Bonjour je voudrais savoir quelle sont les meilleurs voies (exemple chirurgien cardiaque etc ) |
38598 - | | | 38641 - Réponse de Lisa 4a214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-18
| Bonjour, si tu veux etre chirurgien, il ne faut pas avoir peur du sang tu veux faire chirurgien cardiaque car il faut garder son sang froid si il y a un accident. |
38598 - | | | 38600 - Réponse de Badis 4c 184 (France) - 2020-11-17
| 4c* |
Bonjour je m'appelle Enzo et j'aimerais bien faire Chirurgien puis-je avoir des info cordialement |
38529 - | | | 38858 - Réponse de Marie 4c214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-12-02
| bonjour enzo pour etre chiurgien il fuat etre concentrer, etre prudent e, etre à l'écoute |
38529 - | | | 38565 - Réponse de Enzo 4°C214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| Merci pour vos message ses bien pris en compte |
38529 - | | | 38560 - Réponse de Inès 4C214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| il faut être très habile, prudent, a l'écoute et, patient. il faut un bac +11 ou +12 ... après je dis ça je dis rien |
38529 - | | | 38553 - Réponse de camille 4C214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| Les études pour devenir chirurgien sont très longues et difficiles. Vous devrez donc consacrer tout votre temps à vos études.
Avant d'entamer vos études de médecine, vous devriez préférablement obtenir un bac S avec mention.
Vous devez être responsable. En étant chirurgien, vous avez la vie de vos patients entre les mains, vous devez donc être particulièrement responsable et minutieux.
voila |
38529 - | | | 38542 - Réponse de camille 4C214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| bien sur alor... |
38529 - | | | 38538 - Réponse de Enzo 4°C214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| Bonjour Camille merci tu peut me les donner les info stp merci |
38529 - | | | 38532 - Réponse de camille 4C214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-16
| Coucou Enzo je peux te donner des info car plus tard je veux faire aide soignante et je me suis renseigner pur chirurgien |
salut tout le monde moi je voudrais être chirurgienne le problème c'est que j'ai peur d'être nul comme Leah Murphy !!! sauf que je voudrais être comme Meredith (mais pas dans la même spécialité) !!!
Pouvez vous me dire pourquoi ça me fais peur pour me rassurer ???? |
37856 - | | | 39050 - Réponse de Matthias214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-12-09
| Je suis sur que sa te fait peur mais tout le monde à peur même Meredith. |
37856 - | | | 37932 - Réponse de Agathe88 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-06-02
| ok |
37856 - | | | 37920 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-05-28
| Oublie le précédent message, Agathe ; c'était un spam / pub sans aucun intérêt. |
37856 - | | | 37919 - Réponse de Agathe88 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-05-28
| est-ce que les cours sont en français et c'est de la 6ème à la 3ème ou c'est aussi un lycée et est-ce que on étudie la médecine là-bas ???? |
Hello guys !
would anyone mind to share with me about medical experiences or the reasons why you want to become a doctor ? |
37802 - | | | 37895 - Réponse de Kayla237 , 16 ans (USA) - 2020-05-24
| I'm not quite in the pediatric range but surgeon is amazing! I actually took my first step onto the medical path. I am taking a pre-nursing class in my Junior year and would love to help with any questions you may have and maybe you could help me with some things as well! Talk soon. |
Hello,my name is karla,i am 14 years old,i am in grade sheep,i am from Aguascalientes,one of the dead,the places of the San Marcos fair,the food is pozole,tacos,tamales i send greetings from aguascalientes i hope to be your frirnd |
Hello, my name is Alexa and i'm really interested in anatomy, i'd really like to know more about it. Is there anyone out there who'd like to share some knowledge about diseases and nerves. I'm open to talk |
36215 - | | | 37180 - Réponse de Addi76 , 16 ans (USA) - 2020-01-13
| hi! I'm in anatomy right now and I actually have a nervous system disease I'd be willing to talk about, I'm always wanting to learn more since I'm interested in the medical field :) |
Hi! I absolute love anatomy and forensics. I took both classes this year at my school. Medicine fascinates me and I really want to pursue it. If anyone wants to talk about medicine or anything else, I’m open to talk. :) |
35734 - | | | 36214 - Réponse de Alexa13 , 16 ans (Suède) - 2018-11-26
| Hi, my name is Alexa, wanna talk about anatomy. I'm kinda a newbie but i cant learn too much. |
35734 - | | | 35980 - Réponse de Rina121 , 19 ans (Biélorussie) - 2018-09-03
| Hi! My name is Rina. I read your message on the forum. I study at the medical uni in my country (and today the first day in the new academic year). And I also want to be a surgeon. I think that we will be intrested to communicate.
