Nous recherchons des personnes ou groupe de personnes de bonne volonté et aussi des étudiants sans distinction aucune qui aimeraient partir à l'étranger pour un stage, mission, camps chantiers humanitaire d'entraide et ou tourisme solidaire au Togo (Afrique de l'Ouest).
Vous avez la possibilité de partir seul, en groupe ou en famille pour une mission de développement et de partage culturel avec l’association OVAM TOGO.
Pourquoi ne pas partir avec OVAM TOGO en vue de travailler avec une équipe dynamique partante pour rendre inoubliable votre séjour ?
Nos programmes :
- Ecologie/environnement
- Photographie humanitaire/ Exposition/Peinture photographique
- Santé/infirmerie
- Activité socio éducatives et Soutien scolaires
- Rénovation et Construction de bâtiment scolaire/dispensaire/bibliothèque
- Reboisement /gestion de projet/campagne propre
- Projet d'adduction d'eau potable
- Agronomie
- Eau, assainissement
- Géni électrique
- Géni civil
- arts et cultures (batik......)
- Et autres
E-mail : |
40791 - | | | 40793 - Reply from Franck 154 (Ivory Coast) - 2024-06-23
| Suis intéressé j’étudie du génie civil en bâtiment ! Alors dite moi ce je dois faire pour être retenu |
I would like to correspond with computer scientists since I am in the field of technology |
Hello Everyone,
Hope you all are well!
My name is Kunal Chatterjee and I'm from India. The reason I've made this account is to learn German and let's see how it goes! |
Bonjour,je voulais être ingénieur en informatique,,,, avez vous des conseils à me donner s'il vous plait? |
Hello les informaticien
Je viens vers vous pour que vous m'aidiez pour l'informatique car je suis super fort et je connais plein de choses mais on peux s'apprendre des choses?
Si oui merci de me contacter sur mon mail : |
Moi j'aime informatique et je suis avance dans mes projet et aussi Je veux developpe des jeux video Mais je veux qui me aide pour que je avance.
Merci! |
39314 - | | | 39942 - Reply from Loïc209 , 12 yrs (France) - 2021-08-04
| Bonjour
Moi aussi je voudrai faire des jeux vidéo si tu veux on peux s'aider ?
Contact moi sur mon email
A+ |
Hi Guys, I want to be a CEO of Media Company in Indonesia. I can tell you about Media company. If you want to ask me. Just reply my message. Thank you |
I give online classes in informatics (Windows, MacOS and Linux), electronics, drawing, through programs such as Skype, Zoom, Google Duo, Facebook Messenger, Microsoft Teams, SIP, WhatsApp or Telegram, very economical prices, if you are interested send me an email. |
37793 - | | | 40756 - Reply from ruth63 , 16 yrs (Uganda) - 2024-04-24
| hi could we be friends |
37793 - | | | 39233 - Reply from Vladimir83 , 16 yrs (Russia) - 2021-01-14
| Hi guys. My name is Vladimir, I am 16 years old. I am from Russia, I live in the Far East. I am studying programming in my first year. I decided to learn English for myself, as I need it for programming. I also like to play computer games. |
37793 - | | | 37945 - Reply from Sidy Félix214 , 19 yrs (Senegal) - 2020-06-09
| Je suis intéressé et c'est un rêve de devenir informaticien. |
Pour mon futur projet professionnel je suis interessé par l'informatique.
En particulier la conception, le développemet des multimédias(audio, vidéo, jeux).
Quelles sont les formations requises (diplômes) pour ce type de métier?
Merci pour votre aide. |
37612 - | | | 39943 - Reply from Loïc209 , 12 yrs (France) - 2021-08-04
| Bonjour
Moi aussi je voudrai faire des jeux vidéo et autre si tu veux on peux s'aider
Si oui contacte moi sur mon mail :
Bye |
37612 - | | | 39562 - Reply from Mor Fall124 (Senegal) - 2021-03-20
| Bonjour je suis étudiant en informatique j'ai déjà validé ma deuxième année je veux continuer mes études en France . J'aimerais m'inscrire en troisième année après en master afin de me spécialiser en réseaux et télécoms |
37612 - | | | 38404 - Reply from Li84 (China) - 2020-11-03
| Hello,would you like to make friend with me? |
37612 - | | | 37792 - Reply from Israel54 , 20 yrs (Spain) - 2020-04-29
| For video editing I recommend that you learn the software: Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro.
