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modifier supprimer 35623 - de Annabella116 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-01-25
Chouette - "Owls :P"

I LOOOOOVEE owls they are so wise and graceful, I wish I was an owl so I could see the world in a different perspective. Sometimes I find owl pellets in my yard and around where I live. one time when I was driivng home there was an owl in my mailbox, it was sooo cool lol.

35623 -
modifier supprimer 35788 - Réponse de Tristan248 , 24 ans (France) - 2023-12-18

I love them to ! I live in a house in a middle of the forest and i hear owl praticly every night !

35623 -
modifier supprimer 35624 - Réponse de hootie102 (USA) - 2023-01-26


modifier supprimer 35267 - de Nat210 , 9 ans (USA) - 2021-10-21
Chouette - "Owls"

Same I love owls! They are cute and they live in lots of places.

modifier supprimer 35237 - de Jack96 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-10-11
Chouette - "OWLS!"

Hi, I love owls! They are so cute and fluffy and I even had one in my shoulder!


35237 -
modifier supprimer 35560 - Réponse de Anna122 , 11 ans (Ukraine) - 2022-10-21

Hello my name is Anna. Me 11 years old. I like dogs very much!
my favorite colour is pink. What about you.

35237 -
modifier supprimer 35276 - Réponse de Regina Shendy215 , 12 ans (Indonésie) - 2021-10-23

My Name is Regina Shendy you can call me Shendy :). Umm I like dog, cat, and rabbit, i have two rabbit, she names is Woffy and Chester xixi.

modifier supprimer 35178 - de Jack25 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-08-06
Chouette - "Hoot hoot"

Owls are SOOO cute I had one sit on my shoulder once at a wildlife reserve. If you like owls I like you, if you don’t like a owls that’s fine, if you dont like owls but speak bad about them. I do not like you u-u

35178 -
modifier supprimer 35207 - Réponse de Manishi 134 , 15 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-09-10

I love love love owls. I would LOVE to have one as a pet but it is strictly prohibited in my country :(

modifier supprimer 34957 - de Maddie55 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-02-17
Chouette - "I LOVE owls!"

I love owls! Snowy owls are my favorite kind of owl! They are so cute and pretty! I wish I could see them more though.


34957 -
modifier supprimer 35052 - Réponse de Laura181 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2021-05-09

I love owls I wish I could see one as well. 🦉

modifier supprimer 34761 - de Joseph94 , 13 ans (Espagne) - 2020-11-22
Chouette - "When will I find one???!"

I think owls are really cool birds, but they are quite rare where I come from (Almeria county, Southern spain). As a birdwatcher, I have been searching for owls or evidence of owl habitation in my area. Particularly, I have been looking for a Little Owl for some time, which are the most common. Has a anyone got any knowledge about their preferred habitat, or any tips on how to find them, please message me below. Thanks!

modifier supprimer 34447 - de Charlee134 , 10 ans (USA) - 2020-05-24
Chouette - "I LOVE OWLS"


modifier supprimer 34172 - de Vishnu229 , 22 ans (Inde) - 2019-12-14
Chouette - "Sharks and owls"

Shark 1: Guys I believe one of us is possessed by an owl!
Shark 2: WHO?
Shark 1: I don't kno-.... *stares at Shark 2 in horror*

34172 -
modifier supprimer 35213 - Réponse de Manishi134 , 15 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-09-15


modifier supprimer 33847 - de Nicole185 , 13 ans (USA) - 2019-04-05
Chouette - "Hi, I'm Nicole"

Hi! i'm NICOLE and i'm an owl lover. I've had my heart set on a barn owl. and i'm looking for someone who is also in love with owls. Anyone wanna message me and we can get to know each other good? ;)

33847 -
modifier supprimer 35053 - Réponse de Laura181 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2021-05-09

Hi Nicole I like owls. I’m not an owl lover but I do like owls. I’ve always wanted to see one. We could talk about owls if you like. Just asking if I can be your pen pal. We could also do snail mail. 🦉

33847 -
modifier supprimer 33967 - Réponse de Moira194 , 12 ans (USA) - 2019-06-19

I love bran owls too but my favorite is the great horned owl 🦉

modifier supprimer 33740 - de Ruby241 , 10 ans (USA) - 2019-01-24
Chouette - "Owls"

Hi! I luv owls too and I think they are so cute.
My favorite kind is snowy owls.what is yours?

