La gauche va réquisitionner les logement vides pour les sans-abris.
J'ai un châlet vide que je compte vendre dès le décés de mon père. Si je le perd, je n'ai presque plus rien ! |
18888 - | | | 18890 - Réponse de MIGUEL255 (BENIN) - 2024-10-30
| vraiment alors laisse moi un petit mail |
Today is either National Laundry Day or National Anime Day.
Either way, enjoy your day :)) |
To Nicolas and everybody HAPPY NEW YEAR ! All my best wishes of hapiness, health and money
Régine |
18843 - | | | 18844 - Réponse de Nicolas152 , 58 ans (Normandie) - 2024-01-01
| Merci Régine :-)
Meilleurs voeux à tous pour 2024 : un bonne Santé, du Bonheur et des projets constructifs pour chacun, et puis, au niveau mondial, que la Paix et de la Bienveillance s'installent durablement autour de nous tous ! |
Bonjour Nicolas, je suis de retour. J'ai passé deux ans à l'hôpital pour dépression suite au décès de ma mère et au suicide de Jean-Claude. Nous ne nous entendions plus du tout, et je me suis tournée vers Vladimir Poutine que j'ai, au fond de moi, toujours aimé et admiré. Nous sommes ensemble depuis plus d'un an.Nous nous sommes connus par la télévision et facebook. Il a flippé sur ma photo. Nous faisons tout par télépathie, et dès qu'il pourra venir me voir il le fera. Je vais quand-même essayer de me rendre au Kremlin kui rendre visite et partager des relations plus physiques que par la ttélépathie (qui marche quend même bien). Je lui ai fait stopper la guere en Ukraine. Je protège toujurs ton site (par télépathie) et je fais idem pour les forces de l'ordre françaises et russes.
Régine |
18840 - | | | 18842 - Réponse de Régine211 , 57 ans (France (Provence)) - 2023-12-11
| Bonjour Nicolas. Oui, j'ai passé de très difficiles moments, mais maintenant ça va beaucoup Mieux. J'ai trouvé mon âme soeur. Je pense aller voir Vladimir et visiter la Russie avec lui, je pense que je ferai cela à l'été prochain. La guerre est, je pense, bel et bien terminée il m'a dit "c'est fait". Quand il dit quelque chose, il le fait. Maintenant, quand les ordres sont donnés, il faut peut-être un certain temps pour tout rapatrier.
C'est super que tu aies visité la Russie Vladimir est né à St Petersbourg. Marraine et Tonton avaient, dans les années soixante fait le voyage. Il parait que le métro de Moscou est vraiment le plus beau du monde. Quant au Kremlin et la place rouge, c'est sûrement quelque chose de faramineux. Je vais jeter un coup d'oeil sur le site que tu me recommandes
Régine |
18840 - | | | 18841 - Réponse de Nicolas152 , 58 ans (Normandie) - 2023-12-06
| Bonjour Régine,
je suis ravi de te revoir sur le forum, c'est vrai que ça faisait longtemps !
Et en même temps, je suis vraiment désolé d'apprendre que tu viens de passer des moments extrêmement difficiles. Comment se relever et continuer à vivre quand on vient de perdre un être cher ? je ne sais pas, cette question me fait peur, j'avoue. Et pourtant, je ne comprends pas comment on peut en arriver au suicide ; ce n'set jamais une solution ; il y a tellement d'autres solutions quand on veut tourner une page...
Donc tu penses que la guerre en Ukraine va bientôt se terminer ? J'en ai l'impression moi aussi. Ce serait une excellente nouvelle !!!
Je te souhaite de visiter le Kremlin, moi je l'ai fait en 2004. Tu peux voir les photos dans les "pays du monde" - Russie, et aussi dans les "visites virtuelles" (la Place Rouge sur 360 degrés et le magnifique métro de Moscou). Cette année-là, j'ai visité Moscou + St Petersbourg.
Je te souhaite sincèrement un bon rétablissement en tout cas, et un bon retour à la vraie vie !!!
Nicolas |
I want to know what everyone thinks about the CCP, its political line confuses me
What is your view of socialism with Chinese characteristics?From people close to me, I learned that the life of Chinese workers is not as good as the government says, and their rights are not well protected. Is China really socialist now?