For sound editing I recommend that you learn the software: AdobeAudition, Sony Sound Forge, Audacity, Ocenaudio.
For game design I recommend that you learn Unity software.
I also recommend that you learn the Gimp software for image retouching.
If you send me an email I can give you more advice. |
37612 - | | | 37617 - Reply from NP17 (France) - 2020-04-01
| Si tu veux vraiment faire de la conception / programmation, alors il est vraiment conseillé de viser un niveau Bac+5. Sinon, trouver un travail à la hauteur de tes espérances sera mission impossible, car tu auras trop de concurrence parmi les candidats.
Surtout s'il s'agit de développer des jeux vidéo ; c'est un domaine très pointu.
Pour les formations, tu peux commencer par un bac général ou technologique, puis une licence en informatique tournée vers la programmation (génie logiciel par exemple), afin d'acquérir de solides bases, et puis ensuite tu peux te spécialiser dans le multimédia en visant un master. Il y en a un à Amiens par exemple.
Enfin, pour trouver un emploi, il faudra privilégier Paris ou la banlieue proche, si tu veux trouver quelque chose d'intéressant. Les "gros" emplois en informatique, malheureusement, c'est à Paris...
Par contre, si tu ne veux pas faire de longues études, tu pourras quand même trouver une bonne formation en multimédia de niveau Bac+2, mais ton futur emploi ne ressemblera probablement pas à ce que tu imagines aujourd'hui ; tu seras plus un utilisateur qu'un concepteur de produits. Et puis comme tu seras moins spécialisé, ton futur emploi sera probablement plus près de chez toi et rien ne t'obligera à partir sur Paris. C'est un avantage. |
Bonjour, je souhaiterais faire des études en informatique pour devenir ingénieur en informatique .Mais je ne sais pas vraiment vers où me diriger (écoles) aidez-moi svp . |
37330 - | | | 39595 - Reply from BRAND0 (Cameroon) - 2021-03-27
| bonjour moi aussi j'ai envi de devenir ingénieur et je te propose de te formé dans un centre de formation pour informatique |
37330 - | | | 37589 - Reply from clement16 (France) - 2020-03-31
| Bravo ,tu as bien raison! Au moins la moitié des (ingénieurs) sont sans diplôme , les vrai ingénieurs se font rares de nos jours . |
37330 - | | | 37339 - Reply from NP17 (France) - 2020-03-11
| Tout d'abord, il faut définir ce qu'est un VRAI ingénieur : en théorie, il faut un VRAI diplôme BAC+5 minimum. Car malheureusement, on trouve beaucoup d'ingénieurs de complaisance, qui se disent ingénieurs et qui parfois n'ont aucun diplôme...
Bref ! en gros, il y a 2 sortes d'ingénieurs diplômés (Bac +5) :
- les ingénieurs universitaires (en France, les études universitaires sont quasiment gratuites car c'est assuré par l'éducation nationale). On y entre souvent sur dossier scolaire, et parfois par concours.
- les ingénieurs d'écoles, et là, ça coûte cher car on est dans le privé. On y entre généralement par concours.
Globalement, les deux vont t'assurer un excellent niveau, mais pour les écoles, il faut faire son enquête car on peut aussi tomber sur n'importe quoi. Il faut savoir que certaines écoles produisent des diplômes qui ne sont pas officiellement reconnus. C'est un peu gênant... Alors que TOUS les diplômes universitaires sont reconnus dans le monde entier.
Autres différences :
- Dans une école, on est mieux "chouchouté", et quand on entre sur le marché du travail, on est généralement opérationnel rapidement ; les entreprises françaises aiment cela.
- A l'université, on doit se montrer plus autonome ; on apprend davantage à se débrouiller, à faire de la recherche, etc... Il ne faut pas oublier que les profs d'université sont des chercheurs (Bac +8) ; leur niveau est + élevé que dans les écoles privées ; donc ils sont + exigeants. En sortant de l'université, en général, on est + débrouillard qu'en sortant d'une école.
