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Forum Sport - Volley ball
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Clique sur ce bouton et insère ton propre message !

modifier supprimer 27787 - de Lydia223 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-09-28
Volley ball - "Volleyball!"

I love, love, love volleyball, it's my favorite sport! I've been playing since 7th grade and right now i'm on my schools J.V. team! Any other volleyball players out there that want to chat or be Pen-pals?

27787 -
modifier supprimer 27806 - Réponse de Kavishka 104 , 19 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2024-01-15

Hey bro, I liked Your sport. I liked you're penpal friend.

modifier supprimer 27772 - de Sophia140 , 15 ans (USA) - 2023-08-13
Volley ball - "hello"

I want someone to talk about volleyball with and see what is different about it in other countries or if you want to talk about VNL.

modifier supprimer 27752 - de Giovanna92 , 14 ans (Brésil) - 2023-07-10
Volley ball - "Volleyball"

Hi! As a volleyball lover I would like to know more about this sport in other countries, like the most famous players and teams within the country.

modifier supprimer 27715 - de Jeanne 168 , 17 ans (France) - 2023-04-01
Volley ball - "Favourite volleyball player ?"

hey guys ! as u all do,i love volleyball and i want to learn the famous as the less known volleyball players for my culture ;). who is ur favorite then ?
i don't have one, that's why i'm looking for the one who may enthrall me x)

modifier supprimer 27667 - de Ly80 , 10 ans (Bahamas) - 2022-11-16
Volley ball - "s2"

I love volleyball!

27667 -
modifier supprimer 27676 - Réponse de semyon173 , 8 ans (Russie) - 2022-11-24

Hello my name is semyon.Do you like the Pirates of Caribbean Sea?

modifier supprimer 27632 - de Gurjant187 , 21 ans (Inde) - 2022-09-17
Volley ball - "We should play sports"

Hi friends .I love volleyball and its very helpful to forget all worries. Apart from this I like to talk with new people and make friends all over the world .if you are interested ,feel free to text me on my email

modifier supprimer 27611 - de Dila173 , 9 ans (Turquie) - 2022-06-21
Volley ball - "sport"

Hi I am Dila. I like sports. my favourite sport is volleyball.I am 9
what is your favourite sport?

27611 -
modifier supprimer 27626 - Réponse de Emily34 , 12 ans (USA) - 2022-08-30

Me too! Volleyball is so fun and even better with friends!

modifier supprimer 27579 - de Chloe11 , 15 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2022-05-10
Volley ball - "i want to be friends"

I love volleyball! I hope i can be friends with someone on here and try get closer to them :)

27579 -
modifier supprimer 27629 - Réponse de Jant187 , 21 ans (Cameroun) - 2022-09-13

Volleyball is a wonderful game and I have good skills ,friends is a better way to share anything. text me if you wanna talk

modifier supprimer 27558 - de Hokage230 , 11 ans (Thaïlande) - 2022-04-08
Volley ball - "Hi"

Hello my name is hokage I like to play volleyball in my free time hope we can be friends.

27558 -
modifier supprimer 27620 - Réponse de anni123 , 18 ans (Corée) - 2022-07-15

hola QT

modifier supprimer 27484 - de Lina163 , 13 ans (Corée) - 2021-11-13
Volley ball - "Volleyball, basketball"

The most things my fav ;)

27484 -
modifier supprimer 27546 - Réponse de whan24 , 15 ans (Thaïlande) - 2022-04-07

I think I like volleyball too, but I don't like basketball.

modifier supprimer 27470 - de Jane84 , 12 ans (Rwanda) - 2021-11-02
Volley ball - "Volleyboll"

I really love volleyball, but I can't play 100%. I always confuse it with pioneerball axaxaxaxa. I really like sports ball games and volleyball is one of my favorites.

27470 -
modifier supprimer 27869 - Réponse de Jules170 , 18 ans (Togo) - 2024-12-04

I love voleyball but i can not play it.