Best wishes, Ira |
Hello! I would love to grow up and be a neurosurgeon but it would be great to know the steps you took in university and leading up to it to be a surgeon! Thanks :) |
35466 - | | | 38034 - Réponse de Valerie153 , 17 ans (USA) - 2020-07-22
| Hello. I also want to pursue a career in Neurosurgery. Some of the Canadaian Universities I am applying to this year include University of Toronto and Mcgill. Johns Hopkins also has a great Neuroscience and Pre-Med Program in the US. I know a lot of people who went through medical school and residency to become a neurosurgeon as well as continue various research projects through University |
The human body and its anatomy are so fascinating! I want to be a medical examiner because they are in law enforcement and deal with forensic science. |
Hi I have always wanted to be a doctor, but as I've got older I have gradually realised how much hard work I'll need to put in to fulfil my dreams. So if there is anybody out there at med school who has any advice on how to get into med school (books I ought to read, experience I need to get, contacts I should make...) please get in contact 😁 |
Hi how are you doing ? I am called Eric. I would like to be a friend. I hope am not asking for much. |
33623 - | | | 34605 - Réponse de Eden48 , 17 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-08-12
| Hi Eric I'm new and my dream is to be a surgeon to! I could be your penfriend if you want? |
Être chirurgienne, c'est mon rêve et je compte bien le réaliser ! J'adore regarder Grey's Anatomy ! C'est trop bien ! |
33583 - | | | 37855 - Réponse de Agathe88 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-05-14
| salut tout le monde moi je voudrais être chirurgienne le problème c'est que j'ai peur d'être nul comme Leah Murphy !!! sauf que je voudrais être comme Meredith (mais pas dans la même spécialité) !!!
Pouvez vous me dire pourquoi ça me fais peur pour me rassurer ???? |
33583 - | | | 35240 - Réponse de Alyssa174 (France) - 2018-01-12
| moi aussi j'adore!Plus tard j'en ferais!!!!!!!!! |
33583 - | | | 34475 - Réponse de Olivia6 , 16 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-07-15
| Bonjour Eric,
J'adore Grey's Anatomy aussi. Je voudrais devenir un chirurgien. Désolé, mon français n'est pas si bon. Bonne chance avec votre carrière!
Olivia |
Hi, all! I want to have penfriends all around the world. And I want noone is ill. Never.
Also I' m good at dancing.I look forward to recieve your letter! |
33416 - | | | 34211 - Réponse de Braylee190 (USA) - 2017-05-24
| Hello my name is Braylee, I'm 11.I really want to be a pediatric neurosurgeon! What kind of surgeon do you Want to be? |
Almost everyone on my maternal side is a doctor. Those who arent are retired or training to be a doctor. I learnt a few medic stuff from them and I would be happy to share my knowledge.