Après, pour les spécialités en informatique, il y a de tout ! ça dépend si tu t'intéresses + à la programmation, automatisme, électronique, multimédia, ergonomie, gestion de bases de données, utilisation de logiciels de conception assistée par ordinateur... |
Je souhaiterais faire des études en informatique pour devenir ingénieur informatique,
mais comment faire aider moi svp . |
Hi. I'm a student who has been enrolling at a stem school. I really need new crazy ideas on easy programming of ev3 robots |
I really want to learn more about programming. Would anybody like to learn with me? I am working on creating a website for a friend's business, and I know some HTML CSS and JavaScript. I would really like a penpal to talk about this stuff with. |
36611 - | | | 40374 - Reply from Arpan37 , 18 yrs (India) - 2022-09-04
| Hello, I know cpp, java, python and many more and we can surely be friends. |
36611 - | | | 39249 - Reply from Anjali250 , 14 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2021-01-19
| name is anjali..I like chat with you..i am sri Lankan child..I can speak english ambition is to be a doctor...I am 14 years old.. |
36611 - | | | 37273 - Reply from Oki249 , 17 yrs (Indonesia) - 2020-02-09
| Hello, my name is oki from Indonesia. I think we have same hobby which is about programming language. I like an embedded system and I working with the Arduino microcontroller in C language. |
36611 - | | | 36953 - Reply from Samue66 , 26 yrs (Ghana) - 2019-10-09
| Hello,
In response to your message that you need someone to learn programming with, you got me |
36611 - | | | 36747 - Reply from Bernice66 , 14 yrs (Ghana) - 2019-07-21
| I also want to be a computer scientist in future I am working on a website and I need help.Can anyone give me some ideas. |
About me
Hey ,I am from Sri Lanka . i love to create things . And i am very interested in computer science
what's mean by team up
I would like to join with others to learn 3d modeling , programming , game development , web designing and discuss things, find new thing , do some project and be friends
So if you like join with me
How to contact me
you can contact me using this things
+ email =
Or put reply below with your email address ( or any other contact information )
please note what you are good at in the email or reply that you send to me
Things I know
+ I have learned html and css ( not very well )
+ I am learning 3d modeling . ( i am just a beginner ) I am use blender
+ I have leaned basics of java programming
+ I have a knowledge about computer hardware
+ And i have done little bit of game development using fps creator and unity
+ I have learned basics of video editing |
35877 - | | | 40104 - Reply from Jason190 , 12 yrs (China) - 2021-11-14
| I want to join your club.My name is Jason.I am a Chinese.I like coding.I'll be basic Java,PHP,C and html.
You can write to,or another:
Look forward to hearing from you. |
35877 - | | | 36610 - Reply from Ashlynn255 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2019-05-10
| I'll team up with you if you would like. I want to go to an academy for programming. I know HTML and CSS basics. I am also learning JavaScript. I use Visual Studio Code and am currently creating a website for a friend's business. |
35877 - | | | 36090 - Reply from Rafia242 , 12 yrs (Bangladesh) - 2018-10-08
| Hello!I am Rafia from Bangladesh.I want to be a computer scientist and a ideal job is scientist.because I love science!!!!!!😘 |
I am interested in computers and coding. I think AI is interesting, but would not prefer it in my daily life; anything can be hacked. I like to code in python and create programs in Kali. I'm working right now on getting the invite code for hackthebox, although I am stuck. Does anyone know how to make a POST request specifying JSON to a website? I heard you can also curl it but I don't know. |
Am Samuel from Ghana. Am looking for people from all walks of life who are interested in programming and computer security. I look forward to hear from you. |
I would like to meet people who are interested in AI and its applications. I am very much into AI. I am really fascinated by the possibilities it can bring to the world. I would be glad to meet people with similar interests. |
salut je souhaite me former en sécurité informatique comment faire ? |
34751 - | | | 34888 - Reply from Florentin4 (France) - 2017-10-13
| Linda,
Si tu veux t'assurer en sécurité informatique je te conseil le site anonymat(
Florentin expert informatique. |
I need a partner to study with me. I'm interested in computers. The languages I'm interested in are JAVA, C/C++. Reply me! |
34611 - | | | 34667 - Reply from shaniya231 , 15 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2017-08-19
I would like to make a group of friends who like game programming because i lack friends who have interest in this topic. I use GameMaker: Studio to learn and i Use this course
Its really good.
