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modifier supprimer 38082 - de stephane195 , 47 ans (France) - 2020-08-09
Archéologue - "archeology"

je me passionne depuis tres longtemps pour l archeologie
pendant mon enfance j ai effectué quelque chantier de fouilles mais en france
j aimerai beaucoup un jour allé voir et apprendre tous sur l histoire ,les coutumes ,les civilations que sa soit a cuzco,nazca,et ses lignes mysteres ;a macchu picchu;ensuite chinchen itza ,puis americ central et tous sur pompéi
j aime toujours apprendre tous,sur ces civilisations si merveilleuse
si vous allez la bas pouvez vous svp m envoyer cartes postales,magnets,documents en francais et petits souvenirs
je vous dit d avance un grand merci
car pour moi apprendre et tres important
a bientot

38082 -
modifier supprimer 38145 - Réponse de koumed102 , 60 ans (Algérie) - 2020-09-03

A votre service pour des sites d'archéologie en Algerie

modifier supprimer 37444 - de Gwendolyn 42108 (France) - 2020-03-17
Archéologue - "Quelles études pour faire ce métier"

L'archéologie est un métier qui me plait beaucoup mais les études me semblent longues et difficiles. Quelqu'un peut-il me renseigner ?

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modifier supprimer 37484 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-03-19

Oui, sans doute de longues études : il faut connaître histoire, la géographie, la géologie, les techniques de restauration, la valeur des objets d'art...

modifier supprimer 36664 - de Valeria236 , 20 ans (Pérou) - 2019-06-04
Archéologue - "I love culture of incas"

Hi all! I am from Peru, I am studying the fourth year of the university and study Archeology, I would like to meet people who like about these topics

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modifier supprimer 36671 - Réponse de angie248 , 20 ans (Autriche) - 2019-06-06

hello. I`m international student from Ukraine. Now, I`m studying for Bachelor of History in University of Strathclyde, in United Kingdom. I really love my study place. Here we have international team and high-quality education. Also, University of Strathclyde placed in perspective and economically developed country. You can find University of Strathclyde on Free-Apply. Cool web for students. What about your study place??

modifier supprimer 33291 - de Maya59 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-12-13
Archéologue - "Archeology"

Hi! I love archeology, especially about the egyptians(Egyptology) and I am also fascinated by the dinosaurs. If you have similar interests please email me or send me a message through pen pal! (Email: silvermoonrose9@gmail.com REF number: 1247819)

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modifier supprimer 35786 - Réponse de Stephane190 , 48 ans (Belgique) - 2018-07-17

Hello , je travaille en paléontologie , ( Dinosaurs restauration + digger )je suis de Belgique , vous pouvez mecontacter . je travaille aussi en archeologie . je parle Français , mais possible de parler Anglais avec le translator internet

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modifier supprimer 35706 - Réponse de Dewmini135 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2018-06-01

HI!! i heard that you like or is interested about these archeological staff.
So could you be my pen friend. Im waiting for your reply..BYE!! BYE!!

modifier supprimer 32132 - de Kaitlyn142 , 13 ans (USA) - 2016-05-10
Archéologue - "HISTORY!!"

I am so gonna be an Egyptologist!!! I want to be like Zahi Hawass, and I'll definitely study the royals!!Message me if you share my interests! Please only message me if you're my age though!

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modifier supprimer 35710 - Réponse de Dewmini135 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2018-06-02

im 13 years. good luck with your future job. But in Sri Lanka the histroy is more interesting than other countries as i have experienced . Never forget to visit this ancient sri lanka BYE!! BYE!!

modifier supprimer 30575 - de Mélanie92 , 21 ans (France) - 2015-08-18
Archéologue - "Hi everyone"

Hi everyone ! I'm Mélanie I'm new here !
I'm a student in art and archeology and I want to be an archeologist drawer :) I love to draw and I go on digs while summer holidays and draw the objects I find ! :)
Is anyone here who love archeology drawing ?

