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Forum about Jobs - Midwife
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modify delete 38648 - from rayan214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-18
Midwife - "que fait on dans ce metier"

on est dans un hopital

modify delete 38619 - from Lisa 4a214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-18
Midwife - "Sage-femme"

Bonjour,j'aimerais etre sage-femme car je trouve que c'est un beau métier et qu'aider
les femmes à accoucher ça laisse des souvenirs formidables.

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modify delete 38773 - Reply from Emma 4B 214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-25

Bonjour Lisa je pense que sage Femme est fait pour toi tu est gentil tres rassurante et rigolote tu as de bonnenotes tu as toute tes chance

modify delete 38369 - from Camille 4C 214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-02
Midwife - "sage femme"

Je veux faire sage femme car j'aime aider les gens et voir une naissance qui ce déroule bien chaque jour ce dois être génial et j'aime aussi m'occuper des bébé après leur naissance

modify delete 38361 - from loane, 4C214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-02
Midwife - "se que je pensse du metier sage-femme"

Je veut faire ce métier depuis l'âge de 5 ans et je n'ai jamais pensé a un autre métier aujourd'hui j'ai 13 ans et je n'ai toujours pas changer de métier .Je suis très patiente et travailleuse donc si l'accouchement dur plus de 30 min j'attendrais 30 min je n'aimerais pas travailler que dans l'accouchement mais aussi dans d'autre choses comme s'occuper du bébé une fois née ou autre c'est le seul métier au quelle j'ai songeais a l'âge de 5ans et si je ne suis pas prise dans ce métiers je pense quand même travailler dans la médecin pour me rapprocher le plus possible des enfants car j'adore les enfant et j'aime aussi aider les personnes en difficulté.

modify delete 38341 - from loane, 4C214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-02
Midwife - "se que je pensse du metier sage-femme"

Faire le métier sage-femme serais une première pour moi sa me ferais découvrir une nouvelle chose,être entoure de plusieurs personne.

modify delete 38332 - from loane, 4C214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-02
Midwife - "se que je pensse du metier sage-femme"

bonjours, j'aimerais beaucoup devenir sage-femme ce métier m'intéresse énormément.Pour moi faire accoucher une maman serais magnifique pour moi donner la vie a un enfant c'est la meillieur chose qui pourrais m'arriver .

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modify delete 38576 - Reply from Inès 4C214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-16

Tous t'es messages sont magnifique Loane

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modify delete 38365 - Reply from loane, 4C214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-02

Ilan t'est trop méchant commence d'abord par ton métiers et ensuite on parlera et merci jeff

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modify delete 38342 - Reply from Jefferson 4°C214 (France) - 2020-11-02

On est tous avec toi

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modify delete 38337 - Reply from ilan 4c214 (France) - 2020-11-02

ok cool

modify delete 37398 - from Manon444214 (France) - 2020-03-13
Midwife - "Sage_femme"

Bonjour j'aimerais bien devenir sage-femme car j aime bien aider les autres a accomplir des choses et la ce qui me passionne c est de aider la femme a accoucher
D apres vous faudrait t il etre diplomate pour ce métier

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modify delete 37633 - Reply from Zoé 4123 (France) - 2020-04-02

La sage-femme a pour mission d'accompagner les femmes enceintes tout au long de leur grossesse, de l’établissement du diagnostic jusqu’au jour de l'accouchement. Plus largement, elle assure aussi le suivi gynécologique. Ce métier difficile demande à la fois des compétences médicales et psychologiques.

modify delete 34896 - from Aurelie sandra0 , 23 yrs (Cameroon) - 2017-10-15
Midwife - "je suis amoureux du métier depuis mon enfance"

Salut à tous juste pour vous dire que j'aimerais bien pratique le métier de sage femme dans le future

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modify delete 37397 - Reply from eloise et norene214 , 14 yrs (Morocco) - 2020-03-13

FAIT PARTIE DE LA VIE D'UNE FEMME ET D'UN NOURRISSON et nous ont adore les enfants.
et l'aime bien prendre soins des nourrissons et des jeune parents
en revoir

modify delete 31856 - from Grace23 , 13 yrs (France) - 2016-03-25
Midwife - "My midwife dream"

I always wanted to be a midwife. Because I have always loved babies I find super cute , and then give birth moms have always found it amazing!

modify delete 26506 - from Adèle184 , 14 yrs (France) - 2014-06-11
Midwife - "bonjour"

Bonjour à tous,
Je souhaiterais devenir sage-femme et j'aimerais beaucoup échanger sur le sujet avec d'autres jeunes de mon âge qui souhaite la même chose !!
Répondez-moi !!

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modify delete 36378 - Reply from Lily81 , 11 yrs (France) - 2019-01-20

Bonjour je m appelle Lily j ai 11 ans et j aimerai bien faire de la correspondance

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modify delete 32679 - Reply from Raegann166 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2016-09-01

Bonjour mon nom est raegann , je voudrais aussi être une sage-femme , j'aime aider les gens, et j'aime les bébés . i toujours pensé que ce serait un travail amusant !!

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modify delete 31378 - Reply from Océane33 , 14 yrs (France) - 2016-01-11

Bonjour, j'aimerais partager le métier de sage femme avec de jeune de mon âge comme certaines fille.
Venez en me parler pour qu'on apprenne a se connaitre et partager le métier merci

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modify delete 31365 - Reply from selom248 (Togo) - 2016-01-08

cè une bonne idée mais seulemnt ke moi jsu homme.mais je peux te dire bon courage

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modify delete 30548 - Reply from Lou156 , 13 yrs (France) - 2015-08-14

Salut!!! Mon rêve à toujours été de faire sage-femme, le plus beau métier du monde😊😊😊
je n'ai jamais raté une émission de baby boom et j'aimerais également en parler avec des personnes de mon age...😉👍

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modify delete 28023 - Reply from Aurore240 , 13 yrs (Belgium) - 2015-02-10

j'aimerais aussi être sage femme
j'adore Baby boom et je trouve ce métier magnifique

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modify delete 27488 - Reply from celia149 , 12 yrs (France) - 2014-12-02

je rêve d'être sage-femme depuis mes 5 ans, je loupe jamais 1 épisode de Baby-boom!!!

