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modifier supprimer 40660 - de Angel14 (Canada) - 2023-11-05
Astronome - "I need some help"

Hi guys! I love astronomy and I'd love to become an astronomer but am actually really confused on what it takes and what I should do to get there. If anybody could give me some tips I'd appreciate it.

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modifier supprimer 40706 - Réponse de I75 (Grèce) - 2023-12-30

Well I'm not sure myself but I think that you have to study physics in a university and then choose astronomy? Or something like that I'm not really sure I'm sorry.

modifier supprimer 40440 - de Elena173 , 12 ans (Russie) - 2022-11-28
Astronome - "ASTRONAUT"

Hello, I think that being astronomer is very hard and scary. because exploring cold, dark space is very scary and testing machines and exhausting. And what do you think about it?

modifier supprimer 40335 - de Alex Arthur134 , 17 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2022-06-30
Astronome - "My future with astronomy"

Hey there..!!I'm Arthur from SL. And My future is engaged with Theoretical physics and philosophy..Wanna be a theoretical physicist and philosopher of oxford university, and need your help to catch my goal... In the astronomy ,It give basic idea about the universe,but we can't guess it's like so ,not only that Some theories what stay on now will be wrong 'cause the universe show a cycle path anytime always...what 's on your mind about that??

modifier supprimer 40213 - de Serena122 (France) - 2022-03-06
Astronome - "Movie(s) about astronomie recommendation"

Hi!! Do you know any movies about astronomy/astrophysics like Interstellar? If so, can you give me some please, I would love to watch them! Ty!

modifier supprimer 39727 - de Sacheen134 , 10 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-04-26
Astronome - "Astronomer"

My dream was to become an astronomer and I studied it well. I did an astronautical test and joined the NASA! You can ask any question if you are new to astronomy or need help. I'm lucky to join the NASA even in the age of 10 years.

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modifier supprimer 39798 - Réponse de Thihansa157 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-05-17

Omg! You real? It's awesome! Can you help me, please?

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modifier supprimer 39778 - Réponse de Tahsin52 (Bangladesh) - 2021-05-11

Wait, what? How is that possible? Will anybody please explain about it?

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modifier supprimer 39728 - Réponse de Zoey255 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-04-27

WAIT WHAT???!!! I don't think that's possible.

modifier supprimer 39630 - de Thihansa157 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-04-08
Astronome - "Hi!"

Hello there, I'm thinking about a way to learn astronomy from the beginning, but sadly in Sri Lanka, we can't learn astronomy as a subject in school. Do you have any idea about how can I learn it? If you have any ideas, please let me know! I'll be grateful for that :) Please help me................

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modifier supprimer 39797 - Réponse de Tahsin187 , 14 ans (Bangladesh) - 2021-05-16

Yeah, you are right, Alejandra. Khan Academy's courses are really so helpful!
But, to be honest, they are not enough to have a basic knowledge about astronomy! Astronomy is really so so so hard, but don't give up! It is also so a wonderful and beautiful one! The reason is that our Universe is so beautiful!
Okay, You can watch the TV series Cosmos by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. He is a very famous astrophysicist in the world. You can see there how wonderfully he explained about the universe and other things there. Even, sometimes you talked about Evolution, Microbiology, etc. If you watch the whole series, I am sure that you will be able to understand something about our universe. I am not gonna say that you will learn everything, Nah, it's not.
Besides, you can read some books, "Schaum's Outlines of astronomy" and "Mathematics of Astronomy". You will find lots of mathematical terms here in these books. And also there are lots of Math problems there. I hope you will like this. If you follow these things I hope you will have a beginner knowledge about Astronomy. Have a nice day!

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modifier supprimer 39663 - Réponse de Alejandra184 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-04-13

Hello! I saw your post about learning astronomy, and I want to try to help! Do you have Kahn academy online in Sri Lanka? It's a free educational program that has many lessons on a huge variety of subjects! they have an astronomy course as well as mathematics, physics, etc (good for if you're interested in astrophysics). Hope that helped a little bit! I can also try to brainstorm more ideas as well.

modifier supprimer 39553 - de Zoey12 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-03-18
Astronome - "Astronomy Theories."

