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modifier supprimer 27795 - de Charlotte 138 , 13 ans (Allemagne) - 2023-11-04
Ski - "Hello"

Hello my Name is Charlotte and I love Skiing but I live in the north of Germany so I can't skiing very often 😪

modifier supprimer 27793 - de Charlotte33 , 13 ans (Allemagne) - 2023-10-18
Ski - "hello"

hello, my Name is Charlotte, I love skiing, but I live in Bremen (Germany) so I can't skiing very often:(

modifier supprimer 27520 - de Marion164 , 20 ans (Belgique) - 2022-01-03
Ski - "SKI"

Hello everybody. I'm a Belgian student and I need to talk with multiple people to increase my English. More like native speakers. I love skiing and just went two weeks ago to France in the mountains. Come talk to me!

27520 -
modifier supprimer 27851 - Réponse de Kate118 , 16 ans (USA) - 2024-08-30

Hi! i'm a native speaker and I love to ski. I also speak french

27520 -
modifier supprimer 27532 - Réponse de Kitty170 (Andorre) - 2022-01-30

Hello :)

modifier supprimer 27207 - de Livia168 , 14 ans (France) - 2021-01-05
Ski - "Hi !"

Salut tout le monde ! Je cherche un correspondant par voie postal ou par e-mail de n'importe quelle nationalité ! J'adore le ski, le sport en général...Viens me parler !

Hi everyone ! I m looking for a correspondant by letters or e-mails ! I love skiing and sport in general..Come talk to me !

Livia, 14 ans

27207 -
modifier supprimer 27300 - Réponse de Lou179 , 12 ans (Nouvelle Calédonie) - 2021-03-13

Salut je m'appelle Lou.Je vie en Nouvelle-Calédonie

modifier supprimer 26864 - de Yumei160 (Australie) - 2020-05-06
Ski - "日本にスキーをするこ"


modifier supprimer 26122 - de teo140 , 11 ans (France) - 2018-10-17
Ski - "LE SKI"

j aime faire du ski moi je ski dans le jura a a Hauteville dans l'Ain (01) en france

26122 -
modifier supprimer 26507 - Réponse de Mona145 , 12 ans (France) - 2019-08-12

Coucou 👋
Bah je vois que je suis pas la seule à aimer ce sport et à le pratiquer dans le Jura 👐🏻🤡😀😀😀🤪😚😋❤️❤️❤️

26122 -
modifier supprimer 26140 - Réponse de Lou26 (France) - 2018-10-27

Hey moi aussi je ski dans le jura ! Tu fais du ski de fond ou de descente

modifier supprimer 25821 - de dylan0 , 14 ans (Canada) - 2018-04-21
Ski - "skiing!"

i started in the terrain park in the season of 2016, and now i can do 30 jumps and shifties off of boxes! i absolutely despise rails. i'm considering in competing in a park jam somewhere in ontario. if any other skiiers would like to discuss with me, i'm here!

25821 -
modifier supprimer 27677 - Réponse de Lorelai253 , 12 ans (USA) - 2022-12-02

Hi, I love skiing. I started when I was 1 1/2 years old. I love jumps and glades. Though I hate rails as well, though boxes are fun. By the end of the season there are dinks and dents in my skis from rocks and much more. I am always here to talk. Just email me.

modifier supprimer 24253 - de Margot90 , 17 ans (France) - 2016-04-22
Ski - "Snowboarding ?"

Hy everyone! I practice snowboarding in the French Alps ! There's someone here who practice it ? My dream is to go to the United States and New Zealand for practice! So if someone share the same passion , send me a message!:)

24253 -
modifier supprimer 27870 - Réponse de Zoe213 (USA) - 2024-12-08

If you ever go skiing in america I'd reccomend ski resorts in colorado or utah! Snowbird, a ski resort in utah has the record of most snow in north america! And Utah also has high level ski resorts such as Alta and more!