Welcome to clarification and debate with me. |
18811 - | | | 18812 - Réponse de Xenia42 (中国) - 2022-12-25
| I do not mean to discredit and denigrate our government. I'm a direct beneficiary of their policy, but I think they have some shortcomings, such as the current policy on COVID and the policy on education. |
I hate war! It makes me broke!!! (Even though I have no money) |
The dirty Marseille man in jail jail |
18280 - | | | 18415 - Réponse de Yuki181 , 15 ans (日本) - 2020-07-08
| lol wut |
hello i m a students in belgium and i would like to know what happening in other countries |
18248 - | | | 18255 - Réponse de Régine203 , 52 ans (France) - 2019-01-14
| In France people organize riots to make fall the government that creates laws and decisions to tax the poor and gives to the rich. No longer increased wages and pensions, suppression of the tax of rich, suppression of many administration workers, increasing of taxes on oil gaz and electricity, and so on. |
I made an enormous mistake in my blog about "my familly and friends". My grandfather obtained three medals during his colonial times. Nicolas, comment puis-je rectifier le tir sur mon blog, j'ai changé d'email. |
18060 - | | | 18062 - Réponse de Nicolas132 , 53 ans (France) - 2018-02-19
| Remarque, le mieux, c'est que je te redonne ton mot de passe.
Raison de + pour voir ça par email. |
18060 - | | | 18061 - Réponse de Nicolas132 , 53 ans (France) - 2018-02-19
| Ok, on va arranger ça. Peux-tu m'indiquer l'adresse de ton blog ?
Et peux-tu m'indiquer exactement ce qu'il faut changer ?
si tu veux, tu peux me répondre sur mon email: |
General mills cereals put TSP in thier cereal. very piosonous after a while.
17863 - | | | 17958 - Réponse de lillian101 , 13 ans (usa) - 2018-01-26
| No comment |
17863 - | | | 17922 - Réponse de Raphaël233 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-12-21
| Exactly, so this is why I've never heard about General Mills. |
17863 - | | | 17904 - Réponse de Lillian101 , 12 ans (usa) - 2017-11-29
| i know, it says that on the top of your post |
17863 - | | | 17894 - Réponse de Raphaël233 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-11-28
| I'm Canadian. |
17863 - | | | 17883 - Réponse de Lillian117 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-11-15
| how have you never heard of general mills? |
17863 - | | | 17871 - Réponse de Raphaël233 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-11-11
| Never heard about general mills. |
Happy Rosh Hashanah! Jewish New Year! |
This month is Hispanic Heritage Month and the 17th was Mexican Independence Day. Viva Mexico! |
17816 - | | | 17820 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-18
| ¡Es muy bien! |
Does anyone have an opinion on the 2017 Palistine elections? |
17815 - | | | 17869 - Réponse de Raphaël233 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-11-11
| I dream of a free Palestinian state! |
17815 - | | | 17837 - Réponse de Régine113 , 50 ans (France) - 2017-09-21
| I THINK THE PROBLEM IS COLONISATION WITH DESTRUCTION OF PALESTINIAN HOUSES; bUT ON THE OTHER HAND JEWS ARE NOT A DANGER FOR OCCIDENT AND IT'S some extremist palestinians who make attempts.I think a palestinian state would be good and bad. Good for the palestinians who would have at least the end of thedestruction of their house and bad because the extremists
could be more dangerous. Jews and Arabs are cousins; they have the same ancestor, Abraham. That conflict is absolutelly idiot and useless. |
17815 - | | | 17824 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-09-18
| Does anyone know why Palestinians do not want to bart of Isreal? I think that they should have their own state but I think they shouldn't at the same time. Israel is a small but strong nation surrounded by enemies trying to break them. Would a Palestinian state add to the pressure? If there becomes a Palestinian state, with voters and a democracy the people can and may vote in an islamist. What ever happens I do not think that Isreal should retreive to it's 1967 borders. |
17815 - | | | 17819 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-18
| I'm with the Palestinian people in their struggle to get freedom from Israel apartheid state, but I don't think islamists should govern a free Palestine. That's why I support Fatah. |
Today is Day of Democracy. |
17806 - | | | 17818 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-18
| Why do nobody knew it? That's regrettable. |
"We Will Not Forget."