30575 -
modifier supprimer 36601 - Réponse de angie248 , 20 ans (Danemark) - 2019-05-07

Hello. I am studying for Bachelor of Archeology in Bishop Grosseteste University. I really love it. In our university we have cool programs and courses. Aslo, we have cool teachers. Where do you study? Share with me your experiance! If you want to know more about my university, search it on Free-Aplly. Here are a lot of interesting facts about my university and so on.

30575 -
modifier supprimer 36509 - Réponse de Nico78 (USA) - 2019-03-16

I'm studying archaeology and am terrible at drawing, but I'm trying to change that. Actuate depictions are so important, plus my professor always sounds so disappointed when he is showing drawings people have made of stratigraphy or artifacts that aren't very good. I don't want to disappoint archaeology professors, so I'm trying to learn to draw! haha


30575 -
modifier supprimer 33288 - Réponse de Maya59 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-12-13

That's awesome! When I go to college I hope to become an archeologist and I love to draw :) What kind of digs do you go on? Is it for egyptology or a different one?

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modifier supprimer 33130 - Réponse de benoit148 , 25 ans (Togo) - 2016-11-18

salut je suis benoit ,un jeune étudient et j'aimerais correspondre avec vous

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modifier supprimer 31463 - Réponse de Mélanie220 , 21 ans (France) - 2016-01-27

Hi Kate ! Do you want to talk about it by e-mail first ? :) here it's mine itsnoething@gmail.com

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modifier supprimer 31383 - Réponse de brahim109 (Algérie) - 2016-01-11

hi and happy new year iam brahim
science and law professor , it is a pleasure to meet you

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modifier supprimer 30917 - Réponse de Kate 55 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-10-17

Hi Melanie!!
Thats sounds so cool!! I want to be an archaeologist and anthropologist when I get to college here in Oregon and your job sounds like so much fun!! I have always loved to travel and learn the history and cultures of the people there!

Hope to here from you soon
Kate Patrick:)

modifier supprimer 28897 - de LUCIA150 , 11 ans (Espagne) - 2015-07-12
Archéologue - "PALEONTOLOGY"

Hellow, i am young but i love the bones of dinosaurus. I would like to have the moust famous museum in the world, like the film jurasic world. Bye, bye ...

28897 -
modifier supprimer 35399 - Réponse de Ria56 , 14 ans (USA) - 2018-02-13

I love paleontology too! I have a bunch of fossils that I found near my house! I have a bunch of tools to help with it.

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modifier supprimer 33224 - Réponse de davie193 , 12 ans (Alaska (USA)) - 2016-12-04

hey i share the same intrests about palentology and arceology please contact me if you want to talk more -davie

modifier supprimer 28698 - de Hannah10 , 20 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2015-05-26
Archéologue - "hi"

hi, i'm new. i study archaeology and go on digs over the summer. it's really cool. if anyone wants to chat just sent a message :)

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modifier supprimer 30574 - Réponse de mélanie92 , 21 ans (France) - 2015-08-18

Hi !
I'm Mélanie I started studying archeology this year and I went on digs this summer it was really cool ! what's your favorite period ? I love antiquities.

modifier supprimer 28690 - de ludine 172 , 11 ans (France) - 2015-05-24
Archéologue - "salut"

Bonjour à tous,
Je suis passionné par l'archéologie plus particulièrement de la Grèce antique et de sa mythologie et idem pour la Rome antique.
J'aimerai beaucoup voyager et aller dans des temples grecs, des temples maya aux États-Unis...

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modifier supprimer 40656 - Réponse de Calypso 179 , 13 ans (Nouvelle Calédonie) - 2023-11-02

Bonjour je passionné de mythologie qui provient du monde et j'adore voyager comme au Japon.

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modifier supprimer 40655 - Réponse de Calypso 179 , 13 ans (Nouvelle Calédonie) - 2023-11-02

Moi j'aime la mythologie, j'adore ça.

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modifier supprimer 32036 - Réponse de thibault19 , 16 ans (France) - 2016-04-24

tu a raison de vouloir voyager moi j'ai cette chance et c'est vraiment super

modifier supprimer 28377 - de Jack1 , 14 ans (USA) - 2015-03-29
Archéologue - "Antropologica Linguistica"

Hola! Quiero ser un antropólogo lingüístico. Mucha me interesa los lenguas muertas y cómo relacionan con cultura. Hay nadie otra quien también quieres esta?

