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modify delete 27837 - from Joseph223 (South Africa) - 2024-07-18
Weight lifting - "Training as a gym instructor at TECH Global University"


I am passionate about sport and for this reason I have been studying for some time to be able to dedicate myself to personal training for athletes. I want to get more education and I have seen a TECH Global University's gym instructor program that I think can provide me with a lot of knowledge to dedicate myself professionally to what I want to do.

Can anyone here share their experiences with this degree and confirm if it is useful?

Thank you very much :)

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modify delete 27844 - Reply from Thasi158 (South Africa) - 2024-08-12

I think that if you want to broaden your knowledge, it's a good option. You have to like studying online to get the most out of the experience, but if that's your case I recommend it.

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modify delete 27843 - Reply from Jon223 , 32 yrs (South Africa) - 2024-08-08

For me it is a good option for training. In my case, I studied and it allowed me to continue with the rest of my personal, professional obligations... So I value it quite positively

modify delete 27509 - from Mona36 (India) - 2021-12-12
Weight lifting - "Hi"

Hello, I have been weightlifting for 10 yrs now and would like to know what certification course should I do to get international exposure.

modify delete 27426 - from nomin224 (Sri Lanka) - 2021-10-14
Weight lifting - "hii"

woow... i also like it .i is very nice sport

modify delete 26387 - from Angeline145 , 14 yrs (France) - 2019-04-19
Weight lifting - "Perdre du poids"

Salut, ça fait bientôt deux ans que je pratique la musculation et je n’ai pas eu de grand changement physiquement. J’aimerais perdre du poids mais j’ai surtout un souci par rapport a l´alimentation.
Hello, I have been practicing bodybuilding for almost two years and I don’t most change
I would like to lose weight but I especially have a problem with the diet.

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modify delete 27703 - Reply from Pierrick149 , 18 yrs (France) - 2023-02-17

Si jamais tu as besoin d'un coup de pouce, je suis coach sportif.
Je propose des programmes personnalisés via mon site de coaching: 63ca362b857be.site123.me
Si jamais tu veux plus d'infos, mes réseaux et contacts sont liés dans ce site.

J'espère bientôt travailler avec toi !

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modify delete 26761 - Reply from Alicia 175 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-03-21

Salut angeline !

Je m'appelle Alicia j'ai 13 ans bientôt 14. Je pratique l'équitation le samedi, le fitness tous les soirs et la musculation de temps en temps et je vais essayer d'en faire plus. Déjà que fais tu comme exercices ? Je te conseille de varier tes exercices. Après si tu veux perdre du poids niveau ventre je te conseille le gainage. Au niveau des cuisses c'est plutôt les squattes qui sont bien.
Sinon je ne suis pas une pro. Je te conseille d'aller voir sur YouTube ( si tu peux bien sûr). La chaîne tiboinshape entrainement est bien il donne des conseils pour tous le monde et pour toutes les parties du corps ! Sinon je pense que le fitness est pas mal pour muscler aussi !
N'hésites pas à me recontacter si tu veux d'autres infos je te répondrai avec plaisir !!

modify delete 25035 - from Esther126 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2017-03-29
Weight lifting - "Hello"

Hi I'm Esther and I do weight lifting but with not very heavy weights.Because we don't have heavy weights and I just lift at home.I do squats and lunges and arm workout with weights along with yoga.And everyday I try to do handstands.But I use really light weight like 25 pounds.And my brother who is 2 is also really good at lifting weights.

modify delete 24699 - from Léa219 , 16 yrs (France) - 2016-10-26
Weight lifting - "Hi !"

Hi everyone !
I do fitness since 1 year and I bigin Crossfit 2 months ago.
I really like this sports :)

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modify delete 26192 - Reply from Skylar74 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2018-11-30

CrossFit is the best I hope you stick with it!!!

modify delete 23526 - from roj120 , 60 yrs (Thailand) - 2015-10-07
Weight lifting - "Sport - Weight lifting"

Hi Léa and everyone,
I am an ACE certified personal trainer living in Bangkok, Thailand.
I am studying spanish as a beginner at Chulalongkorn University.
I´d like to find a spanish speaking friend to improve my spanish.

hasta la próxima

modify delete 8967 - from Elsa58 (Canada) - 2012-11-07
Weight lifting - "Culturisme"

Récemment j'ai lu un livre vraiment intéressant sur le culturisme.
Ca a vraiment brisé certains stéréotypes que j'avais envers cette forme d'entrainement...
en fait, j'ai appris que justement ce n'est pas qu'un entrainement, mais plutot une manière de vivre... le culte du corps à l'aide des poids et machines. Le principe est simple, celui de valoriser et perfectionner notre corps grace a une bonne alimentation, c'est sur, mais surtout grace à l'entrainement continu et centré sur le développement musculaire.
Je ne sais pas si d'autres personnes connaissent ou pratiquent le culturisme, mais je trouve que les valeurs sont vraiment intéressantes!

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modify delete 9328 - Reply from Yonathan63 , 21 yrs (Switzerland) - 2013-01-11

salut ouais en effet c'est plutôt une manière de vivre car les inconvénients sont grands il faut manger très riche et avoir des rythmes constants d'exercice et surtout avoir le mental car faire de la muscu c'est quand même de la souffrance autant psychique que physique. Mais sa à vraiment quelque chose de noble ce sport et je même de spirituel.tu compte en faire?

modify delete 4577 - from januka135 , 18 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2011-01-24
Weight lifting - "nice look"

(arms,chest,shoulders,six packs) that is my most likes. It is very very interest.I love it very much.It is most good for only boy. It is not nice for girls.