We will not forget the victims, heroes, families and service members who laid down and continuously lay down their lives for our freedom. |
17791 - | | | 17802 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-14
| True. But which persons are you talking about? |
A small thought for the victims of hurricanes... |
17775 - | | | 17868 - Réponse de Raphaël233 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-11-11
| I kind of like San Antonio because of the high presence of Latinos and Latinas there. |
17775 - | | | 17822 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-09-18
| Yes, I have been there. It's very charming. One of the reasons I live there. :) |
17775 - | | | 17817 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-18
| Did you ever go to San Antonio? The thing I preferred there was the Riverwalk. That's a wonderful and charming place! |
17775 - | | | 17810 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-09-15
| I'm acquainted with all parts. I love El Paso and New Mexico! Nice clean dry air compared San Antone's constant humidiy. Beautiful places and beautyful people. We ain't perfect but close to it. :p. Thankfully Houston has lost little life in hurricane Harvey and as long as the peoples there we can rebuild. |
17775 - | | | 17801 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-14
| I arrived from Louisiana, then I visited Houston, San Antonio, Fort Stockton, Van Horn, El Paso and I entered in New Mexico. |
17775 - | | | 17799 - Réponse de Korla 10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-09-13
| What part of the Lone Star State have you visited? |
17775 - | | | 17782 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-11
| I'd like to express my full solidarity with Texans. Two years ago, I spent ten days there and I can't imagine these beautiful landscapes and cities have been damaged. |
17775 - | | | 17776 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-09-07
| I live in Texas and is born and raised Texan. Where I am the weather is dry but lots of disastrous things has happened near by. Still we're Texas tough with big hearts. To victims of recent hurricanes and flooding: It's not over yet. You'll get through. |
Today is Day Against Nuclear Test Day |
17753 - | | | 17762 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-31
| Le Québec est sorti du nucléaire depuis longtemps... |
17753 - | | | 17757 - Réponse de Laura160 (France) - 2017-08-30
| Cool! :) |
The world has changed a lot since our ancestors settled and started to farm their lands, now many people waste their time on social media thinking that people care about them, now many people waste money on things that don't exist thinking it's a good investment, now many people don't actually know what's in their food, their clothes, their computers, now many people ignore everything about life, why shouldn't these people try to stop being codes in a server, percentages, why shouldn't they get out of this consumer driven society by just living their lives without the imaginary and binary stuff, why shouldn't they stop being the slaves of their own society? |
17725 - | | | 17779 - Réponse de cherine239 (France) - 2017-09-08
| hi , i know it's weird but i really need a help in english et i can see that you write well so can you help me and if you are interessed i'm a student french |
17725 - | | | 17743 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-24
| The Cree, Algonquin, Inuit and other Aboriginal peoples keep speaking their languages. I agree they're all wonderful languages.
But a majority of Canadians don't speak one of those languages because we're from other backgrounds. French and British people went here and colonized Canada. They didn't start to speak Ojibwa, Innu-Aimun or Wendat because they just invaded, destroyed and killed.
I am from French and Irish heritage, that's why I don't speak my regional Native language (the Innu-Aimun one). But I know a few words, and if I have children someday, I think I'll send them to the Innu-Aimun-speaking school. |
17725 - | | | 17731 - Réponse de James37 , 13 ans (Ireland ) - 2017-08-22
| Also why shouldn't you speak the beautiful Cree, graceful Algonquin or majestic Inuktitut? Were these not some of the original languages of Canada? |
17725 - | | | 17729 - Réponse de James37 , 13 ans (Ireland) - 2017-08-22
| Because you think Irish people actually stopped speaking Gaelic just for fun?