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modifier supprimer 28456 - Réponse de ulises56 , 16 ans (USA) - 2015-04-10

Hola tambien me gustaria ser un anthropologo para encontrar los secretos de civilizationes biejas!! Mandame un mensaje para hablar mas!!

modifier supprimer 27787 - de Leslie51 , 15 ans (Emirats Arabes Unis) - 2015-01-10
Archéologue - "Archaeology"

Hi, I want to be an archaeologist when I'm older too! I want to go to Egypt and Israel to discover ancient sites. :)

modifier supprimer 27764 - de Emilie85 , 23 ans (France) - 2015-01-05
Archéologue - "Archeologist"

Bonjour, My name is Emilie, I want to be an Archaeologist, it's really a passion to me, so I'll be very interested if some passionate answers to me :)


27764 -
modifier supprimer 28457 - Réponse de ulises56 , 16 ans (USA) - 2015-04-10

Why hello!! I would love to be an archeoligist in the field digging into mountains and going under water to find the ancient ruins that hold many unknown secrets!!! Message me to talk more! Question... are you studying to be one! ?

modifier supprimer 27742 - de Ron 212 , 67 ans (USA) - 2015-01-03
Archéologue - "Hi"

I know how it is. I was a Nuclear Physicist but my passion was and still is Archaeology as well as Geology. I have been living in Managua about 6 months. The National Museum is a disaster. Be nice to recover all the stolen artifacts. Of not they have the migration patterns wrong on the Bison. Said it came from South America. No, it originated in Asia and migrated to North America. And simply was not suitable for Central and South America as it required cold weather and grasses for food. Actually Bison was an off shoot of the Masadon and Wooly Mammoth that died off at the end of the Ice Age by 8000 BCE. Bison reguired large open fields as millions of them would travel.

A little note. Dont fully trust History as it comes from the US or Europe. It is very distorted and steals credit from other civilizations. Want aa real puzzler the Wal of the Stone of 11 sides in Cuzsco Peru. Those rocks fit very tightly and the bigger thing missed is they all depict birds, reptiles and animals in the design. I cannot comprehend how it could be done short of computer design. I want to go to Tikal someday. I have been to Chizen Itza in the Yucatan of Mexico. Used to vacation often on the Island of Cozumel.

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modifier supprimer 33289 - Réponse de Maya59 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-12-13

That is awesome! Loved reading about the Bison :)

modifier supprimer 27457 - de Deepa236 , 18 ans (Inde) - 2014-11-28
Archéologue - "archeology"

Hello everyone ! I love history and I was about to take archeology as my study after my high school but my parents insisted me to take computer science..so am doing bachelor's degree in computer science.,but still I have a passion and love to do archeology.i don't know what to do now.please suggest me something,say some good idea..to get my dream come true.i want to be an archeologist..help me friends.

27457 -
modifier supprimer 33290 - Réponse de Maya59 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-12-13

I think you should do archeology. If it is what you really want to do, then your parents should be happy for you. I like computer type stuff such as programming, and I have animated before but I think archeology would be even cooler. Don't let your parents decide what you do, follow your own dream :)

27457 -
modifier supprimer 32436 - Réponse de С•×234 , 18 ans (Chine) - 2016-07-17

HELLO!I am a freshman from China.Although i am younger than you.Sorry,my English level is low,but I would try my best to make sense.I have a same question that you are facing.One years ago ,it's a very tough time to make the choice.I am interested in some society subjects,but my family think that I should to study architecture.At that time ,I think i can earn my lify by this job,and do what i want to do in my off time .So I choose the major what they want.Unfortunately,I am always surrended with some classes and activities I disliked.
I am unhappy at all time .I think why I could not choose a work what I like as my life work.
This is my life,not other people including my families.So i try my best to learn English.In the other hand ,I have read some essays of Emerson.I suppose you can read the < self-reliance>.It will be good for you.

modifier supprimer 27028 - de Bridget113 , 17 ans (USA) - 2014-09-11
Archéologue - "I love archy!"