P.S:Maybe we could be pen pals because I don’t have any pen pals yet
And I Like almost all of the same things as you!

33740 -
modifier supprimer 34956 - Réponse de Maddie55 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-02-17

My favorite animal is a snowy owl too! They are so cute and pretty!


33740 -
modifier supprimer 34659 - Réponse de Kayla164 (Malaisie) - 2020-10-09

Mine is barn owl. But the others are so adorable that I can’t decide!

modifier supprimer 33502 - de Fatimah100 , 11 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-23
Chouette - "Cute owl :)"

Owl is my favourite animal. I'm not sure why,but maybe i think it is so cute! :)
That's weird,right? So if there is someone who love owl very much,just write a message to me! Maybe we can be an awesome friends. And maybe we can explore the world together to see many types of owls. My ref number is -1371443.
Bye for now! :)

modifier supprimer 33156 - de matheus252 , 11 ans (USA) - 2018-04-18
Chouette - "matheus note to nicknand."


I like Owls just a little bit so I hope that you don't get mad at me.

Your friend

33156 -
modifier supprimer 33249 - Réponse de Amina231 , 12 ans (USA) - 2018-06-02

It's ok owls r cute and very wise. I won't get mad at u. whats ur favorite owl?

modifier supprimer 32772 - de Charlotte203 , 11 ans (France) - 2017-11-20
Chouette - "Les chouettes"

J'aime beaucoup les chouettes? C'est très joli et majestueux.

32772 -
modifier supprimer 34466 - Réponse de Renaud34 , 11 ans (France) - 2020-06-03

moi aussi ma chouette préférée c'est la tyto alba ( chouette effraie )
si tu les aime je te conseille un livre : les gardiens de ga hoole

32772 -
modifier supprimer 32778 - Réponse de Camille73 (France) - 2017-11-21

Oui, j'en ai déjà vu une. Ma chouette préféré c'est la chouette effraie et toi??? Voici mon numéro de référence pour m'écrire: 1300504
Bises, Camillle! :)

modifier supprimer 32419 - de Yasmin133 (Malaisie) - 2017-06-30
Chouette - "Owl"

I love owl. They are so cute, beautiful and interesting. I do hope i can make one as a pet

32419 -
modifier supprimer 33741 - Réponse de Ruby241 , 10 ans (USA) - 2019-01-24

Hedwig,as in Hedwig from Harry Potter?

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modifier supprimer 33250 - Réponse de Amina231 , 12 ans (USA) - 2018-06-02

I hope I can make one as a pet too! What's you favorite type of owl?

your friend

32419 -
modifier supprimer 32696 - Réponse de Agrima216 , 11 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-10-22

Hi Yasmin, I also love owls. They are so cute and fluffy! If you have an owl, what will you name it? If I had one, I would name it Hedwig

modifier supprimer 32370 - de Abigail74 (USA) - 2017-06-06
Chouette - "Owls"

Owls and such beautiful and interesting creatures

modifier supprimer 32339 - de lisa205 , 14 ans (France) - 2017-05-22
Chouette - "Owls"

Owls are so beautiful^^

modifier supprimer 32178 - de Barbara0 , 14 ans (USA) - 2017-03-11
Chouette - "Owls"

I love owls because there very interesting and mysterious. They don't make that much noise and there very beautiful to look at.

modifier supprimer 30932 - de Clémentine166 , 14 ans (France) - 2016-02-22
Chouette - "Owls"

I love owls. They are beautiful, interesting and very mysterious, it's why I love them. I'd really like to be an owl...

30932 -
modifier supprimer 32048 - Réponse de Someone110 (USA) - 2017-01-22

They LOOK wise yeah, agreed.

30932 -
modifier supprimer 31895 - Réponse de aspyn94 , 11 ans (USA) - 2016-12-06

hi i like that you like owls i do to they are my fav animal

modifier supprimer 30484 - de Kate20 , 9 ans (USA) - 2015-10-30
Chouette - "Owls for life!"