If you're going to america it might be nice to pop into Canada and see it's ski/bike resort, Whistler which is said to have good skiing, although I've never been there!

24253 -
modifier supprimer 26921 - Réponse de Lilly231 , 9 ans (USA) - 2020-06-01

I live In America!! do you want to tell me what its like to be in america??

24253 -
modifier supprimer 26605 - Réponse de Lachlan92 , 14 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2019-11-26

Hi, I don't snowboard but I ski. I am from NZ and must say our ski fields are great. I recommend Treble Cone near Wanaka and Queenstown. I also love American ski fields such as Jackson Hole and Copper Mountain

24253 -
modifier supprimer 25143 - Réponse de Seth26 , 13 ans (USA) - 2017-05-16

I don't snowboard, but I do skii. I love going down Black Diamonds. I'm addicted to the adrenaline rush.

modifier supprimer 24129 - de Irina222 , 16 ans (Russie) - 2016-03-21
Ski - "Biathlon"

Hi there! Does anyone here like watching biathlon? :c

24129 -
modifier supprimer 26895 - Réponse de Oona111 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-05-20

I love watching and participating in biathlon races. :)

24129 -
modifier supprimer 26018 - Réponse de Marylène 136 , 14 ans (France) - 2018-08-07

I really love biathlon it's my 2nd favourite sport!

24129 -
modifier supprimer 24770 - Réponse de pierre26 , 13 ans (France) - 2016-11-26

je pratique le biathlon you go in reverso

24129 -
modifier supprimer 24286 - Réponse de Tamara166 (France) - 2016-05-03

Moi je fais du triathlon !💕

24129 -
modifier supprimer 24219 - Réponse de Matthew198 , 10 ans (USA) - 2016-04-13

i hate it

modifier supprimer 24117 - de Berna123 , 12 ans (Turquie) - 2016-03-16
Ski - "Bulgaria purveys the most beautiful skiing"

Are you a Bulgarian?I am actually from Bulgaria and I love there,because it has perfect people and nature.Don't understand wrong,ý do not go there just its good possibilities.Also,ý want to be useful for this country.Bulgaria's climate is splendid,you do not sweat very much or do not fell very cold.My mother says here's skiing centres are better than Switzerland's,like Norway.It astonishs you,but it iþ true.Let's discover the skiing with Bansko,Borovets and Pamporovo!

modifier supprimer 23789 - de Ella166 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2015-12-20
Ski - "Sports"

Well, I really like doing sports, such as badminton, basketball , skiing, gymnastic and dancing. Every time I do sports, I feel relaxed and happy. Sports is part of my life, because it can not only make me fit and healthy, but also feel the happiness as well as the importance of teamwork. However, I not only like sports. I also like reading and watching films. Well, would you like to be my pen pal? I would be very very very pleasant!

23789 -
modifier supprimer 26235 - Réponse de kathy136 , 19 ans (Chine) - 2019-01-03

Hello everyone!my name is zhangjiaomei and my English name is kathy.I also like sports such as skiing running and so on.my alsolove making friends,Unfortunately my English language is very poor I hope to find an honourable way of settling difficulties.

modifier supprimer 23733 - de Oscar41 , 13 ans (France) - 2015-12-09
Ski - "alpes!"

hey! moi je ski dans les alpes! vers chamonix! deja allé skier la bas? ^^

23733 -
modifier supprimer 26545 - Réponse de lucie118 , 14 ans (France) - 2019-10-20

salut ! je fait du ski dans les alpes depuis super longtemps et je vais tout le temps a Puy Saint Vincent super station ! :)

23733 -
modifier supprimer 25528 - Réponse de Gaëlle196 , 15 ans (France) - 2017-11-24

Hey, je ski souvent dans les alpes. Mais de base je ski dans les pyrénées. Tu es déja allé dans les stations de Chamrousse ou Saint sorlin d'arves ?