Hi everyone! I love archaeology and can't wait to study it next year in college. I also work at museums around my area and love taking classes about ancient civilizations and mythology. If you love archaeology you should message me so we can geek out together! Also if you're a real archaeologist I would love to know what you do and get your perspective on it!

27028 -
modifier supprimer 28458 - Réponse de ulises56 , 16 ans (USA) - 2015-04-10

Like Eimear I love European history and the ancient mythology that surrounds their cultures and religions!!! I hope to also study it soon after my highschool years are over!!!
And I would like to geek out with some one who likes history too!! Message please! !

27028 -
modifier supprimer 27137 - Réponse de Eimear18 , 17 ans (Irlande) - 2014-09-29

I love archaeology. I love learning about the stone ages and in Ireland its pretty interesting. I also am interested in Egyptology and ancient Rome. I love history too. Next year I hope to go to university and study archaeology and history :)

modifier supprimer 26972 - de minyoung249 , 16 ans (Corée) - 2014-08-30
Archéologue - "i want to learn about Archeologist"

Hello~ I want to learn about Archeologist :)
because I love history and finding ruins
Is anyone think same with me send E-mail to me!

modifier supprimer 26382 - de Charlotte88 , 22 ans (France) - 2014-05-20
Archéologue - "Archeology power"

Hi, i'm a french girl who studies archeology !! :)

26382 -
modifier supprimer 31384 - Réponse de brahim109 (Algérie) - 2016-01-11

bonne annee je suis prof de droit et un expert en document je suis interessé par larcheologie et surtou la datation on pourra sechangé nos idees si vous voulez au plaisir de vous lire

26382 -
modifier supprimer 30730 - Réponse de Maryam134 , 18 ans (Belgique) - 2015-09-10

Salut ^^ je vais bientot commencé mes etude en archéologie ^-^je ne connais personne qui fais sa alors j'aimerais me faire des amie pour pouvoir en parler :) si sa t'interesse repond moi :D

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modifier supprimer 26782 - Réponse de virginia voutsina242 , 11 ans (Grèce) - 2014-07-30

Hello,Anna! I'm Virginia and I live in Greece!Iwant to be archeologist, because I my favourite lesson at school is history!I want to know more things about you!
Goodbay, Virginia!

26382 -
modifier supprimer 26753 - Réponse de Anna176 , 14 ans (USA) - 2014-07-26

Hey! That is really cool! hope to talk to you soon!

modifier supprimer 26120 - de Shinae93 , 13 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2014-04-11
Archéologue - "Arecheologist"

hi I love Egypt I would like to be a Archeologist and learn everything about Egypt. If u do to lets chat


26120 -
modifier supprimer 26493 - Réponse de James16 , 9 ans (Irlande) - 2014-06-08

Hi I love Egypt to who's your favariote Pharos myne is rams is the first and ramsis the great

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modifier supprimer 26305 - Réponse de maelwenn135 , 14 ans (France) - 2014-05-05

Hey !! I love Egypte too !!! j'aimerais devenir archéologue lus tard
c'est une civilisation vraiment extraordinaire :D

26120 -
modifier supprimer 26145 - Réponse de Anna162 , 13 ans (USA) - 2014-04-16

Hi! I would love to go to Egypt to! ive always wanted to see the great pyramids and discover something grand! Please respond and we can talk about a lot more! I would love to hear about New Zeland!:)

modifier supprimer 26048 - de Giorgio237 , 18 ans (Italie) - 2014-03-27
Archéologue - "Hello!"

Hi guys! I love archeology as well as I love traveling.. I even love everything that's ancient. I'd love to skype with some of you! If you'd like it too add me: "gioiyivoghli"..!

modifier supprimer 22493 - de Samy73 , 16 ans (Suisse) - 2013-11-10
Archéologue - "Do you want to talk about archeology?"