27470 -
modifier supprimer 27548 - Réponse de whan24 , 15 ans (Thaïlande) - 2022-04-07

Hi! Hahaha I've also been to volleyball. But I didn't win that race because I practiced too little.

27470 -
modifier supprimer 27527 - Réponse de Zoey118 , 13 ans (USA) - 2022-01-22

Hi there! I love vollyball! I caint play 100% either. But it is a very fun sport!I would love to chat with you about more! I'm kinda new to this

modifier supprimer 27447 - de Brooklyn139 (USA) - 2021-10-26
Volley ball - "make new friends"

I have been looking for a friend that i can talk about volleyball with. I am first sever and play back row and sometimes front. i still cant get my over hand serve but im good at spiking and setting.

27447 -
modifier supprimer 27477 - Réponse de Tiphaine218 , 13 ans (France) - 2021-11-03

Hi, I like volleyball too! This is only my first year, so I have a lot to work on, but I wanna be a setter!

27447 -
modifier supprimer 27452 - Réponse de yourmom:)210 , 12 ans (USA) - 2021-10-28

i also like vollyball i will be trying out next year :)

27447 -
modifier supprimer 27451 - Réponse de armani210 , 11 ans (Alaska (USA)) - 2021-10-28

i like collage volley ball

modifier supprimer 27360 - de Penelope 141 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-06-27
Volley ball - "Volleyball club and how I love volleyball!"

Hey everyone,In my school i'm the shy girl but when it comes to volleyball.."With me around your the greatest.." A "haikyuu"saying made by one of the setters of karosuno volleyball team. Anyways I haven't yet joined a team but when I do I want to be a blocker,Libero, the setter. And a lot of stuff has prevented me from that.. Because you have hearing loss and you get bullied in school dose not mean you can't follow your dreams! So i'm going to follow mine! Also if you would like to join our club then its cvalled "The new volleyball besties" and i'm the manager,ok bye guys ( please go to my page if you would like to be friends.)

modifier supprimer 27286 - de Zoya171 , 12 ans (USA) - 2021-02-26
Volley ball - "Haikyuu and my interest in Volleyball"

I started liking volleyball more than I did before, after watching the anime "haikyuu".It really piqued my interest in volleyball. It's an interesting sport I'd like to play!

27286 -
modifier supprimer 27525 - Réponse de keira247 (USA) - 2022-01-10

SAME!! i love haikyuu so much my fav charecters are oikawa, suga and noya!

27286 -
modifier supprimer 27358 - Réponse de Penelope 141 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-06-27

OMG SAME!! I started watching that anime and then i guess i sorta got in a team!

modifier supprimer 27256 - de Henry Macias 178 , 20 ans (Equateur) - 2021-02-02
Volley ball - "I would like to make friends"

Hello with everyone I am Henry I am 20 years old I am from Ecuador in a coastal city, I am here because I want to make friends from other countries with whom I can chat and talk about my passion for volleyball, in our there is a hand voly that is unique in me country, if you want to chat internally write me, hmacias525@gmail.com

modifier supprimer 27087 - de Charlotte12 , 14 ans (USA) - 2020-09-24
Volley ball - "Volleyball"

hello! I love playing volleyball. I'm an outside hitter but occasionally play right side. I play for my school team and for club. If you play volleyball or interested in the sport SOTW me. We can talk about so much:)

27087 -
modifier supprimer 27233 - Réponse de Vladimir83 , 16 ans (Russie) - 2021-01-14

Hi guys. My name is Vladimir, I am 16 years old. I am from Russia, I live in the Far East. I am studying programming in my first year. I decided to learn English for myself, as I need it for programming. I also like to play computer games.

27087 -
modifier supprimer 27220 - Réponse de Keyan104 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-01-11

Hello, I am a female high school student from China. This is the first time for me to use this website. By chance, I found the beautiful you. I want to make pen friends with you or friends on the Internet.I also like playing volleyball very much. I was the captain of the volleyball team in our province. My position was setter. Although I don't play volleyball much now, I still love it. We can communicate more and make progress together
I wonder if you'd like to?

modifier supprimer 27086 - de Charlotte12 , 14 ans (USA) - 2020-09-24
Volley ball - "Volleyball"

Hey, I play volleyball and would love to talk about the sport! I'm an outside hitter but occasionally play right side.