I can answer your question, the monarchs of England wanted to regain control over Ireland for cultural and strategic purposes, so they gave lands in Ireland to English men and told them to farm their lands, that way the colonists loyal to the king would impose English, and the English crown would slowly take control of Ireland through colonisation, and military occupation of course. |
17725 - | | | 17728 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-22
| Why did they stop to speak their beautiful Gaelic language? |
Do you think America is in the brink of war with North Korea? Does anyone in America have a solid idea and/or opinion of what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. Times are changing still something are still the same. |
17701 - | | | 17800 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-09-14
| Même le titre me rebute un peu... |
17701 - | | | 17797 - Réponse de Régine113 , 50 ans (France) - 2017-09-13
| Oui. Regarde le vidéo clip "Crusader" de Saxon. |
17701 - | | | 17742 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-24
| Du métal chrétien? Ben voyons... |
17701 - | | | 17732 - Réponse de Régine113 , 50 ans (France) - 2017-08-23
| BELEIVE IN GOD !!! I saw him in a dream and when I woke up,after a premonition I saw him from Heaven !!! SAXON is my favourite hard-rock band. C'est du métal chrétien. joue |
17701 - | | | 17720 - Réponse de Raphaël169 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-20
| I'm more likely to think that our world isn't going to be involved into another dirty war. |
17701 - | | | 17712 - Réponse de Guest10 (USA) - 2017-08-18
| True. |
17701 - | | | 17711 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-08-18
| That is so true. No one is born hating. It is not only anglo racist feeding this tension. Some descendants of African, latino, aborigine and other races are also taught to hate and hold a grudge against "whites" for what has happened in the past and present centuries. The truth is there is racism in every race. While the majority of aggression towards colored people has came from the Anglos, there was and is a great percentage of "whites" against all racial discrimination. In America when it comes to desegregation we have only 60 years experience comparatively. As one writer put it "Though racism and discrimination has been put to rest it has not been fully put to death and stirs in its sleep." I believe as a nation we should have already been pass this but it is like herding cattle through. Many people are still alive from the days of more apparent discrimination and continue to pass it along to their children.
As far as North Korea, I do hope we don't go into nuclear war, or any war for that matter. But a country has got to do what a country has got to do. Defend, protect and secure the people and the land. |
17701 - | | | 17709 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-17
| No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. |
17701 - | | | 17708 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-08-17
| I agree. |
17701 - | | | 17703 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-17
| Fascist groups are a threat to freedom and democracy. We have to confront them hardly by reasserting our principles of liberty and justice. |
August 9, is World Indigenous People Day.
in·dig·e·nous: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. |
17660 - | | | 17780 - Réponse de cherine239 (France) - 2017-09-08
| hi , i know it's weir but i really need a help to learn english and i can see that you write well So can you help me ???
if you are interessed i'm a student french |
17660 - | | | 17741 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-24
| Here in Canada, we have Idle No More which is a First Nations rights organization. |
17660 - | | | 17740 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-08-23
| Does any one know of any global unions or associations that support indigenous people and aboriginal rights. How can one get involved in the movement to help difference? |
17660 - | | | 17691 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-14
| Je le sais bien, mais l'entreprise en question veut extraire du pétrole d'un territoire autochtone Mi'kmaq sans le consentement de ce peuple. |
17660 - | | | 17690 - Réponse de Régine113 , 50 ans (France) - 2017-08-13
| Il faut bien exploiter le pétrôle pour avoir de l'essence. Les voitures éléctriques ne sont idéales qu'en ville. Moi j'habite en montagne. |
17660 - | | | 17686 - Réponse de Raphaël169 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-11
| Here in Quebec, they want to make oil exploration into Mi'kmaq unceased territories. |
17660 - | | | 17669 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-08-10
| Just because native people were taken off their land in the earlier centuries does not mean they have forgotten and can still be further stripped of the ancestral homeland and rights. One example issue in America, would be the Dakota Pipeline through sacred Native American land. |
17660 - | | | 17662 - Réponse de Raphaël59 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-09
| It's a day to focus on First Nations issues. |
Today is the celebration of the 241st year of American independence. Americans weren't freed from Brittan by the signing of the Declaration alone. It took the blood and sacrifice of many patriotic men, women and children years after and lives are continued to be laid down today. For this gift of freedom I am proud to live in 'The land of the free and the home of the brave.' |
17601 - | | | 17685 - Réponse de Raphaël169 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2017-08-11
| Ça fait presque un mois... |
17601 - | | | 17668 - Réponse de Korla10 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-08-10
| Thanks. In that matter happy Bastille Day to you! |
17601 - | | | 17667 - Réponse de Laura160 (France) - 2017-08-09
| Let me remind you that France helped out!
Happy late birthday! (Sorry) |