I know A LOT about Astronomy. I love stargazing, and I hope to see Saturn one day. I sent my name to the Mars program, and I hope it gets there. I think people will be on Mars sooner than we think! I think we might be there by 2050. I have a theory about aliens: Why do most Astronomers and Scientists think that they need to look for a planet LIKE ours? Aliens could live on other planets. They don't necessarily NEED the same things humans do. There could be life on ANY planet, not just a "Goldilocks Zone" Planet.

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modifier supprimer 40218 - Réponse de Hayden136 , 14 ans (USA) - 2022-03-08

The reason is that’s the best we got when searching for life. We have no idea what organisms outside of earth could be like so it’s just a random guess that they need the things we need.

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modifier supprimer 39909 - Réponse de Yashoda231 , 18 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-07-14

I think you are right and I also sent my name to the Mars

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modifier supprimer 39584 - Réponse de Thihansa231 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-03-26

Yes! You are correct! There can be many different organisms than us.

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modifier supprimer 39583 - Réponse de Zoey12 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-03-26

I know! And your right too! There could be microscopic aliens too!

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modifier supprimer 39555 - Réponse de Nicolas209 (France) - 2021-03-19

I think you are totally right about aliens. Even if we cannot see them with our eyes.

modifier supprimer 39380 - de Lasandi Layman 157 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-02-16
Astronome - "How to be an research scientist about universe!!!!"

If someone know how to become research scientist in sri lanka let me know...i already search but i do not know find any steps to be followed to become research scientist...universe is a marvelous creation...do u belive about aliens? i believed....

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modifier supprimer 40742 - Réponse de Rose F.153 , 13 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-03-29

I still believe in aliens! There are multiple more galaxies, other planets in them, so it’s logical to think that one of those planets are in the habitable zone!

modifier supprimer 39325 - de Emma134 , 12 ans (Allemagne) - 2021-02-04
Astronome - "Hi"

Hi! I am very intressted in astronomy, especially Juppiters moon Callisto and the Mars. I´m so expectant on the data from Perseverance. Do you think humans could live on mars one day? I guess so. And what do you think about aliens? I think that is unlikely that there is life in our vicinity. And if that is case, it is probably a very simple life.

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modifier supprimer 39397 - Réponse de Jacqueline137 , 15 ans (USA) - 2021-02-20

Valid theory. Only time will tell, though.

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modifier supprimer 39395 - Réponse de Nicolas152 (France) - 2021-02-20

Yes, but probably in our Milky Way galaxy too, because we know now we have more than 1000 billion stars in our galaxy, so probably 10,000 billion planets and far more moons.

Also, if you consider we have about 100 moons in our solar system, then we have a total of 100,000,000,000,000 planets & moons just in our galaxy.

So if you can find life in just 1 planet among 1 million, then it means we still have 100,000,000 planets or moons having life. Well, in most cases, life will look like bacteria, but why not 100,000 planets with intelligent life?

But probably far more, because life is supposed to appear everywhere. Recently, scientists told that our neighbour VENUS may have microscopic life in her atmosphere (but not on the floor).

39325 -
modifier supprimer 39394 - Réponse de Jacqueline137 , 15 ans (USA) - 2021-02-20

The concept of colonizing the Solar System is intriguing, to say the least. Granted, I am much more of an O'Neill Cylinder or Bernal Sphere kind of person when it comes to space colonization due to the relative convenience, but planets are obviously really cool too.

I also agree with you on the extraterrestrial life point, too. They're probably really far away from us, maybe even in a different galaxy altogether.

modifier supprimer 38822 - de Jacqueline137 , 15 ans (USA) - 2020-12-02
Astronome - "Fermi Paradox"

I want to discuss possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox. My theory is that aliens are currently all at a relatively early stage of technological development, or maybe they are intentionally staying quiet, so as to not accidentally broadcast the location of their home system to a hostile species, or maybe they have more advanced communication technologies than we do, and SETI is essentially trying to text them with a typewriter. Those are my three main theories, feel free to leave your own solutions in the replies.