Hope somebody replies.
Gabriel |
I want to be a programmer so I am learning C&C++ now! :D |
Salut a tous j aimerais devenir un informaticien,car j aime bien ce métier.Je connais pas mal de truc en ordinateur et je maîtrise un peu de truc sur la console ps2 c est a dire mettre des jeux sur des clé usb et des applications sur les clé usb. installer des logiciels et applicastions et voila c est tout. J aimerais aussi avoir des connaissances si ça vous tente. |
Hi, I'm in the 5 grade. I want to be a scientist on computers. I been looking
at stuff i need to learn to make a web page that saves infermation. I know their is linux,
windows too and MAC is the OS and they all do the same thing. but why is there so much other stuff to learn just to make a database and webpage like PHP, APC HTML AJAX, DJINGO, JAVASCRIPT, PYTHON, Ruby, perl, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MediaWiki, Drupal, css, and more and more so much I cant write it all down just to make a webpage. I ask my dad he does not know cause he works on cars. My teacher said I should do a report. So my question is Why are there so many different things that all do the same thing? |
32749 - | | | 34571 - Reply from Gabriel24 , 12 yrs (Colombia) - 2017-08-07
| Hi,
If you want to learn Python, I found this website:
I learned a lot from it.
Gabriel |
32749 - | | | 34259 - Reply from hayley113 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2017-06-02
| hello |
32749 - | | | 34163 - Reply from Ermias62 (Switzerland) - 2017-05-17
| Hello Allen,
I hope you continued your path to become a Computer Scientist. It is a great field and I am sure you can make a good one.
The different programming tools are like languages: there are many of them and most of them do the same thing.
It's best to just pick one language and learn it. All of the others will have similar concepts.
You should learn HTML (very easy) and CSS. They are the structures of a webpage and then you can add your one language of specialty. I like JavaScript.
Good Luck |
Hello. I want to be a Information security expert.
There are people who are interested in information security? |
32557 - | | | 33361 - Reply from Ezgi47 , 18 yrs (Turkey) - 2016-12-29
| Hi my name is ezgi I am from turkey. I love Korea
I want you to be my korean friend too :))I would love to meet you |
Hi I love programing. As I am a beginner I want to learn some basics. Will anyone help me? |
32421 - | | | 34567 - Reply from Gabriel24 , 12 yrs (Colombia) - 2017-08-07
| Hello,
I am also interested in programming. I have looked up on the web and found this website
It has free books on python and i use them.
I hope you like them!
Gabriel |
32421 - | | | 32534 - Reply from Sana71 , 16 yrs (France) - 2016-08-07
| Hello i sont tous speak with you because you are vert simpatique sorry i d'Ont speak Berry englich |
I am really looking for someone or friends that can help me with programming such application development packages. Kindly e-mail me and help please. my mail
Thanks |
Salut les programmeurs...j'aimerais partager des connaissances avec vous...svp montrez vous. |
31613 - | | | 34056 - Reply from Ulrich68 (Ivory Coast) - 2017-05-05
| Salut, j'aimerais bien partager des connaissances en informatique avec vous ... est mon mail. Merci. |
31613 - | | | 32191 - Reply from elle158 , 19 yrs (Madagascar) - 2016-05-22
| Salut, je suis une fille. Je suis encore une amateur en programmation mais je crois que l'on peut s'entr'aider si cela vous tente. |
31613 - | | | 32134 - Reply from Iboula207 (Senegal) - 2016-05-10
| je developpe actuellement une application de e-commerce sous android et j'ai besoin d'aide...êtes vous programmeur ? |
31613 - | | | 32084 - Reply from Romain247 , 16 yrs (France) - 2016-04-29
| Salut je suis très intéressé par ton offre de partager tes connaissance avec moi !! ;-) |
Hiiiiii,im a good coder and type this in google:hour of code minecraft
Because its coding minecraft!I mean you play minecraft and use coding XD so cool
*ps:im looking for a penpal that can speak french and english and is 7-13* |
31256 - | | | 34568 - Reply from Gabriel24 , 12 yrs (Colombia) - 2017-08-07
| Hi,
Are you interested in ADVANCED game programming? If so, check out this website
I am doing the course currently.