I can coach you in English too ^^ |
Hy am abisoye, is there anyone who wants to be a neurosurgeon here? It's my life long dream to become one and am gonna work towards that |
32863 - | | | 37978 - Réponse de Ameerah 118 , 14 ans (Nigeria) - 2020-06-23
| Hi I’m Ameerah I also wish to be a neurosurgeon and I’m not really sure if I’ve got what it takes to be one I hope I can get friends Who can inspire me and me with my future ambition Thanks!!!!’ |
32863 - | | | 35179 - Réponse de Sharon94 (Philippines) - 2018-01-04
| I want to be a neurosurgeon. |
32863 - | | | 34212 - Réponse de Braylee190 , 11 ans (USA) - 2017-05-24
| I really want to be a pediatric nurosurgeom! |
32863 - | | | 33188 - Réponse de Alyssa-Ann75 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-11-28
| I want to be a neurologist or a neurosuergon too haha but surgeon was the closest they had to neuroscience |
32863 - | | | 33160 - Réponse de Madeline5 , 16 ans (USA) - 2016-11-23
| I don't think I want to be a neurosurgeon, but that sounds like a really good goal! I want to be an orthopedic surgeon. Why is it you want to be a neurosurgeon??? |
I would love to be a trauma surgeon one day... anybody know of some good colleges to go to for that? |
31454 - | | | 35317 - Réponse de Benjamin213 , 15 ans (USA) - 2018-01-30
| Harvard and Stanford are really good, but if you are on a budget, many state colleges are good. |
31454 - | | | 32253 - Réponse de Anna22 , 12 ans (USA) - 2016-06-01
| I also want to be a surgeon. I don't know if i will go into the cardiothoratics or into trauma. My mother is a trauma surgeon and she went to a state school. |
Who in this form watches Grey's Anatomy!? I DO!!!!!! I'm only on Season 6! My mom is on Season 11... Now, if you'll exuse me, I have some catching up I must attend to. Merci beacoup! *turns on Netflix and starts watching Grey's Anatomy*
31320 - | | | 36439 - Réponse de Shalom191 , 13 ans (USA) - 2019-02-10
31320 - | | | 32238 - Réponse de Abby83 (USA) - 2016-05-29
| Yes!!!!! I just started watching it not that long ago! I have been binge watching it, and now i am on season 3 and its my new favorite show! |
31320 - | | | 31729 - Réponse de Athena59 (Grèce) - 2016-03-06
| Hey there!I'm totally obsessed with greys anatomy!I'm on season 10.If anyone likes it too,send me a message!☺😊 |
31320 - | | | 31598 - Réponse de Florane45 , 13 ans (France) - 2016-02-19
| I'm agree with you! Grey's anatomy is THE LIFE!! I'm at the season 12 and... omg it's so perferct |
31320 - | | | 31329 - Réponse de Sarah252 (Allemagne) - 2015-12-30
| That is NOTHING to do with Segouns. |
What it means to you to be a doctor or a surgeon !!? Like what is your purposes from choosing such career !! |
31196 - | | | 37181 - Réponse de Addi76 , 16 ans (USA) - 2020-01-13
| I'm only a high school student, but I'm pursuing a medical career and shadowing doctors. Anatomy was the first class I've ever been genuinely excited about & I even bought some anatomy textbooks to learn even more! It's something I can do to make a difference like the doctors who have helped me through a ton of health issues growing up :) |
31196 - | | | 31216 - Réponse de Dorothea235 (Suède) - 2015-12-10
| I feel like i am going to do something good for the world |
So as most of us in this Forum I want to be a surgeon (nothing else :) ), and I have plenty of time to be that..If you guys had to chooce your speciallity between those three options what would you choose? (Cardio,General or Trauma surgery?) |
31124 - | | | 35758 - Réponse de cristina6 , 16 ans (Grèce) - 2018-06-27
| hi i will help because i should like medicine an d surgery i always wanted to choose that path but now i dont so for your question if i have to choose something i would choose general surgery |
31124 - | | | 32514 - Réponse de Chloe152 (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2016-08-03
| I wouldn't choose any of those... :p. I would choose Heart Surgery! |
31124 - | | | 31194 - Réponse de Athena92 , 12 ans (Grèce) - 2015-12-05
| Well,I would love to be a cardio surgeon!I love how the heart beats and all this stuff! |
hello I am Park selen , I'm 15 years old in south korea and 14 years in France . I find that to become surgeon is really important and super for a living because sutout have saves lives of people !! thank you good answer :) |
27975 - | | | 28884 - Réponse de Habiba 2 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-07-09
| Hi
My name is Habiba😀. I was just curious because I saw what you wrote. Do people in Korea count age differently than in America. |
27975 - | | | 28176 - Réponse de Frederick29 , 24 ans (Ghana) - 2015-02-25
| That is a great dream you have over there. What is life, if you cannot bring smile on the faces of people you love.
