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modifier supprimer 27803 - de Calie150 , 10 ans (France) - 2024-01-01
Karaté - "Viet Vo Dao"

Je ne fais pas de karaté mais du Viet Vo Dao ça ressemble au karaté mais c'est moins violent. Est-ce que quelqu'un en fait ?

A bientôt.

27803 -
modifier supprimer 27840 - Réponse de Isa119 , 14 ans (France) - 2024-07-20

Cc perso je fait du karaté je suis ceinture marron mais dcp sa m interresse le sport que tu fait pourais tu m en dire plus stp ???

modifier supprimer 27434 - de ismeal210 , 4 ans (USA) - 2021-10-21
Karaté - "karete"

i lve chewing on wood and chopping wood with my hnd

27434 -
modifier supprimer 27453 - Réponse de yourmom:)210 , 12 ans (USA) - 2021-10-28

Lmao why do you like chewing on wood? is that even healthy LOLL

modifier supprimer 27304 - de Justine83 , 18 ans (France) - 2021-03-16
Karaté - "Kyokushinkai"

Salut !
Moi je ne fais pas réellement du karaté, je fais du kyokushinkai et c'est asolument génial ! Je n'ai jamais essayé le karaté.

27304 -
modifier supprimer 27357 - Réponse de Nina205 , 16 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-06-26

Genial. J'adore toute les artes martiales mais je ne sais pas beaucoup de kyoshinkai.

modifier supprimer 27205 - de Sanujana157 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-01-04
Karaté - "Karate"

I started to play Karate when i was six. I was so little. Now i am a black belt player. If you want to talk about Karate send me a message to my mail box or reply to this message. Hurry up Karate players!

27205 -
modifier supprimer 27488 - Réponse de Azaria204 , 9 ans (Jamaïque) - 2021-11-18

I do tekwondo too But I'm green belt

27205 -
modifier supprimer 27420 - Réponse de Seminda231 , 15 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-10-07

So great to know.
I am from Kandy, St.Anthony's College.

In which school are you?

27205 -
modifier supprimer 27250 - Réponse de Diana243 (USA) - 2021-01-29

I don't do karate, but I am a black belt in taekwondo.

modifier supprimer 27168 - de Eliza61 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-12-05
Karaté - "Random"

I'm a brown belt with 2 black stripes in Uechi Ryu karate.

27168 -
modifier supprimer 27421 - Réponse de Seminda94 , 15 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-10-07

Thats good..
I am 1st Dan in ShotoKhan.

27168 -
modifier supprimer 27184 - Réponse de Loujain98 , 10 ans (Emirats Arabes Unis) - 2020-12-22

Oh so your playing karate 🥋

modifier supprimer 27159 - de Alex (girl)164 , 14 ans (USA) - 2020-11-24
Karaté - "Karate"

I am currently a white belt in karate with two yellow stripes! If anyone wants to be my penpal so we can talk about karate or something else please message me!

27159 -
modifier supprimer 27348 - Réponse de Mia83 , 6 ans (Chine) - 2021-05-22

I wanted to do karate, but my mom and dad always keep warning me that karate is a dangerous sport! So, I saw a place where I wanted to do it, but my parents won't let me!

modifier supprimer 27041 - de Sanujana157 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2020-09-01
Karaté - "I love Karate"

Hi guys. I am Sanujana and i like Karate a lot. And I am a Karate Black Belt player. Contact me.

27041 -
modifier supprimer 27319 - Réponse de Navodya157 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-04-01

I'm Navodya.I love karate so much.
My father is yoga and karate master.

27041 -
modifier supprimer 27118 - Réponse de Diana243 (USA) - 2020-10-26

I am a black belt in taekwondo, I know it's not exactly the same, but I can relate!

modifier supprimer 27000 - de Lev26 , 16 ans (Israël) - 2020-07-20
Karaté - "who else loves karate?"

I have been practicing karate for 10 years now (shotokan specifically) I am training and studying for my 1st degree black belt. in the future I would like to train in taekwondo. If anyone wants to talk about martial arts generally I would love to.

27000 -
modifier supprimer 27190 - Réponse de Penelope 193 , 10 ans (USA) - 2020-12-26

what i go too is jujitsu but its still martial arts ..So yea

modifier supprimer 26989 - de Berry226 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-07-10
Karaté - "(not karate, but taekwondo, still martial arts)"

I do (did) Taekwondo and some jujitsu!
I have a black belt 1st degree, but i'm actually taking a break from martial arts at the moment.
What belts are you guys on?