27086 -
modifier supprimer 27526 - Réponse de Elena43 , 13 ans (Italie) - 2022-01-18

Hi i'm Elena i live in Italy, and i play volleyball too, i love this sport becouse its so beautiful

modifier supprimer 27053 - de Soria240 , 16 ans (Australie) - 2020-09-04
Volley ball - "Volley"

I started liking volley after watching haiykuu

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27860 - Réponse de rowan107 (Australie) - 2024-10-19

same for me.

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27516 - Réponse de Keira186 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-12-17


27053 -
modifier supprimer 27359 - Réponse de Penelope 141 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-06-27


27053 -
modifier supprimer 27287 - Réponse de Zoya171 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-02-26


27053 -
modifier supprimer 27283 - Réponse de Jardyn32 (USA) - 2021-02-24

SAME lol

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27187 - Réponse de Aleah124 , 13 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2020-12-26

I love haikyuu and Ive been playing for 2 years

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27160 - Réponse de Ninia200 (USA) - 2020-11-24

awe I watch it too !

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27101 - Réponse de Grace119 (USA) - 2020-10-06

Same here too (I dint play it tho D:)

27053 -
modifier supprimer 27072 - Réponse de Samuel204 , 17 ans (France) - 2020-09-11

Same :0

modifier supprimer 26699 - de Amani103 , 12 ans (Algérie) - 2020-02-07
Volley ball - "un chercheur"

Je veux être chercheuse scientifique dans le futur.le métier consiste à faire de la recherche scientifique. Il est difficile de bien cerner le métier de chercheur tant les domaines de recherche sont diversifiés et impliquent d'importantes différences dans la pratique de ce travail.

Le manuel de Frascati, édité par l'OCDE, le définit ainsi : « Spécialiste travaillant à la conception ou à la création de connaissances, de produits, de procédés, de méthodes et de systèmes nouveaux et à la gestion des projets concernés ». Longtemps lié à la condition de professeur d'université et réservé à l'élite intellectuelle dans le monde occidental, le métier de chercheur à part entière s'est institutionnalisé avec la création d'organismes dont la vocation première était l'avancement de la science (tel le CNRS en France en 1939). Néanmoins, de par le monde, le statut de chercheur reste souvent associé à un poste universitaire bien que de multiples statuts coexistent, le chercheur d'aujourd'hui pouvant être plus ou moins titulaire d'un emploi permanent, plus ou moins inséré dans une équipe de recherche ou dans un laboratoire de recherche, plus ou moins associé au monde de l'entreprise (dans les secteurs de la recherche et développement), plus ou moins bien évalué par ses pairs, etc. Dans l'organisation moderne de la science, le statut de chercheur procède d'abord d'une reconnaissance par les autres chercheurs de son domaine de sa production scientifique, le plus souvent sous la forme de publications scientifiques (articles ou ouvrages) ou de conférences par lesquels les chercheurs exposent les théories ou les observations issues de leurs propres travaux.

26699 -
modifier supprimer 26765 - Réponse de Touta111 , 12 ans (Algérie) - 2020-03-23

Merci pour ton grand texte

modifier supprimer 26697 - de Amani103 , 12 ans (Algérie) - 2020-02-07
Volley ball - "Volley ball"

J'aime le "Volley ball", il est mon sport prefere.Si quelqu'un l'aime comme moi, me réponds , car c'est un plaisir.
A bientôt.

26697 -
modifier supprimer 26889 - Réponse de Manon185 , 11 ans (France) - 2020-05-18

J'adore le volley!! On est d'accord là dessus!😁

modifier supprimer 26332 - de Riyan217 (Iles Hawaï (USA)) - 2019-02-28
Volley ball - "V-Ball"

I missed a few of my Travel Ball Team Tournaments while we were undefeated.. I regret being sick.