23733 -
modifier supprimer 23936 - Réponse de Linh119 , 19 ans (USA) - 2016-01-25

Tu es allé faire du ski dans les alpes? Wow, t'es chanceux. Mon père m'avait dit que c'est comme si t'était sur un nuage. Les seules places ou je suis aller faire du ski est au Québec et au Nouveau Mexique.

modifier supprimer 23722 - de Irina222 , 15 ans (Russie) - 2015-12-04
Ski - "Biathlon"

Hi everybode!

I know, this forum is about skiing, but maybe there is someeone who likes biathlon? x) (biathlon isn't really far away from skiing, sooo..)

If there is someone, please, send me a message. ^^

23722 -
modifier supprimer 25521 - Réponse de Marie-Elyse81 , 14 ans (Canada) - 2017-11-21

I just started doing it and its super fun!!!

23722 -
modifier supprimer 24708 - Réponse de jeanne 215 , 13 ans (France) - 2016-10-28

hi i love biathlon and i practice this sports

modifier supprimer 23617 - de Grace153 , 13 ans (USA) - 2015-11-01
Ski - "Skiing"

Hey I'm looking for a French / Spanish penpal and I love skiing :) I'm from england

23617 -
modifier supprimer 25644 - Réponse de Lindsey188 , 12 ans (USA) - 2018-01-17

I'm looking for a penpal who loves skiing! I'm not advanced yet, but I do blue squares. Please look at my ad! I am hoping someone will respond to this. I also love acting. Acting and skiing are my favorite things! I also have an obsession with Stranger Things. Beware.

23617 -
modifier supprimer 23937 - Réponse de Linh119 , 19 ans (USA) - 2016-01-25

Hi, I'm also from the U.S. but I speak French fluently ( I grew up in Quebec). Do you mind Quebec French? My grammar isn't the best though.

23617 -
modifier supprimer 23633 - Réponse de Valeria74 , 8 ans (USA) - 2015-11-07

8I'm from the Usa

23617 -
modifier supprimer 23632 - Réponse de Valeria74 , 9 ans (USA) - 2015-11-07

Hi how are you

modifier supprimer 23580 - de Thomas144 , 15 ans (France) - 2015-10-18
Ski - "pyrénées"

salut qui va souvent skier dans les pyrénées vers luz ardiden barèges...

23580 -
modifier supprimer 26546 - Réponse de lucie118 , 14 ans (France) - 2019-10-20

slt je reve d'aller au pyrénnés, je ski dans les alpes c'est génial. C'est comment dans les pyrénnés

23580 -
modifier supprimer 25529 - Réponse de Gaëlle196 , 15 ans (France) - 2017-11-24

Ho, j'arrive pas à le croire !! Moi aussi je ski là bas ! J'habite dans les hautes pyrénées comme toi surement. Les stations sont petites mais tellement bien :)

modifier supprimer 15802 - de loick42 , 14 ans (France) - 2015-06-20
Ski - "Ski"

Hi everibody , i'm loick , i'm 15 and i want a friend love skiing (like me) ... Send me a message at my e-mail adress :) thanks

15802 -
modifier supprimer 15830 - Réponse de Dan225 , 13 ans (USA) - 2015-07-03

Bonjour, je suis des États-Unis et de l'amour pour skier. Je suis niveau intermédiaire. Je voudrais entendre vos histoires de ski.

modifier supprimer 15465 - de Adriana49 (France) - 2015-03-15
Ski - "♥"

J'adore le ski ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

modifier supprimer 15212 - de Alicia187 , 16 ans (France) - 2014-12-28
Ski - "SKI < 3"

Salut tout le monde! Je m'appelle Alicia, j'ai 16 ans, j'habite en France! J'adore le ski! C'est mon sport préférée, mais je fait aussi du snow! J'habit juste a coté des pistes! Si vous voulez parler avec moi du ski, ou autre contacter moi :))

modifier supprimer 15095 - de Hannah170 , 15 ans (USA) - 2014-11-26
Ski - "I love to ski!!!"

I love to ski and want to meet people from all over the world who also love to ski. Email me if you want to talk or be pen pals. I speak English and a little Spanish.