26989 -
modifier supprimer 27119 - Réponse de Diana243 (USA) - 2020-10-26

I am a black belt :)

modifier supprimer 26724 - de Alex224 , 13 ans (USA) - 2020-02-22
Karaté - "Not really katate, but martial arts"

I go to a martial arts school that has a curriculum consisting of mostly Taekwondo, but also includes a mix of Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, and Kung Fu. I'm mock-testing for my red belt next week which is the 6th belt. Wish me luck!

26724 -
modifier supprimer 26988 - Réponse de Berry226 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-07-10

Same here!I also do(did) Taekwondo and some jujitsu
Well, it's been a while since you commented, so i'm assuming you already go your belt, otherwise I would've said good luck!
I have a black-belt 1st degree, but i'm actually taking a break from martial arts at the moment.

26724 -
modifier supprimer 26892 - Réponse de Duarte230 , 16 ans (Portugal) - 2020-05-19

Yeah, same here.
I've been practising Taekwondo for 10 years now. If you wanna talk about it, I'd love to.

modifier supprimer 26564 - de Christos66 (Grèce) - 2019-10-31
Karaté - "KARTE=means ''with empty hands''"

I practised karate .I have a yellow belt.I am not a master .It's OK

26564 -
modifier supprimer 26738 - Réponse de Christos66 (Grèce) - 2020-03-16

I practised (Shotokan Karate )I have an orange belt now.It's OK !

modifier supprimer 26420 - de Indira0 , 18 ans (Indonésie) - 2019-06-02
Karaté - "Hello"

Hi guys i like karate... I've been practicing 3 years and a ***** belt (shitoryukai)... I've been joined aspac competition too and got 3rd place

26420 -
modifier supprimer 26525 - Réponse de Charlotte112 , 16 ans (France) - 2019-09-13

Wow ! That's amazing ! I don't do karate but I've been practising judo for now 10 years and I'd love learning this sport !

modifier supprimer 26350 - de hakiza117 , 18 ans (Burundi) - 2019-03-19
Karaté - "sport"

Hi everyone i like so karate please if there is some master here just revel us some laws about black belt

modifier supprimer 26193 - de Artemisia35 , 13 ans (Inde) - 2018-12-02
Karaté - "Karate"

I have been doing karate(shotokan) for a while now.I have a purple belt.Contact me if anyone wanna chat about it.

modifier supprimer 26120 - de Lauren234 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2018-10-16
Karaté - "I am a blue belt"

Who thinks karate stinks if u do back off

modifier supprimer 25939 - de Angelica45 , 19 ans (Italie) - 2018-06-30
Karaté - "Silat"

Hi, guys!
I've practiced karate for 5 years and now I'm practicing silat

if someone of you know this martial art, contact me please!

see you, Ang

modifier supprimer 25903 - de Elle78 , 10 ans (Irlande) - 2018-06-10
Karaté - "Karate"

i love karate im nearly a brown belt

modifier supprimer 25900 - de Beth147 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-06-10
Karaté - "I did my grading today!"

I got my yellow belt, which is the fifth belt! If you like karate, reply to this message.

25900 -
modifier supprimer 25938 - Réponse de Angelica200 , 19 ans (Italie) - 2018-06-30

I practiced it for 5 years and I'm happy for you 😉

25900 -
modifier supprimer 25937 - Réponse de Saskia137 (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-06-29

I just became orange belt!

25900 -
modifier supprimer 25906 - Réponse de Beth147 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-06-11

I started two years ago.

25900 -
modifier supprimer 25902 - Réponse de Elle78 (Irlande) - 2018-06-10

Hi.I love karate i will be getting my brown belt soon which will be my 10th

modifier supprimer 25857 - de Christine130 , 13 ans (Grèce) - 2018-05-11
Karaté - "Salut !!!!😘😘😘"

Salut ! Je m'appelle Christine .... J'ai 13 ans et j'adore le karate !! ❣️💕❣️Je cherche une correspondante francophone parce que je voudrais ameliorer le français . A bientot Christine !! 💘🖤💘🖤❣️🌹🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹💘❣️❣️

25857 -
modifier supprimer 25905 - Réponse de Anouck93 , 14 ans (France) - 2018-06-10

Hi ! I'm a french girl! If you want I can speak french or english with you ! See you soon ! ☺

modifier supprimer 25752 - de jasmine199 , 12 ans (Australie) - 2018-03-08
Karaté - "Karate Rules"

Hello people, I am Jasmine and I do karate. It is by far the best sport in the world in my opinion. I do it for GKR (go kan ryu) wich is intinational in the Uk, NZ and Australia, my country. If anyone would like to be my friend please contact my penpal account.