26332 -
modifier supprimer 26673 - Réponse de Milan34 (USA) - 2020-01-22

Heyy I play Volleyball too
do u want to be friends.

26332 -
modifier supprimer 26339 - Réponse de ava42 , 11 ans (USA) - 2019-03-06

hi i am in 5th grade .i love to piay volleyball . i have alot of friends

modifier supprimer 26116 - de Brynlee 3 , 12 ans (USA) - 2018-10-16
Volley ball - "volleyball ;-;"

I missed my tournament to go to Utah i'm very sad because we got 3rd and we were undefeated ;c

26116 -
modifier supprimer 26698 - Réponse de Malak103 , 12 ans (Algérie) - 2020-02-07

J'aime aussi ce sport comme toi. Veuillez me répondre.
Au revoir.

26116 -
modifier supprimer 26229 - Réponse de Maud158 (Canada) - 2018-12-29

that is super sad. I love Volleyball my school came second. i have some pretty good volleys

modifier supprimer 26047 - de Lissa210 , 18 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-28
Volley ball - "Hardcore Sport"

I will never forget the moment when my teammate accidentally smashed the ball straight at my face. It hurt like hurt hurt and I was not supposed to cry(because we were playing at the moment), but I cried because the lack of teamwork and maybe the pain was very painful XD

modifier supprimer 25995 - de Chen85 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2018-07-27
Volley ball - "Volleyball and I"

Fortunately,when I was in grade 3,I was elected to the school volleyball team.From then on,I fell in love with volleyball.So far,I've been playing volleyball for 6 years.And my teammates and I won a lot of prizes for school.Volleyball brings my best memories.I hope everything can still go on.

25995 -
modifier supprimer 26131 - Réponse de Chen84 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2018-10-19

A good idea XD.I'd love to talk about something about volleyball with others.

25995 -
modifier supprimer 26115 - Réponse de Brynlee3 , 11 ans (USA) - 2018-10-16

Hey! I love volleyball as well want to be pen pals and maybe we could chit chat about some volleyball stuff C:

- Brynlee / Bryn

P.S if we do become pen pals i only do it through mail < 3

modifier supprimer 25758 - de Jamie168 , 10 ans (USA) - 2018-03-14
Volley ball - "Vollyball!"

I think I have a history with vollyball because I love it! For starters, my mom played vollyball when she was in highschool so I was so excited to learn it from her with this cheap, smiley face emoji ball that made me laugh so hard that I'd fall to the ground when it bounced off the ground!

25758 -
modifier supprimer 27408 - Réponse de MAXWEL120 , 41 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2021-09-01

bonjour je suis max et je souhaite faire ample amitié avec vous

modifier supprimer 25545 - de Dulce78 , 16 ans (USA) - 2017-11-28
Volley ball - "Bonjour!"

Salut! Je m'appelle Dulce. J'ai 16 ans. J'habite en Californie. Je voudrais parler francais. J'aime volleyball. Et toi?

25545 -
modifier supprimer 25785 - Réponse de Sherine188 , 13 ans (France) - 2018-03-24

Salut je fais du volley ball depuis que je suis toute petite et je suis française je peux t'aider!!

25545 -
modifier supprimer 25651 - Réponse de Laurie204 (Madagascar) - 2018-01-21

Coucou je parle français depuis toute petite et je souhaiterai améliorer mon anglais et en apprendre plus sur la Californie

25545 -
modifier supprimer 25608 - Réponse de Aliana184 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-12-22

Bonjour! J'emapelle Aliana y j'aime voleibol. Je joue pour 2 années.

modifier supprimer 25118 - de dilek178 , 16 ans (Turquie) - 2017-05-05
Volley ball - "hi!!"

hi guys! i playin volleyball since 8 years old. and i join
Olympic in Netherlands i think volleyball most beautiful sport of all.