Gabriel |
Hello I'm Milind and I like programming.. I know core java (not that good though) (I also tried learning python , JS, Batch but fialed in most lol)... I'm looking for friends with similar Interests.... And I wish to create a group where we can learn new programming languages together by guiding each other... And though I was only talking about prog. languages its not limited to that we cna help each other and discuss a lot of things whether its a new OS or Cool Software or some Tech news |
31160 - | | | 32079 - Reply from franck211 , 19 yrs (Cameroon) - 2016-04-29
| I want to integrate your group |
31160 - | | | 31257 - Reply from Denholm103 (Great Britain) - 2015-12-19
| Im in!!!!!!!!!! |
31160 - | | | 31184 - Reply from franck aristide203 (Burkina Faso) - 2015-12-03
| I'm's a good idea and i would participat |
31160 - | | | 31161 - Reply from Milind39 , 15 yrs (India) - 2015-11-29
| OK I did two spelling mistakes ...dont mind that ...So would you be my friend
int flag = 0;
while (flag == 0){
DataInputStream n = new DataInputStream (;
System.out.println("Enter your answer");
String s = n.readLine();
if (s.toLowerCase.equals("no"))
else flag = 1;
System.out.print("I hope we get along well") |
Hi. i am developper. I develloped many android apps. i would like to make a team with some other app developpers,android like ios or windows phone or anything else.just join me |
Hello guys. Last month i was begin sap consulting company and i'm learning. So if anybody want to be friend and want to help me about Abap programming plsease contact with me with email :) |
Hello, I'm Brunnhilde and-among many other things-I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up. I can do some Python programming (I'm not super good, but I'm at least decent at it) and I'm wondering if there are any other people out here on Students of the World who program using Python. Note that I do not use Python 3 and up; I use the Python 2.7.6. A fun fact: Python was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus! So if you like computer programming, programming in Python, and/or even Monty Python, please reply and we can discuss these things! :) Thanks for reading!
P.S. I know that computer scientists and computer programmers are a bit different, but I couldn't find a computer programmer forum and this was the closest thing to a computer programmer forum that I could find. If there is a forum more suited to this type of message, please let me know! |
30644 - | | | 31887 - Reply from Brunnhilde219 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2016-03-31
| @ Raz: Thanks for replying! I'm sorry, but I myself am still a beginner in Java (I'm much better with Python though), so I probably wouldn't be a good teacher. Perhaps you could find a free online course on the basics of Java? Good luck with your programming! :) |
30644 - | | | 31690 - Reply from raz202 , 25 yrs (India) - 2016-02-27
| I wanna learn java programming. Please help me to learn it from beginning. I am familiar with procedural based language but wanna know pure OOPs with JAVA. |
30644 - | | | 31333 - Reply from Brunnhilde219 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2016-01-01
| Hello and thank you both for replying!
@ Milind: I am starting to learn Java, but I find that I am considerably better with Python. My main problem is that I keep forgetting to end statements with a semicolon (which is not required in Python). Do you have any Java tips, and perhaps something to help me remind myself to end things with semicolons?
@ Denholm: That's interesting! Perhaps I could help you get started with Python? |
30644 - | | | 31258 - Reply from Denholm103 (Great Britain) - 2015-12-19
| Im in and id love to learn python.I know block coding at medium and i like coding.So maybe i can join. |
30644 - | | | 31158 - Reply from Milind39 , 15 yrs (India) - 2015-11-29
| Hey I am also intrested in programming..... I know basic core java .....And I'll love to learn Python .... I aspire to become a computer scientist when i grow up |
Anyone doing any developing for the Oculus Rift? I've got a DK2 and it is loads of fun. Yaya Unity!
My first full VR game: |
27922 - | | | 34570 - Reply from Gabriel24 , 12 yrs (Colombia) - 2017-08-07
| Daaaaaaaaamn.
That is really impressive. I also like game programming. Would you like to be a friend?
Gabriel |
27922 - | | | 28625 - Reply from Alyssa72 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2015-05-10
| I'm saving up for one. They seem so awesome. What do you really do to develop things? |
27922 - | | | 27932 - Reply from Erdin1 , 21 yrs (Turkey) - 2015-01-31
| That is a good game. I wish I had Oculus Rift, though. :( |