25752 -
modifier supprimer 25952 - Réponse de Beth155 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-07-04


25752 -
modifier supprimer 25910 - Réponse de Jasmine 195 , 12 ans (Australie) - 2018-06-13

Cool do you enjoy it a lot?

25752 -
modifier supprimer 25907 - Réponse de Beth147 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-06-11

I am a member of the karate club TISKA: Traditional International Shotakan Karate Assosiation.

modifier supprimer 25539 - de Ethan135 (USA) - 2017-11-27
Karaté - "Looking for taekwondo friend!"

Hi! I've been doing Taekwondo for about 8 years now and I love it! If you love Taekwondo, contact me!

25539 -
modifier supprimer 27496 - Réponse de Azaria204 , 9 ans (Jamaïque) - 2021-11-29

yo I do it toooo
Still a green belt tho

25539 -
modifier supprimer 26725 - Réponse de Alex224 , 13 ans (USA) - 2020-02-22

I do Taekwondo as well! Been doing it for almost two years now.

25539 -
modifier supprimer 25689 - Réponse de Grace51 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-02-05

Hey, i do taekwondo too.

modifier supprimer 25505 - de suki194 , 17 ans (Suisse) - 2017-11-12
Karaté - "letter mette"

my name suki
i'17 years old.
my favoire foodballo and basketball, hocky.
this is big famille.
this d't on not animanx campingni.
i live nyon.
i come frome Swiss
i speak french.
i learn englaish.

nice to meet you to

25505 -
modifier supprimer 25538 - Réponse de Kaili26 , 16 ans (USA) - 2017-11-26

Hi, I would really like to learn about your country and possibly be pen pals in the future.

modifier supprimer 25156 - de Jasmine194 , 11 ans (Australie) - 2017-05-22
Karaté - "I'm looking for a karate friend"

Hi I have been doing karate for almost 2 years. I really enjoy it and I am going to my karate world tornament in queensland this August. Kumitee and kata are my favourite things. I have a green belt. Belt order goes like this:
White, yellow tip, yellow, orange tip, orange, green, blue, red, brown, black and more black. If you enjoy karate as much as I do and you are around 11 be friends with me!

25156 -
modifier supprimer 26262 - Réponse de Maia31 , 12 ans (USA) - 2019-01-24

Hi I'm maia and I love karate, but has not gotten the chance to do it, I also want to learn ninjitsu.

25156 -
modifier supprimer 25854 - Réponse de Ziemo127 , 17 ans (Pays-Bas) - 2018-05-08

Hey there,I practise Tang Soo Do. It's a Korean martial art. But before I go on and explain what it is...You mean you go to the WK in Londen right? Because I am going to. :D My belt is also green, but then with a white stripe. (6th kup) I think it would be great if we get to know each other better, and maybe we would even see each other there in London.

25156 -
modifier supprimer 25811 - Réponse de Sonya64 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2018-04-13

Hey Jasmine!!! I also enjoy doing tae- kwon- do (which is like karate, but korean)! Reply ASAP!

25156 -
modifier supprimer 25300 - Réponse de Lily212 , 13 ans (Alaska (USA)) - 2017-08-12

If you want to be my friends, reply me. if not ,still hope u have a nice day
. And I am a girl who is 13.

modifier supprimer 25115 - de Irene94 , 16 ans (Indonésie) - 2017-05-01
Karaté - "Karate chat"

Hi! I just started doing Karate (kyokushin) 3 months ago, and i really like it! If anyone wants to talk about it, let's chat!

25115 -
modifier supprimer 25155 - Réponse de Jasmine194 , 11 ans (Australie) - 2017-05-22

Hi I have been doing karate for almost 2 years. I really enjoy it and I am going to my karate world tornament in queensland this August. Kumitee and kata are my favourite things. I have a green belt. Belt order goes like this:
White, yellow tip, yellow, orange tip, orange, green, blue, red, brown, black and more black. If you enjoy karate as much as I do and you are around 11 be friends with me!

modifier supprimer 25011 - de Marina6 , 11 ans (Grèce) - 2017-03-18
Karaté - "Karate"

I did karate but now I am doing taekwodo. I like both of them. I have half black belt at taekwodo.

modifier supprimer 24932 - de Ian240 , 12 ans (Russie) - 2017-02-01
Karaté - "CONTACT ME !!"