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modifier supprimer 39190 - Réponse de Raya243 , 9 ans (Indonésie) - 2020-12-31

Wow! you also think about the fermi paradox? in my opinion, maybe there is other life outside the earth. but do they have the same senses? for example, do they have eyes? can think? and are they really that smart?
in my opinion, not all living things have extraordinary intelligence like humans. and they may never have thought there was other life either so they never search or explore the heavens.
and if they really have sophisticated tools, what are the ingredients made of?
they could only be in the form of animals, or plants (hehehe)
and it may take them years to be found.
maybe they're outside the solar system
or maybe in another galaxy
I wish there might be alienTwT
and Voyager 1 and 2 have not passed that, Voyager 2 distance to earth has reached 17 billion km on November 5, 2018. and the journey lasted 40 years.

modifier supprimer 38235 - de Vidal antonio 95 , 15 ans (Colombie) - 2020-09-29
Astronome - "Penpal"

Hello, how are you? My name is Vidal, it was to tell you that if we could speak for a penpal it is for my English classes to see if you can help me get my class grade

modifier supprimer 37872 - de Stevie201 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2020-05-17
Astronome - "hi"

hi guys

37872 -
modifier supprimer 39558 - Réponse de Gwen145 (Ghana) - 2021-03-19


37872 -
modifier supprimer 39191 - Réponse de Raya243 , 9 ans (Indonésie) - 2020-12-31


37872 -
modifier supprimer 38008 - Réponse de Berry226 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-07-10


modifier supprimer 37386 - de Alexandre43214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-03-13
Astronome - "mon métier astronome"

Que pensez-vous sur l'évolution du métier dans les années à venir ?

A mon avis, je pense que ça nous aidera pour les voyages interplanétaire, à la découvertes de nouvelle planète comme mars et pour les voyage en vitesse lumière.

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modifier supprimer 37491 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-03-19

C'est sûr qu'avant d'envisager de s'installer sur une autre planète, il faut l'étudier, donc il faut l'observer. Les meilleurs observatoires sur Terre possèdent évidemment les plus grand télescopes. L'atmosphère présente sur Terre déforme l'image (diffraction), mais aujourd'hui, l'électronique corrige bien l'image. Mais l'idéal reste l'espace, loin de toute pollution atmosphérique et lumineuse. Donc, le télescope idéal se situe soit en orbite autour de la Terre, soit sur la Lune (un des rares astres qui ne possède aucune atmosphère). Mais je te rassure, pas besoin d'être sur place ! ces gros engins peuvent être pilotés à distance. Donc un astronome n'est pas un astronaute, mais plutôt un astro-physicien ultra-passionné par les insondables mystères de l'univers...

Je précise qu'un astro-physicien est un chercheur qui possède un doctorat (Bac +8). Sinon, tu peux aussi être un astronome amateur, et là, aucun diplôme n'est requis.

modifier supprimer 37382 - de Alexandre43214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-03-13
Astronome - "mon métier astronome"

A votre avis quel sont les qualités qu'il faut avoir pour exercé le métier d'astronome ?

A mon avis, il faut avoir un minimum de logique dans ses propos et connaître les bases de l'astronomie

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modifier supprimer 37492 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-03-19

Les bases de l'astronomie, oui évidemment, mais si tu entends par là localiser et reconnaitre les différentes constellations dans le ciel, les télescopes d'aujourd'hui font la recherche à ta place (pour peu qu'ils soient correctement installés), grâce au système GOTO. Tu lui demandes une planète ou une galaxie précise, et le télescope s'oriente automatiquement grâce à 2 petits moteurs.