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modify delete 24361 - Reply from Laura11 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2016-05-29

Okay weight lifting is fine for girls I am a girl and I lift every day. I can lift 210 but that is all the weights I have access to so idk how much I can really lift. And I'm 13 and overweight.

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modify delete 9810 - Reply from Sarah208 , 17 yrs (Norway) - 2013-03-24

I have to disagree where you're saying weight lifting isn't nice for girls. I lift weights. I may not lift as much as guys do, but still, I'm seeing results, and that's good! :)

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modify delete 8138 - Reply from Kenneth0 , 43 yrs (Nigeria) - 2012-07-01

Actually,weightlifting is my life,and my carrier.I won three silvers in the national men and women open weightlifting and,in the national sports festival i won gold medal with 115kg in the snatch event.But saying that weightlifting is not good for girl,i disagree.weightlifting is made up of two categories,male and female.Even in the area of bodybuilding women are also engage too.

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modify delete 6305 - Reply from BigChest106 , 16 yrs (Australia) - 2011-10-07

Hey Januka
How much do you bench press, shoulder press, bicep curl, squat, deadlift and barbell row?

modify delete 790 - from WISE125 , 21 yrs (Korea) - 2009-05-24
Weight lifting - "what are your opinions about "weight-lifting without aerobic exercise""

I am very interested in weight-lifting. Even though I'm not in good shape, I try working hard and I want to have a nice body shape.
Anyway I wonder whether weight-lifting without aerobic exercise is good or bad.
Please comment to this problem~

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modify delete 24384 - Reply from Amy204 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2016-06-11

Hi Wise! How are you? Well, based on your question, you want to have a good shape and want to try weight lifting. That's a great idea and weight lifting is great since it improves your muscle tone and the more muscle you build, the more calories you can burn since muscle usually consumes an extra 6 calories or more when recovering, depending on your weight, which can aide with weight loss. Although, you were wondering if you should also do it with anaerobic exercise, also known as cardio. Cardio burns a lot of calories and is good for the heart and lungs, but if you do too much, it consumes the muscle you are building. Therefore, if you do want to do anaerobic exercise (cardio), don't try to do a whole lot of it, because it can slow down your progress with the muscles you are building. Something between 20-30 minutes of anaerobic exercise should be sufficient. However, each person's body works differently and they have different goals. Someone might do weight lifting only and still build muscle while another person needs to do a balance of cardio and weight lifting to maintain their shape. The point is that you need to have balance of both. Also, a balanced and healthy diet is crucial for when your both weight lifting and when recovering. A lot of protein such as chicken and turkey, lots of milk, whey protein mixed with milk, lots of fruits and veggies, and carbs and water. No sugar or processed foods will come in handy when starting to weight lift and building muscles. If you do plan to do cardio, try to do it between 2-3 times a week, although this is just a basic idea to help you. Although I do agree with what the other people who posted to this thread mentioned. Do some research first and then consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Best of luck with your fitness goals! Have a wonderful day! -Amy ^-^

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modify delete 7961 - Reply from Matt177 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2012-06-01

Are you fat or reall skinny? Weight lifting wouldn't hurt you ir you did it.

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modify delete 6304 - Reply from John106 , 16 yrs (Australia) - 2011-10-07

Hey Wise,
When you do weights, or high intensity (high weight, low repetition) exercises, doing aerobic exercise is vital to any strength training program. However, you MUST time your aerobic activity properly. For example, if you jog or run before doing weights, your body burns vital GLYCOGEN in your muscles. This in turn reduces your bodies ability to recover, repair or grow properly. Also, doing aerobic exercises on an empty stomach is even worse. By running on an empty stomach, your body seeks out a source of fuel to use. It is a common misconception that your body will target body to burn, but in fact it burns your hard earned muscle for fuel instead. So my advice to you is to visit some great sites like simplyshredded.com or bodybuilding.com, and to do your research!

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modify delete 3858 - Reply from Kaley16 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2010-10-07

Hi Wise!
I am thinking that weight lifting without aerobic exercise is bad.
Your pen pal,

modify delete 41 - from fadhila194 , 39 yrs (Algeria) - 2009-01-26
Weight lifting - "Haltérophile, musculation"

bonjour je suis une mère de 02 enfants qui soufre de larthrose servicale je suis tout le temps avec les médicaments mais sa donne rien mais le medecin ma conseiller de fer la musculation, mais j'ai fait quelque séance mais sa donne rien voila j'amerai bien de me conseiller les mouvement que je pourer faire a la maison aussi le matériel merci de voutre comprehension.

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modify delete 791 - Reply from wise125 , 21 yrs (Korea) - 2009-05-24

Hi there
Are you interested in weight-lifting?
glad to know you.
I'm a student,junior majoring in English education.
I'm a Korean and 21 years old, male.
I have a question. 'weight-lifting without aerobic exercise would be better than weight-lifting wit aerobic exercise?'
Please comment your idea~~~

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Forum about Sport - Weight lifting - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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