Salut, j'adore vraiment l'archéologie et l'histoire. Plus tard, j'aimerai étudier l'archéologie sous-marine. Mais pour le moment j'apprends le latin, le grec ancien et je lie chaque livre d'histoire qui me tombe sous la main. Si quelqu'un aimerait discuter là-dessus, qu'il n'hésite pas à me contacter. On peut aussi parler de bien d'autres choses.

Hi. I really love archaeology and history. Later I would like to study underwater archaeology. Now I'm studying Latin and ancient greek and I read every history book I see. If someone want to talk about it, contact I me. We can also speak about a lot of things.

Hallo! Ich liebe Archeologie und Geschichte. Später möchte ich Unterwasserarchäologie studieren. Aber zur Zeit lerne ich Latein und altes Griechisch und ich lese jedes Geschichte Buch, das ich finden kann. Wenn du auch über Archäologie sprechen will, zögere nicht, mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen. Wir können auch über viele anderen Themen sprechen.

22493 -
modifier supprimer 26306 - Réponse de maelwenn135 (France) - 2014-05-05

j'adorerais discuter avec toi de "notre" passion vu que sa a l'air d'etre ta passion tout comme moi

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modifier supprimer 26146 - Réponse de Anna162 , 13 ans (USA) - 2014-04-16

Hi! im studying Latin as well! I would like to talk with you!


PS: Your so talented!

22493 -
modifier supprimer 25820 - Réponse de Anna162 , 12 ans (USA) - 2014-02-09

Yes! I am the same way! im studying latin and ancient Greece as well! we shoud chat!

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modifier supprimer 25381 - Réponse de Varda174 , 16 ans (USA) - 2013-12-08

Hey Samy!!I'm really interested in history and archeology too. I'm not yet focused on a special theme but I like ancient Egypt,Sumer,Greece,Rome,and civilizations of the Far East and south America.So if you want to talk you could just write back :)

modifier supprimer 19923 - de Madeline226 (USA) - 2013-01-03
Archéologue - "Egypt"

I love Egypt.And would love to be an egyptologist. I would like a pen pal with the same likes. So if you like Egypt email me.

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modifier supprimer 26119 - Réponse de Shinae93 , 14 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2014-04-11

hi I love Egypt I would love to go there and look at the tombs inside the pyrimids

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modifier supprimer 25838 - Réponse de Etain221 , 15 ans (Allemagne) - 2014-02-12

Hi! I love Egypt too. I want to be an archeologist or an writer.

19923 -
modifier supprimer 22523 - Réponse de Léa195 , 13 ans (France) - 2013-11-16

Hi!!! Me too I want to be an archeologist but I don't know in how subjets. But I love history and I'm motivate. BYYYYYE!!!

19923 -
modifier supprimer 21596 - Réponse de Emma2 , 12 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2013-07-15

I really want to be an archeologist and I really like Egypt so get back to me

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modifier supprimer 21580 - Réponse de Emma129 , 12 ans (USA) - 2013-07-13

I really want to be an archeologist too. In school last year we learned about ancient Egypt and that seemed pretty cool to me.

19923 -
modifier supprimer 20919 - Réponse de Alix195 , 15 ans (France) - 2013-04-10

hi i would like to be an archeologist too so if you want to talk you can write me
PS : (sorry for the english)

19923 -
modifier supprimer 20917 - Réponse de Eva95 (Allemagne) - 2013-04-10

Hey Madeline,

I read that you are interested in Egypt. I'm not yet focused on a special theme but I'm interested in archaeology. Maybe we can write ?
So just e-mail me

See you,

modifier supprimer 18704 - de Nathaniel180 , 9 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2012-09-26
Archéologue - "archaeologists are cool"

archaeologists have pretty cool jobs and you never know what you will find. and you might even find an undiscovered ancient town that will make you famous forever
archaeology is a cool job

modifier supprimer 18301 - de Karissa2 , 13 ans (Australie) - 2012-09-03
Archéologue - "Can I be both"

I love history and would love to do a career to do with that subject but a I can't decide whether to become an archaeologist or historian. I was wondering could I be both? If you know I would be very thankful for an answer.