I think being a surgeon will give you that opportunity of putting smiles on the faces of th people that will come for your services. That is really accomplishment. Sometimes, there will be trying times but you stay focus and move on. |
I want to be a cardiac surgeon because surgery is my passion, i love the bloods, the surgery and especially because it is the fantastic job which allows to save lives!! |
26432 - | | | 30483 - Réponse de Emma 171 , 15 ans (France) - 2015-08-05
| Me too ! I really really want to be a cardiac surgeon ! It's my best dream but in France the studies to be a cardiac surgeon are very long and very very hard like everywhere in the world !! But when we want we can !! ❤️ |
26432 - | | | 28303 - Réponse de Calvin 215 , 13 ans (USA) - 2015-03-18
| Me too! Surgery is amazing. I recently had the privilege to watch a Laprascopic cholesystectomy and it was incredible. |
26432 - | | | 28134 - Réponse de vicky67 , 19 ans (Chine) - 2015-02-20
| Nurse also is one of the surgeon ,right?i will to be a nurse , |
26432 - | | | 27865 - Réponse de Victoire195 , 14 ans (France) - 2015-01-21
| la médecine me passionne et c'est presque la seule chose dans le monde ! mais pour les études je ne sais vraiment pas si je pourrai y arriver sachant que je suis une sous merde en maths mais cette année je voudrai que cela change et si quelqu'un veut bien que l'on parle je suis ok ! :) |
26432 - | | | 26453 - Réponse de Lahna153 , 13 ans (France) - 2014-06-01
| Me too ! Medecine is my passion |
I would to become an orthopedic surgeon. The bodies bones interest me |
26118 - | | | 30545 - Réponse de william61 , 12 ans (USA) - 2015-08-14
| I know all the names of the bones in the human skeleton! I want to be a forensic osteologist so i can help solve murders. |
26118 - | | | 30482 - Réponse de Emma171 , 15 ans (France) - 2015-08-05
| My father is an ortopedique surgeon ! It's a great job if you like work the bones ! I have already gone with he in the operative block and it was fantastic to see all we have under our skin !! |
I want to be a pediatric surgeon. i think it would be really really really interesting. Plus little kids are absolutely adorable!!! |
25930 - | | | 32657 - Réponse de Lulu72 , 14 ans (Australie) - 2016-08-29
| Hey me too, I would love to be paediatric surgeon or even a paediatric trauma surgeon. It's been my dream for as long as I can remember. You sound like a person who would make a good pen friend. So if you want, please contact me. |
Je suis en 4e, et je voudrais être chirurgien.
J'ai conscience de la dureté du métier et des études, mais ouvrir des gens, et pouvoir leur sauver la vie, c'est vraiment mon rêve :) |
25859 - | | | 33940 - Réponse de Maïna21 , 15 ans (France) - 2017-04-13
| Moi je suis passionné par ce métier et je suis d'accord sur le faite que les études soient longues et durs mais il faut y croire fort et on y arrivera. Il n'y a pas de raison que d'autres réussi et pas nous.😉 |
25859 - | | | 30634 - Réponse de ousmane167 , 21 ans (Guinée) - 2015-08-24
| je suis aussi etudiant en medecine.. et la chirurgie me passione |
25859 - | | | 26902 - Réponse de faby235 , 14 ans (France) - 2014-08-19
| salut,ma passion c'est la chirurgie je sais tres bien que ca sera durs avec des etudes trop long,mais je compte tenir bon... |
25859 - | | | 25974 - Réponse de Val200 , 14 ans (France) - 2014-03-15
| moi aussi mais je suis en seconde ^^.
c'est dur mais quand on veut on peut donc moi je fonce :) |
Je trouve que c'est un métier dur mais tellement honorable. Avoir la vie des gens entre leurs mains et être si content quand ils réussissent.