La 1ere qualité, à mon avis, de ressentir en soi la passion sans limite. Ensuite, je dirais : patience (attendre que le ciel se dégage), persévérance (1000 tentatives avant de parvenir à un résultat), intuition... Il faut aussi ne pas être frileux, car beaucoup d'observations se font en hiver, et ça se passe toujours à l'extérieur.

modifier supprimer 37378 - de Alexandre43214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-03-13
Astronome - "mon metier astronome"

A votre avis quels sont les aspect positif et négatif du métier d'astronome ?

Pour l'aspect positif, je pense que il faut connaître les bases de l'astronomie et avoir un minimum de logique et pour l'aspect négatif, je pense que il faut de bonne condition météorologique pour travailler.

modifier supprimer 37298 - de Anabeth49 , 11 ans (Corée) - 2020-02-19
Astronome - "Hello!"

Hello, my name is Anabeth from South Korea.
I want to be astronomer and I like astronomy, science, and math too.
I bet you want to become astronomer!
Especially, I want to be astronomy professor in University.

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modifier supprimer 37305 - Réponse de angie163 , 20 ans (USA) - 2020-02-22

Hello from an international student of Somerset Community College. Here I am studying for Bachelor of Administration. Obviously, Somerset Community College is the best university for international students. Here all students have the opportunity to study in a comfortable learning environmnet. Also, on Free-Apply you can find all information about Somerset Community College. I highly recommend it to you.

modifier supprimer 33986 - de Victoria77 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-04-22
Astronome - "Spy"

Hi, I have been trained,and I want to become a spy. I learned I am ready.

Thank you for your time,
Victoria O'Connell

33986 -
modifier supprimer 36569 - Réponse de salomé98 , 14 ans (Réunion) - 2019-04-19

hello my name is salomé and i lived réunion island

modifier supprimer 31266 - de alaa238 , 28 ans (Iraq) - 2015-12-20
Astronome - "hi"

Hello I am Alaa from Iraq, I want to identify the country and the exchange of information with you, are you interested in? And I'll tell you everything about Iraq and the history of Iraq wonderful.

31266 -
modifier supprimer 36334 - Réponse de Vikas37 (Inde) - 2019-01-09

I'm interested!!

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modifier supprimer 32185 - Réponse de junior66 , 13 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2016-05-20

agree to exchange

modifier supprimer 30665 - de Miriam26 , 14 ans (Italie) - 2015-08-28
Astronome - "Aspirant Astronomer is looking for help!"

There's such a marvellous world outside our little Earth! Astronomy interests me so much because it's full of mysteries and today we have technologies to help us, so the results are increasingly surprising! I'm most interested in stars and objects like black holes and neutron stars, but also in searching habitable planets. I've just bought a little telescope (Omegon refracting telescope 90/1000 EQ-2) but I haven't learned how to use it well yet. It's a bit difficult... At the moment I've seen only the Moon and the double stars Mizar and Alcor. Is there someone which could help me or just talk about Astronomy? Feel free to answer!

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modifier supprimer 34495 - Réponse de gayasha135 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2017-07-21

I love astronomy very much.

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modifier supprimer 34313 - Réponse de Jen87 , 13 ans (USA) - 2017-06-11

I love astronomy as well! The conundrums of space are so interesting and vast. There are a giant areas of unexplored topics that should be pursued. That's why I would like to become an astronomer when I'm older. C:

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modifier supprimer 33181 - Réponse de Sasha140 , 11 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-11-27

Yeah, I love astronomy too.

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modifier supprimer 32046 - Réponse de Lea154 , 12 ans (Allemagne) - 2016-04-24

I love Astronomie realy much too. Would anyone talk about?

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modifier supprimer 31046 - Réponse de piyumi134 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2015-11-11

i am interest research planet .and i like know about more facts for planets and space.it is marvoulous.and my dream is it.i like fine plant habitat and alince

30665 -
modifier supprimer 30957 - Réponse de Sherin208 (USA) - 2015-10-28

Hey !
I love astronomy too. I love to learn about the constellations , galaxies, planets, exoplanets, black holes...
I would love to help you and learn things about astronomy from you too.

