besoin d'aide connaissant trés peu ce pays, mais aparament magnifik!!! donc si des personnes ont des chiffres sur le tourisme, le flux touristik et tout ce ki touche le tourisme, je vous demande bien d'essayer de m'aider s'il vous plait!! je vous remercie d'avance.... aurélie dalton (australia) - 03/11/2005 : hi the people in australia are so hot they look so good in their bathingsuits wow i would totally live there love ya ok bye Jordan (Canada) - 01/12/2005 : salut!!!j;espere pouvoir allez en australie!!Ce pays me semble si interessant et merveilleux!!C'est un pays superbe!!Hello to you all in australia!!CIAO!! Annie (australie) - 10/01/2006 : hehehehehehehehe Nanta (cameroun) - 18/01/2006 : QUE DIEU M'ENRTENDE ET QUE JE DEVIENNE AUSTRALIEN !!! HOW GOD HEARS Me AND THAT I BECOME AUSTRALIAN!!! Anja (Sweden) - 26/01/2006 : Hi, I read a school-subject called tourism and I are going to pretend I am a tourist in Australia. I know some of your things worth seeing but I would like to have a name of a nature reserve that you can visit as a tourist. Can anyone please help me? Take care / Anja hello (australia) - 23/02/2006 : it's beutiful Pookie (America) - 19/04/2006 : my aunt is goin this summer to learn about their culture and stuff its really cool but really expensive! like $5,000. i really wanna goi there some day! it would be fun! pookie (USA) - 27/04/2006 : hehe i dont wanna go because my fave show is LOST and bad things happen!!!!!! Elysia (UnitedStates) - 29/04/2006 : hello hows the weather i hope it great hows life Elysia (USA) - 29/04/2006 : srry cant stop talking meeting new people is greater than great Kate (Australia) - 03/05/2006 : Hey ppls LYNNE if you cum here u won't be bitten by a spider i promise you hardly eva c a spider only when your in the bush i think...but any way australia's really great u all should cum check it out. kazza (australia) - 07/06/2006 : I am an Indiginous Australian and I love the country sooo much. I hope that someone could write to me, well goodbye peeps t_wizzle (australia) - 07/06/2006 : Hi im Tarla and the comment on top of me belongs to my cuz!!! So plz send to her, luv ya'll Emily (Australia) - 29/06/2006 : I am very proud to live in this free country with its wild and wonderful beauties. shakur (Bangladesh) - 22/08/2006 : Hi i am shakur Australia is a great country and also Australia is beautiful place in the planet. people are very friendly and gentle. i love australia so much.i want to make a friends with Australian peoples. Maude Renaud (Quebec-Canada) - 05/10/2006 : J'aimerais aller en vacance en Australie quelques temps, me faire des amis et visiter le pays pas juste en images. Djamel (Algeria) - 27/10/2006 : I have never been to Australia, but I just see it on TV and photos, I work with Australians in Algeria, I witness they are very kind, gentle, comprehensive, methodic and deserve all respect Maria (Finland) - 10/11/2006 : I think Australia is a beautiful place. :) Its nature and so. I'd like to visit it one day... Danny (United Kingdom, England) - 13/01/2007 : Australia is a great country i have friends over there who are Australian and i get along with them great lol. brandens me best mate though lol amy (australia) - 09/02/2007 : australia is great :-) (Brasil) - 13/02/2007 : Australia is a great country! Daniel (USA) - 05/04/2007 : Hello everyone! ive never been to Aussieland!!!!! i would love to go one day but i cant afford it at the moment! someone email me information about australia!!! i would love to learn about this beautiful land! Ann (Bangladesh) - 08/04/2007 : My best friend lives in Australia so I love it!XD sophia (france) - 12/04/2007 : hey ppl!!i'm impassioned by australia but i never went there, i wish to be able to do it!!! britknee (canada) - 05/05/2007 : Bonjour, L'Australie est un endroit étonnant. Elle