24932 -
modifier supprimer 25904 - Réponse de Elle78 (Irlande) - 2018-06-10


24932 -
modifier supprimer 25477 - Réponse de italo43 , 15 ans (Brésil) - 2017-10-27

kole ze suav? to na onda

24932 -
modifier supprimer 24939 - Réponse de alex136 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2017-02-05

i what make a pen friends ^ε^

modifier supprimer 24928 - de Ian240 , 12 ans (Russie) - 2017-01-31
Karaté - "I like karate!"

I have been taking karate for 1 year.I realy like karate.I have a dream to get my first belt.

24928 -
modifier supprimer 26280 - Réponse de Océane219 , 14 ans (France) - 2019-01-31

Hi ! I practice me too a karate I have yellow belt I had beginned last september. In my club we don't up the belt but I know other kata for green belt orange belt blue belt brown blet. You have a test for white belt ?

24928 -
modifier supprimer 25004 - Réponse de Prem56 , 14 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2017-03-13

Don't worry man, it's easy to get your white belt. For me it got harder after green belt but it is quiet easy to go forward in karate. Goodluck man. And contact me if you want. 😊

modifier supprimer 24856 - de Rae106 , 16 ans (Philippines) - 2016-12-29
Karaté - "Annyeong"

I really like playin ' karate

24856 -
modifier supprimer 25520 - Réponse de steve252 (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-11-20

Hi Annyeong, Congrats on taking up Karate as your hobby. Hopefully, after a few years of training you come to realise their is much more to Karate than a sport to play... I personally studied Karate originally as a fighting sport but soon learned that the spiritual and physical benefits are more meaningful to your life. If studied correctly (hard serious study) Karate will make you a better person. That is the aim of traditional Karate from most styles. I am a Wado-Ryu student 3rd Dan training under the late Hanshi Tatsuo Suzuki in London and Japan.

24856 -
modifier supprimer 25005 - Réponse de Prem56 (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2017-03-13

What belt are you?

modifier supprimer 24792 - de jenny69 , 13 ans (France) - 2016-12-03
Karaté - "Hi everyone"

Hi , I'm jenny , I'm 12 years old and I live in France !! I pracrice taekwondo and karate since I was 8 years old and I am a black belt at TKD . I like martial art !! If you like martial art too , CONTACT ME !!!😘

24792 -
modifier supprimer 25086 - Réponse de Jasmine199 , 11 ans (Australie) - 2017-04-21

Hi every body, I'm Jasmine. I live in NSW in Australia and started Karate 2 years ago. I have my orange belt at GKR (go kan ryu)karate.

24792 -
modifier supprimer 24927 - Réponse de Ian240 , 12 ans (Russie) - 2017-01-31

Hello!I want to be your penpal.I am 12 years old

24792 -
modifier supprimer 24842 - Réponse de Mia98 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-12-19

Hi I was wondering if you want to be pen pals I'm 10years old and am a yellow with 1 orange tag in karate I'm looking coward to seeing the karate at the 2020 games on TV and my sensI is going to coach GB I speak English and a wee bit of french

modifier supprimer 24787 - de Annabel 191 (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-11-30
Karaté - "Karate"

Hi guys I've been doing karate for 3 years now and have achieved my brown belt. I think karate teach's you so many things. The class I go to is one big family! Best thing I've ever signed up for.

modifier supprimer 24663 - de Davide9 , 15 ans (Italie) - 2016-10-11
Karaté - "Karate"

Hi everyone,
I practise Karate since 2011 and I'm brown belt. I think it's the best sport because it teaches you respect and discipline.

24663 -
modifier supprimer 24725 - Réponse de Nika192 , 16 ans (Slovénie) - 2016-11-04

How? I literally did 8 years of karate and only have a brown belt now. three black stripes but still, wow. It's impressive that you already have a brown belt!

modifier supprimer 24124 - de Eileen241 , 11 ans (Australie) - 2016-03-19
Karaté - "I'm top of the class"

Hi everyone!
I do Taekwondo at Red Dragon Taekwondo and I'm a black belt.
I know all the forms, blocks and kicks!

24124 -
modifier supprimer 24633 - Réponse de maud249 (France) - 2016-09-23

hi it's very impressive !
how have you done to have a black belt(im 14 and im just orange belt!)

24124 -
modifier supprimer 24410 - Réponse de MAATE73 , 23 ans (Ouganda) - 2016-06-16

for me am just learning, the sport is just being introduced in my country as a competitive game. we just used to have it for personal fitness

24124 -
modifier supprimer 24369 - Réponse de Jackie229 , 14 ans (USA) - 2016-06-04

That's so cool. I'm interested in tae-kwon do as well, but i've only ever made it to blue belt and that was a while ago. I have to pick it up again. Wish you the best of luck to get your second degree black belt :)

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