I love owls! They are very cute with those big eyes. We have lots of owls where I live. My favorite is the great horned owl.

30484 -
modifier supprimer 32672 - Réponse de ethan169 (USA) - 2017-10-17

I see great horns in THE DAY TIME

30484 -
modifier supprimer 32451 - Réponse de Camille172 (France) - 2017-07-19

Quelle chance !J'ai toujours été fascinée par ces animaux ! ^^

modifier supprimer 27800 - de ethan185 , 11 ans (USA) - 2015-01-05
Chouette - "owls"

I love owls. they are curios and smart animals. For example in greek mythology the owl stands for wisdom.

27800 -
modifier supprimer 30220 - Réponse de catherine17 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-09-12

Any one who would like to help me with french? In return I can hep with English

27800 -
modifier supprimer 28544 - Réponse de Nadia34 , 14 ans (Norvège) - 2015-07-25

YES! Thats why I love owls!

27800 -
modifier supprimer 28532 - Réponse de Rebekah253 (USA) - 2015-07-23

Me two. That my reason why I like Athena

27800 -
modifier supprimer 27837 - Réponse de Mairead186 , 12 ans (USA) - 2015-01-17

I know right!
Owls are awesome!!
there why i like Athena!!

modifier supprimer 27414 - de Lilas80 , 13 ans (France) - 2014-09-29
Chouette - "Book"

Do you know My name is Mina, David Almond

Birds, let's sleep during I fly this night !

It's amazing that mean anything !

modifier supprimer 27318 - de Eva149 , 9 ans (USA) - 2014-09-15
Chouette - "So Cute!"

I think owls are very cute.They are my favorite animals!

27318 -
modifier supprimer 31896 - Réponse de aspyn94 , 11 ans (USA) - 2016-12-06

so cool me to

27318 -
modifier supprimer 30067 - Réponse de Sydney162 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2015-08-13

I love animals! Epically owls... Im kinda obsessed.

27318 -
modifier supprimer 27549 - Réponse de spring101 , 17 ans (Corée) - 2014-10-24

I live in South Korea
I really like the owl :)

27318 -
modifier supprimer 27506 - Réponse de chloe221 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2014-10-17

I love owls too they are adorable!!

modifier supprimer 27278 - de Jae109 , 11 ans (USA) - 2014-09-12
Chouette - "OWL"

Owls are totally adorable

27278 -
modifier supprimer 31632 - Réponse de Anoosheh134 , 9 ans (USA) - 2016-09-09

i love owls their amazing intelligent creatures

modifier supprimer 26929 - de Laura150 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2014-06-28
Chouette - "Penpals who love owls!"

I would love a penpal who loves owls as much as me!!! My favourites are burrowing owls and minerva owls. Email me - bookworm@hotmail.co.uk. Would also like written letter penpals too!! :)

26929 -
modifier supprimer 31212 - Réponse de I-Chen251 , 12 ans (Taïwan) - 2016-04-23

Do you want a penpal who loves owls? I really love owls and I always want a penpal from Great Britain. But I prefer written letters.

26929 -
modifier supprimer 28002 - Réponse de amy229 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2015-03-12

owls are my favourite animals, they're totally adorable but also really cool and quite clever as well. they're prettier than lots of other birds and all owl pictures look amazing,
i also like wolves, but they're not as good as owls. . .

26929 -
modifier supprimer 27423 - Réponse de Auburn138 , 14 ans (USA) - 2014-10-02

hi i love owls they have been my favorite animals for years and i would also LOVE a written penpal too msg me back on students of the world

26929 -
modifier supprimer 26931 - Réponse de mystieanna21 , 13 ans (USA) - 2014-06-29

owls are beautiful !! i love them too

modifier supprimer 26774 - de Kyna Mavies203 (Grande Bretagne) - 2014-05-08
Chouette - "Owls!! Found the best video of them!"

If you go to 18:04 of this video 'Feathered Friends', there's a amazing section about owls. It has really good facts about owls and some really cute footage.