30665 -
modifier supprimer 30755 - Réponse de Daniella36 , 17 ans (Philippines) - 2015-09-15

I would love to talk about astronomy with you! The universe interests me. I like how for us, the Earth is an already big place that can't be travel around within a day, but then there's Jupiter, Saturn, and other planets bigger than ours that's so far away... And gosh! The universe is fascinating alright.

modifier supprimer 28585 - de Lucas220 , 17 ans (Brésil) - 2015-04-27
Astronome - "Nemesis Theory"

does anyone know about Nemesis theory ?

28585 -
modifier supprimer 38467 - Réponse de Emily239 , 16 ans (France) - 2020-11-07

I've heard about it... I wonder if it's possible

modifier supprimer 27413 - de Ethan172 , 11 ans (USA) - 2014-11-18
Astronome - "researching"

If there is one thing I love about being an astronomer, its researching extraterrestrials. I can't be the only one, I mean, PHOENIX LIGHTS!

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modifier supprimer 34314 - Réponse de Jen87 , 13 ans (USA) - 2017-06-11

Definitely! That's one of the main reasons i pursue astronomy!

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modifier supprimer 32186 - Réponse de junior66 (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2016-05-20

yes i want

modifier supprimer 26501 - de Ines162 , 18 ans (France) - 2014-06-10
Astronome - "My life is about to begin"

I have always loved astronomy, since i was 4years old I knew i wanted to work as an astronome. I have never give up my dream and in September i'll enter an engineering school in aerospatial, then i'll work as hard as i can to become an Astromer (or maybe an astrophysicien, i'll see). So if you wanna talk, don't hesitate. :)

See ya !

26501 -
modifier supprimer 31174 - Réponse de Erlina79 , 17 ans (Indonésie) - 2015-12-02

Hi! I very interested everything about Astronomy, like galaxy, star, planets, Black hole etc. But I'm not good in physics. Would you learn me about astronomy or we can share everything about astronomy.

26501 -
modifier supprimer 26927 - Réponse de sijia139 (Chine) - 2014-08-25

I love sky.I love the planets.I'm interested in watching planets.

modifier supprimer 26405 - de Indrachapa245 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2014-05-25
Astronome - "My world of Astronomy"

Hey! I'm Indrachapa. 13 years old teenager from Sri Lanka. I'm interested in astronomy and my dream is to be an astronomy. Do you know the address of NASA? I want to write a letter to them. Please..... If you know, reply to this message.

modifier supprimer 26064 - de gy221 (Australie) - 2014-03-30
Astronome - "Astronomer"

An astronomer would be awesome

modifier supprimer 22395 - de Jenna156 (Finlande) - 2013-10-30
Astronome - "Astronomy"

Hello! I am 14 yr. old girl from Finland. I love to watch stars at night, I know alot of space. I haven't seen yet any nebula, but soon I will because Ii'm going to get a telescope. I would like to talk with someone about science.

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modifier supprimer 28584 - Réponse de Lucas220 , 17 ans (Brésil) - 2015-04-27

what do you wanna talk about ?

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modifier supprimer 26105 - Réponse de Rohan163 , 20 ans (Inde) - 2014-04-08

I am dreaming to live in 0 gravity.

modifier supprimer 21733 - de Indrachapa245 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2013-08-05
Astronome - "Three,Two,One, OFF TO MARS!!!!!"

I want a girl only. 12yrs girl for my penpal who likes astronomy. I usually observe the sky at night and I can recognize many stars such as Orion, Canis major, Taures, Pleiades, Ursa minor, Leo, Scorpiau, Libra. I also have seen venus at many times. I usually send letters to NASA and get lot of information. I like to share it with you!! Please e-mail me to www.mediwaka@gmail.com or SOTW mail me to 940909. Bye!!!