25118 -
modifier supprimer 25171 - Réponse de Suzie128 , 16 ans (Pologne) - 2017-05-29

Hi Dilek!
What's up? I hope you enjoy volleyball as much as I do. I think volleyball is a cool sport but I am keen on handball too. My favourite handball player is Milosz Walach. Gettings from Poland. Give my love to your family.

modifier supprimer 25114 - de Eva232 , 17 ans (France) - 2017-04-30
Volley ball - "Hello"

Hi everybody! My name is Eva, and I'm playing volleyball since about 10 years... All my family is playing volley ball too. I'm middle blocker because I'm the taller in the team^^

(I apologize for my english which could be a problem sometimes)
Have a nice day :)

25114 -
modifier supprimer 27409 - Réponse de MAXWEL120 , 41 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2021-09-01

bonjour je suis max et je souhaite faire ample amitié avec vous

25114 -
modifier supprimer 25917 - Réponse de Clotilde200 , 16 ans (Belgique) - 2018-06-16

Salut! En fait je sais pas trop quoi dire xD Mais j'ai une question, middle blocker c'est centrale quoi?
Bon salut du coup xD

25114 -
modifier supprimer 25859 - Réponse de Alexandra63 , 17 ans (Hongrie) - 2018-05-17

Hey, middle blockers are awesome, i wish i could be middle blocker too, as Hinata.

25114 -
modifier supprimer 25609 - Réponse de Aliana69 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-12-23

Hi! I'm Aliana, I've been playing volleyball for 2 years and I really enjoy it as well! I think this summer I'm going to try out beach volleyball for the first time :)

modifier supprimer 25076 - de shally162 , 16 ans (Canada) - 2017-04-16
Volley ball - "volley"

I love volleyball! I play on my school team and we're one of the best team of our province! And the match, wow! The energy there! But there's only one thing ... The girls on the other team who act like ... You know ... Like seriously girls grow up !

25076 -
modifier supprimer 25307 - Réponse de Lily212 , 15 ans (Chine) - 2017-08-12

If you want to be my friends, reply me. if not ,still hope u have a nice day
. And I am a girl who is 16.

25076 -
modifier supprimer 25083 - Réponse de Emma31 , 13 ans (USA) - 2017-04-19

Hi! I play volleyball too! I am on a school team and a club team! Our school team is undefeated, and the club team wins pretty often. I totally understand what you mean about other girls needing to grow up! What position do you play? I play middle hitter and blocker! Let me know of any good volleyball jokes. Also we should keep writing!

modifier supprimer 25038 - de Tomasz 87 , 13 ans (Pologne) - 2017-03-30
Volley ball - "Volleyball"

Hi ! Hejka ;)
How are you? What is your favourite volleball team? My favourite team is Szczypiorniści. My favourite player is Bartosz Kruk. Where do you live? We will be in touch.
Write soon!
Poxdro dla polaka
Tomasz ;')

25038 -
modifier supprimer 25110 - Réponse de cendall110 , 11 ans (USA) - 2017-04-29

hi im cendall im 11 years old i like volleyball to would love to play with you

modifier supprimer 24968 - de Kim244 , 18 ans (Corée) - 2017-02-13
Volley ball - "Envy you guys!"

I do love volleyball, and I was in a club when I have been to US, BUT wen i can back to korea, I did just for physical test... and in high school, I got in a club again.. but teacher dont like me to get in... so envy you guys to have fun with volleyball! I wanna play volleyball with no interruption.. wanna do both study and sport!😢

24968 -
modifier supprimer 25334 - Réponse de Xuan Xuan61 , 17 ans (Singapour) - 2017-08-20

You can always play it with your friends! You don't have to be in the team to have fun:)

modifier supprimer 24902 - de Clederon148 , 18 ans (Corée) - 2017-01-22
Volley ball - "Do you know Haikyuu?"

Haikyuu is a sport enime. I like volleyball because this enime. Someone saw this, I want to talk about this.

24902 -
modifier supprimer 25691 - Réponse de Rin243 , 13 ans (France) - 2018-02-07

Hello! Yes I know Haikyuu, it's a very good anime! I play volley ball since 7 years and at first I don'tliked this sport. But after watching Haikyuu for the first time (there is 3 years), I understanded why volley is so good :D

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Forum Sport - Volley ball - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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