15095 -
modifier supprimer 26455 - Réponse de zhou 20 , 11 ans (Chine) - 2019-06-17

I like skiing and take a skiing class.I want to meet people from all over the world who also love to ski,too.

15095 -
modifier supprimer 23313 - Réponse de gabriel148 , 16 ans (Togo) - 2015-08-10

hello how are you doing me i want to talk with if you agree answer me as soon you will see this messange

modifier supprimer 14591 - de coco156 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2014-09-02
Ski - "uumm"

i dont like kiiiin

modifier supprimer 14189 - de JP224 , 22 ans (France) - 2014-05-02
Ski - "Ski resort"

Hello everybody, my name is Jean-Patrick,I'm from France, I love ski freeride, freestyle, so i could talk about in any languages.
Candide thovex and Kevin Rolland are my favourite freestyler
So, anyone can help me to improve my english ? =)
Where do you go to ski ?
What is your favourite ski resort among the world ? =)
You can send me a message !

14189 -
modifier supprimer 14207 - Réponse de NONAME128 , 16 ans (Pologne) - 2014-05-05

I don't speak english very well hahah xd

modifier supprimer 14172 - de Gaëlle27 , 15 ans (France) - 2014-04-30
Ski - "il n'y à rien de mieux que de skier (there is nothing better than skiing)"

je passe ma vie à skier, mon réve est de faire les JO,
j'adore le slalom en compétition
je cherche quelqu'un comme moi contacter moi vite
(I spend my life to ski, my dream is to make the Olympics,
I love the slalom competition
I'm looking for someone like me contact me soon)

14172 -
modifier supprimer 23734 - Réponse de Oscar41 , 13 ans (France) - 2015-12-09

Salut! moi aussi je suis un grand amateur de ski en compètition! on parle du ski quand tu veux!;)

14172 -
modifier supprimer 15211 - Réponse de Alicia187 , 16 ans (France) - 2014-12-28

Salut! Je m'appelle Alicia! J'ai 16 ans! Et moi aussi je fait du ski! J'adore le ski! Chaque saison je fait du ski, j'en fait tout le temps! J'habit au pied des pistes de ski! et je suis dans une famille de skieur!
Si tu veux qu'on parle de ski recontact moi ! :))

14172 -
modifier supprimer 14275 - Réponse de Claire129 , 16 ans (France) - 2014-05-29

Bonjour :) Moi aussi je passe tout mon temps à skier ! Je ne vise pas aussi haut mais sans ski je ne suis plus vraiment heureuse, c'est tellement indescriptible ! Bref, voilà si tu veux parler, tu es le bienvenu !

modifier supprimer 14074 - de Emily229 , 15 ans (Espagne) - 2014-04-08
Ski - "skiing is my life"

Hi!Skiing is my life and i don't do bad hahaha I ski every year when I can, usually go to France because the ski slopes are great and also my family lives there. I would like to try snowboarding and go skiing in the United States.

14074 -
modifier supprimer 14174 - Réponse de Emily229 , 15 ans (Espagne) - 2014-04-30

Mine too! On peut parler en français si tu veux! Where do you skiing?

14074 -
modifier supprimer 14171 - Réponse de Gaëlle27 (France) - 2014-04-30

skiing is my life

modifier supprimer 13792 - de Seul-bi158 , 13 ans (Corée) - 2014-01-27
Ski - "I¢¾skiing"

Hello, guys! I've skiied just for three years or more so far, but I love it!!XD It's so cooooooool. Wish I had some friends like me but it's quite hard to find one near me. Anyone?? Looking for someone who'll be a buddy of mine:)
p.s. Actually, I just began this pen-paling today, so I'm finding pals. If you could just e-mail me, or want me to mail you, I'll willingly reply to your will.

13792 -
modifier supprimer 14230 - Réponse de Godfred218 , 14 ans (Ghana) - 2014-05-10

Hello, I'm Godfred and I'm from Ghana. I saw your profile and have become more interested ion building friendship and maybe relationship with you. Hope to have you in contact back.