a de belles vues et personnes spéciales, et j'aime juste la culture. Et cet emplacement a aidé beaucoup avec mon projet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hello, australia is an amazing place. It has beautiful views and special people, and i just love the culture. And this site helped a lot with my project. Shantel (USA) - 22/06/2007 : I LOVE AUSTRAILIA AND BINDI IRWIN I LIKE HER SHOW BINDI THE JUNGLE GIRL Tania (Italy) - 13/07/2007 : I LOVE AUSTRALIA!!!! I don't know, but I feel something inside, when I hear or read something about this wonderful country. I hope to visit it very soon! Greta (Australia) - 24/07/2007 : I LOVE AUSTRALIA!Australia is awesome! Maddie (AUS) - 03/08/2007 : Australia is really awesome!!!!!!! you can always have fun in the sun and get as much exercise as you want!!!! Danny (China) - 13/08/2007 : THE WONDERFUL PLACE AND FASCINATING LANDSCAPE MAKES A PERFET PARADISE! Tufail (Pak) - 15/08/2007 : well, live in pakistan, but want to go Australia, it's splendid.... Beata (Poland) - 20/08/2007 : I very like AUSTRALIA!! xD margaux (france) - 20/10/2007 : coucou tout le suis étudiante en 1ère année de BTS commerce international. je dois faire une étude de cas sur le marché de la confiture en australie avant de partir trois mois en stage en australie.Si quelqu'un a des infos sur les habitudes alimentaires des australiens au niveau de la confiture, du petit dej, ... sa serait adorable de me renseigner!!en attendant, bonne soirée.bsxx ramil (azerbaijan) - 06/11/2007 : It's impossible to express our impressions about this country. We'd like to live there with a great pleasure! ramil (AZERBAIJAN) - 06/11/2007 : I RECCOMEND YOU APPRICIATE YOUR COUNTRY AND THANK ALLAH FOR THIS!!! Nicolas (France) - 06/11/2007 : l'australie, c'est le pays de mes rêves, je veux trop y aller, et pourquoi pas y vivre!!! Evan (united states) - 04/12/2007 : i would like to go there Mushtak (Azerbaijan) - 15/03/2008 : I do not like Australia paige (California, USA) - 28/04/2008 : Doing a marketing project for school. Do you guys drink energy drinks in Australia? What brands? What's the most popular beverage among the 18-30 in your opinion? Thanks! Love Australia...can't wait to visit;) Caitlin (australia) - 14/06/2015 : My whole family is from either Switzerland or the United Kingdom. I was born in Australia and have lived here all my life. I love Australia, but its not were i want to live for the rest of my life. When I'm older I am going to move back to my family's houses in the Uk. Nothing against Australia at all (amazing people and amazing sights) but, I just belong somewhere else. Francis (United arab emirates) - 05/07/2015 : i wish to visit this nice looking country i have heard so much about this nice beautiful and calm natural country please any help me with thoughts or even helping me with some schools information so i could apply for studies thereplease contact me at brianberryajabefack@gmail for rodric (cameroun) - 18/07/2015 : salut.l AUSTRALIE sur le vituel est vraimant séduisant c est mon pays de rève..j espère que les australiens sont aussi sympa et cool comme leur pays...j aimerais bien faire une école de cuisine dans ce pays j espère que les possibilités ouvriront a moi..... Ann (Australia) - 18/08/2015 : I ❤️AUS.........LOL Ann (Australia ) - 18/08/2015 : 😃😀😝😊❤️💔💚😔😐💘💞💖💕💓💗😂😅😞💜💙💛😒💄🌂🎀😜😱😨😫😩😓😰😥 brisbane (australia) - 07/10/2015 : QLD Sophie (France) - 05/11/2015 : I love this country! Australia is the most beautiful country in the world! ❤️ Scott (Australia) - 20/11/2015 : Yeah. australia is perhaps the most beautiful country in the World. Ibrahim Ma-Sorie Bangura (Sierra Lerone) - 26/02/2016 : I like name Australia, the people, the geographical territory. to crown it all the country is so nice |
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