18301 -
modifier supprimer 28460 - Réponse de ulises56 , 16 ans (USA) - 2015-04-10

Hello karrisa!! I agree with Zoe on you being able to do both!! Sadly it would be a bit to much being both at same time!! I myself plan on being an archeologist first then a historian after!!;-)

18301 -
modifier supprimer 20839 - Réponse de Zoe154 , 11 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2013-03-31

I Definatley think you could be both as you could be an Archeoligist and reseasch the things you have found!

18301 -
modifier supprimer 18629 - Réponse de dvir230 , 12 ans (Israël) - 2012-09-22

Hello my name Dvir,
I wanted to answer that question,
One archaeologist digging and finding things in the ground.
On the other hand this is one historian who studies the past.

modifier supprimer 18218 - de Karissa2 (Australie) - 2012-08-29
Archéologue - "Anyone want to talk with me about Archaeology?"

I would love to talk about this topic further with others who are interested in archaeology and are around my age (between 13 and 16). Please contact me if you want to talk about it with me. I don't care what country you are from or whether you are a boy or girl.
P.S. I also love ancient languages and ancient civilisations such as Egyptian, Roman and Greek with the exception of Ireland and Scotland .

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modifier supprimer 21630 - Réponse de Abby175 , 16 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2013-07-19

I also want to be an archaeologist! I'm going to do an ancient history and archaeology course at university :)

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modifier supprimer 20920 - Réponse de Alix195 , 15 ans (France) - 2013-04-10

hi i love egypt history too and i think we've got the same interest for history so if you wanna talk you can email me :)

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modifier supprimer 19924 - Réponse de Rachel150 , 16 ans (Afrique du Sud) - 2013-01-03

Hey. We have the same interests. I love history and I am hoping to study archaeology when I leave school. I love ancient Egyptian history and Greek and Roman mythology. I also love pre-history. About 3 months ago I began studying Egyptian history in depth. I've got a problem though. Was Namer or Menes the first pharoah of unified Egypt? Loved to talk to you about it.

modifier supprimer 17441 - de Elisa13 , 16 ans (France) - 2012-07-17
Archéologue - "Archéologie"

Bonjour ! Je m'intéresse beaucoup à l'histoire et plus particulièrement à la Grèce Antique, à l'Egypte Ancienne et à la Rome Antique. Mais j'adore aussi tout ce qui touche aux mystères des Templiers et des Illuminati. Je cherche des personnes qui aimeraient en parler si ça les intéresse aussi ! Et tout naturellement j'aimerais devenir archéologue :)

17441 -
modifier supprimer 36853 - Réponse de lucie21 , 16 ans (France) - 2019-08-22

Salut Elisa! Comme toi, j'adore l'histoire mais plus particulièrement lorsque ça se rattache à l'Egypte Ancienne, la Rome Antique (et oui c'est pour ça que je fais du latin :)) et le Jurassic. Cette année, on a étudié principalement le Moyen Age… ce n'est pas franchement le plus intéressant mais l'année prochaine on travaillera sur la Révolution Française et je trouve ça trop bien ! Une autre de mes matières préférées … les maths et toi ?;)

17441 -
modifier supprimer 27248 - Réponse de awa219 , 21 ans (Sénégal) - 2014-10-21

salut moi j'adore et je fais histoire et actuellement on fais la grece archaique et la rome antique si vous etes interéssé on peut en discuter

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modifier supprimer 17644 - Réponse de lala 64 , 14 ans (Mali) - 2012-08-01

Hello je appelle lala j' ai 14 ans je vie au mali dans la region je suis passione par histoir et archéologie et je conte travaille tres dur pour y arrive

modifier supprimer 15301 - de Jazmine68 , 13 ans (USA) - 2012-03-13
Archéologue - "..."

Well i only put this because they didn't have Environmental Biologist, but i definitely want to master this in college!!

15301 -
modifier supprimer 17174 - Réponse de Stephanie200 , 11 ans (Australie) - 2012-06-28

I am doing this because it is my second to Forensic Scientist, preferably forensic biology.

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