13792 -
modifier supprimer 14147 - Réponse de Alyssa243 , 11 ans (USA) - 2014-04-25

Hi:) I love skiing too, i've been skiing for about 7 years. It's really fun. Do you have a favorite mountain?

modifier supprimer 13767 - de Sophia192 , 8 ans (USA) - 2014-01-13
Ski - "ski race"

I had a ski race yesterday and I came in second place

13767 -
modifier supprimer 24064 - Réponse de Emily142 (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-02-27

Well done!

modifier supprimer 13756 - de Laurie223 , 17 ans (France) - 2014-01-11
Ski - "I love to ski!!!"

Hi! I ski every year since I was little with my friends, and that's so cool!

modifier supprimer 13695 - de Gunhyo227 (Corée) - 2013-12-28
Ski - "Nice to meet you."

I like skiing and snowboarding. I wnat to make friends who like snowboarding and skiing.

modifier supprimer 13662 - de Baker 187 , 14 ans (USA) - 2013-12-18
Ski - "Hello i adore skiing"

Skiing is my favorite sport and would like a penpal that also skis

13662 -
modifier supprimer 14879 - Réponse de BENJAMIN68 , 14 ans (France) - 2014-10-08

I like skiing. I live in the French Alps. I would like to be your penpal.Where do you live?

13662 -
modifier supprimer 14866 - Réponse de Amelia231 , 15 ans (Chine) - 2014-10-06

I like skiing ,too.But I can not ski very well!Are you a professional?Maybe we can become good friends^_^

13662 -
modifier supprimer 14276 - Réponse de Claire129 , 16 ans (France) - 2014-05-29

I love so much the ski, it's so magic ! :)

13662 -
modifier supprimer 13752 - Réponse de adam105 , 11 ans (USA) - 2014-01-08

I have a race on Sunday

modifier supprimer 13588 - de Margaux209 , 13 ans (France) - 2013-12-02
Ski - "Hi"

Hi I love skiing and I would like to have friends who love skiing !!

13588 -
modifier supprimer 13630 - Réponse de Hannah171 (Grande Bretagne) - 2013-12-11

Hola, Hello, Bonjour,

I love skiing an i9 can speak basic french and spanish but would love to learn more!!!!!
My main sport is swimming!

13588 -
modifier supprimer 13623 - Réponse de Baker187 , 14 ans (USA) - 2013-12-10

Hey i also love skiing and am a ski racer.

modifier supprimer 13567 - de Lucca129 , 12 ans (France) - 2013-11-24
Ski - "I love skiing"

Hello my name is Lucca and I love skiing.
I would like to have new friends and to ski with them.

modifier supprimer 10775 - de MIlo 193 (USA) - 2013-11-01

I Love Skiing

modifier supprimer 10716 - de Auriane205 , 14 ans (France) - 2013-10-22
Ski - "Snow !"

I love skiing and snowboarding ! Snowboarding is my favorite sport ! It's so cool :)

modifier supprimer 10564 - de Noah196 (Suède) - 2013-09-19
Ski - "do anyone know ho Henrik harlaut is?"

Hi! i LOVE freestyle skiing and im from sweden.
do anyone know ho Henrik harlaut is? Hi is my freestyleskiing idol and live in Åre
pleas send me a mail
PS my englich is not so good. xD

10564 -
modifier supprimer 14277 - Réponse de Claire129 , 16 ans (France) - 2014-05-29

Hi :) I'm French and I love the ski more than all ! You can speak with me if you want !

modifier supprimer 10532 - de Eva212 , 16 ans (France) - 2013-09-15
Ski - "Skiing in competition"

I love skiing i do it, every week ends. i'm trainning for the competition ! it's just amazing. I go everywhere in france. If you want to talk of ski leave me a message ( i speak french an english)

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Forum Sport - Ski - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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