21733 -
modifier supprimer 32295 - Réponse de Sara Rizwan228 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2016-06-09

Dear friend, me too interested in astronomy a lot. And my ambition is to be an Astronaut. So if you are sending letter to NASA frequently could you please provide me with the email address as well as the snail mail too. And can I know that did you get any reply from them? What is your ambition? Please if u wish u can send me through my email

modifier supprimer 21180 - de Awradh245 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2013-05-24
Astronome - "I love Astronomy ......"

Hai I am Awradh!! i am 13 years old!! but i know much about the space!!
and i used to watch latest news about the Space!! really i am very interested to study about the Universe, Space,Stars,Planets.,, Comets,And the other celestial bodies. My hobby too is that!!!!! my ambition is to be a astronomist>>>>>

21180 -
modifier supprimer 26585 - Réponse de Jasmine104 , 16 ans (USA) - 2014-06-27

Hey my name is Jasmine. I would like to talk to you more about space. Feel free to message me for my email and we can chat:)

modifier supprimer 20818 - de Alice76 (USA) - 2013-03-27
Astronome - "Astronomer"

Astronomers are so cool!!!!!

modifier supprimer 20311 - de Jenny98 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2013-01-31
Astronome - "May the F=MA be with u :P haha"

Hi I'm Jenny. I am a massive physics nerd. I want to be a physicist or astronomer. I love quantum physics, theoretical physics. Just physics. Brian cox, Stephen hawking and Patrick Moore are legends! To be honest all my friends find physics way too confusing and I really want someone to talk about science with!

20311 -
modifier supprimer 26586 - Réponse de Jasmine104 , 16 ans (USA) - 2014-06-27

Hey!I am so happy I found this post. I love physics and would really enjoy having an intellectual conversation with someone about something I have a passion for. My friends are the same and I can relate to the struggle of having no one to talk to about science. Feel free to message me for my email and we can talk :)

20311 -
modifier supprimer 21223 - Réponse de Liza1 , 13 ans (Russie) - 2013-05-30

Hello! My name is Liza. I'n 13 years old. I live in Moscow Region. I love physics very much but I don't want to be a physicist becouse I think it's very difficult.
I'd lika to improve my english. Can yoy help me with it? My e-mail is lizastar 42@gmail.com

modifier supprimer 18976 - de Diletta7 , 14 ans (Italie) - 2012-10-08
Astronome - "Astronomy :)"

Who Believes in The Strings Theory as me ? :D

modifier supprimer 18553 - de avindie134 , 15 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2012-09-16
Astronome - "beginning of the universe"

is the big bang theory the cause for the beginning of the universe??
how has the planets formed??how has the universe originated??

18553 -
modifier supprimer 26221 - Réponse de Sanduni134 , 17 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2014-04-24

I am a amateur astronomer like you.My point of view relating to your topic is not to jump into conclusions saying big bang is what caused the formation of this universe.There are contradictions.

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modifier supprimer 18642 - Réponse de Deidranai54 , 17 ans (USA) - 2012-09-23

Well no one is really sure of how the universe was actually created. Some believe in the big bang theory and some believe in the divine theory,which is the theory that god created universe and life here and where ever else. Some also belive that planets have formed by masses of gravity pulling pieces of debris together and somehow an atmosphere good enough to sustain life just appeared. Everyone's answer is an opinion so you can never be sure of what is correct amd what is not.

modifier supprimer 16951 - de maelle32 , 13 ans (France) - 2012-06-12
Astronome - "yes!!!"

I'm sure! Aliens exist in another planet!Be my friend!

16951 -
modifier supprimer 38009 - Réponse de Berry226 , 12 ans (USA) - 2020-07-10

It's always a possibility, and I do also believe there could be alien life in the Universe somewhere! :)

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modifier supprimer 20126 - Réponse de Erin86 , 13 ans (USA) - 2013-01-14

their has almpost been proof of life on a moon of jupiters.

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modifier supprimer 19417 - Réponse de Justin61 , 15 ans (USA) - 2012-11-10

Oh yes, I am going to be an astrobiologist one day. Life HAS to exist elsewhere. Possibly even in our own Solar System, in places like Mars, Europa, Titan, and Enceladus.

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