Here's the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofw_tie5Qvc

Hope you all enjoy! Kyna x

26774 -
modifier supprimer 28533 - Réponse de Rebekah253 , 10 ans (USA) - 2015-07-23

I might check it out. It sounds really cool

modifier supprimer 26605 - de stephanie151 , 12 ans (Guatemala) - 2014-04-02
Chouette - "hello"

i love the owls and i speeck eanglish spanish and italian (MY SPELLING IS NOT GOOD AT ALL)

modifier supprimer 26021 - de Yaz183 , 17 ans (Vénézuéla) - 2013-11-20
Chouette - "Be an Owl!"

Owls are very interesting. Sometimes I would like to be a mysterious owl.

26021 -
modifier supprimer 28545 - Réponse de Nadia34 , 14 ans (Norvège) - 2015-07-25

Thats why I LOVE owls! And theyre wise:D

26021 -
modifier supprimer 26631 - Réponse de Kalyn126 , 18 ans (USA) - 2014-04-08

Owls I find mysterious and interesting as well! when I was little I was told that if you heard an owl at night, it was protecting me when I was outside at night :)

26021 -
modifier supprimer 26399 - Réponse de Harlie90 , 8 ans (Australie) - 2014-02-20

HI I AM HARLIE I'm 8 yes owls are cute but Thay are not! In my top 10!!! If we could I would love to be your pen powl my favourite animal is a meerkat do you have Brother? I dare you to dress as an owl in front of him we'll good!!! From harlie

modifier supprimer 13746 - de Lorna74 , 12 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2013-10-06
Chouette - "I love owls"

Owls are so cute reply if you think so to!!

13746 -
modifier supprimer 28399 - Réponse de Maria177 , 10 ans (USA) - 2015-06-03

Athena's sacred animal too. She chose wisely. Hehe.

13746 -
modifier supprimer 14103 - Réponse de aylan124 , 12 ans (USA) - 2013-11-18

I know they are so cute

modifier supprimer 11980 - de Vlad30 , 14 ans (Ukraine) - 2012-12-18
Chouette - "Hi Rebecca!"

Hi Rebecca! My name is Vlad. I'm 14. And I'm from Ukraine. I'm looking for penfriend from USA or Canada. Do you have facebook profile?
Write me please,

modifier supprimer 11364 - de Céline180 , 13 ans (France) - 2012-10-07
Chouette - "chouettes"

J'aime beaucoup les chouettes, dans ma famille, la tradition veut que l'on en offre une à toutes les filles de la famille à Noël et à leur anniversaire !

11364 -
modifier supprimer 28534 - Réponse de Bekah253 (USA) - 2015-07-23

Chouettes réels ?

11364 -
modifier supprimer 26237 - Réponse de Margot237 , 11 ans (France) - 2014-01-10

C'est vrai ? Moi j'adore parce qu'elle sont trop belle !

11364 -
modifier supprimer 11578 - Réponse de Marine 194 , 17 ans (France) - 2012-10-29

Hallo, mein Name Marine ist, ich bin 17, ich möchte einige deutsche Korrespondenten kennen.

11364 -
modifier supprimer 11476 - Réponse de Céline180 , 13 ans (France) - 2012-10-17

Moui !

11364 -
modifier supprimer 11468 - Réponse de sarah66 , 12 ans (Burkina Faso) - 2012-10-16

c'est cool

modifier supprimer 11228 - de Sandra130 , 16 ans (USA) - 2012-09-24
Chouette - "I Love Owls"

I love Owls I think they're so cute!!! And they're so soft!!! :D

11228 -
modifier supprimer 27507 - Réponse de Chloe221 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2014-10-17

I love owls a lot, they are cte and mysterious. also there are a lot of interesting facts about owls

11228 -
modifier supprimer 12706 - Réponse de Samantha220 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2013-03-28

I love owls,
they are cute but the tawny frog mouth owl isn't the prettiest sort of owls.

11228 -
modifier supprimer 12484 - Réponse de Yvette249 , 15 ans (Chine) - 2013-02-27

Yes owls are so furry and cute~! I love them too.
Hello I'm Yvette, nice to meet you~

11228 -
modifier supprimer 11697 - Réponse de busenur181 , 15 ans (Turquie) - 2012-11-12

I have a homework.Can you help me?

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