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modify delete 27308 - Reply from Adèle184 , 14 yrs (France) - 2014-10-27

Salut Gaia,
Moi aussi ca fait longtemps que je sais que je veux être sage-femme ! Pour moi c'est clair dans ma tête ! Je regarde beaucoup de vidéo et de sites internet sur les sage-femme ! J'aime beaucoup regarder la série Baby-Boom, je la trouve super et on voit le quotidien des sages-femmes en maternité !

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modify delete 27303 - Reply from loanne37 , 13 yrs (France) - 2014-10-26

Moi aussi j'adorerait etre sage-femme,j'adore les enfants surtout quand ils sont touts petit < 3

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modify delete 26680 - Reply from Gaia194 , 12 yrs (France) - 2014-07-17

Moi aussi je rêve devenir sage-femme depuis toute petite ! Ça me ferai très plaisir de parler de ça avec toi.....a bientôt Gaia

modify delete 25317 - from oscar234 , 18 yrs (Taiwan) - 2013-11-28
Midwife - "hi!"

hello! I'm the student from nursing school.
why "nurse" is not on list?
I wanna be a nurse more than midwife. :D

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modify delete 31050 - Reply from Makayla159 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2015-11-12

I want to be a pediatric nurse practitioner and nurse wasn't on the list. Why I have no idea but I really want to find out.

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modify delete 27513 - Reply from Mathilde129 (France) - 2014-12-07

hey, i would like to be a nursery nurse me too

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modify delete 26081 - Reply from Sandy49 , 21 yrs (Greece) - 2014-04-02

Hi! I'm studying nursing right now and that's what I was thinking too!!

modify delete 21213 - from Ameline91 , 16 yrs (France) - 2013-05-28
Midwife - "Midwife in Englan for french people"

Hey, I am french and I will do my studies in England and later I will become a mid wife and I wonder if I its difficult for french people to do studies of mid wife in England because I don't really know if I have the level in english for do my studies in England or not... Could you help me?

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modify delete 31578 - Reply from Lucy31 (USA) - 2016-02-14

you have to at least a c x

modify delete 20592 - from Birte108 (Germany) - 2013-03-04
Midwife - "Friendship with another midwife"

Hi you all,

I am a German midwife and will start working in Switzerland soon.
I would be glad to get a midwife friend, with whom I can share many ideas, thoughts and knowledge (for sure, not only about the job).
That would be very nice!
Greetings from north of Germany,

20592 -
modify delete 36202 - Reply from ella66 (Ghana) - 2018-11-24

Hi, i can be a friend so we discuss issues in relation to the profession and more. i graduated this year tho and waiting to start work soon. so if you want to share ideas or more you can just text me okay. I'd be of help

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modify delete 34797 - Reply from becky148 , 22 yrs (Togo) - 2017-09-22

hi,me i am studing at the midwife school.i am in the 3rd year...please can we discus and share some ideas aboute it...

modify delete 20247 - from Aubrey252 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2013-01-24
Midwife - "midwife"

my moms a midwife! in the US.

20247 -
modify delete 26522 - Reply from Adèle184 , 14 yrs (France) - 2014-06-15

Hello Aubrey,

Can you ask your mother how is daily life in a midwife in the USA.

Thank you beforehand

modify delete 17967 - from Ma56 , 17 yrs (France) - 2012-08-21
Midwife - "I would like to be a midwife !"

Hello everybody ! I'm french but I want to speak with a canadian or american girl or boy ! Me, I would like to be a midwife, this is why I come in this forum, I want to speak with you in order to know how we can work in other countries, what are the qualifications required for being a midwife in your country, ect... Because I'm interested to work later in other countries like Canada or USA !
You can also go on my personal page (ref: 670894) for speak with me !
Thank's ! :)

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modify delete 20461 - Reply from Sirine246 , 15 yrs (France) - 2013-02-15

Hi if you want to talk with me (English spanish or French )about this job or everything send me an email ,

modify delete 17600 - from Kodie127 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2012-07-29
Midwife - "huh?"

What's a midwife???????????????????????????

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modify delete 32349 - Reply from Francesca115 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2016-06-21

A midwife is someone who helps a woman give birth to a baby. They also have to check how far into the process the mother is

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modify delete 22006 - Reply from serean204 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2013-09-01

I hope to graduate college and become a midwife someday! (First I might try to be a nook nurse!)

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modify delete 19542 - Reply from Keely74 (USA) - 2012-11-21

A midwife is someone who helps a woman give birth to her baby. Though, they also do a lot more than just that! Much of the time, midwives are nurses who specialize in women's health and have an extensive range of knowledge and experience regarding to pregnancy and childbirth. They help women while they are pregnant and can also give women advice on how to best care for their health if they're planning on having a baby in the near future. In many states in the United States (and countries around the world) midwives may also provide care for newborn babies. They are different from doctors who specialize in women's health, though they can still work with doctors and may even offer some of the same services depending on where they work and what their level of expertise is.

In the US, Certified-Nurse-Midwives work in hospitals, birthing centers, and even help women give birth if they choose to have their babies at home. A CPM (Certified Professional Midwife) in the United States must pass an exam to be certified and may work in birthing centers or help women give birth at home, but as far as I know they do not work in hospitals since they are not formally trained nurses. There are many different kinds of midwives in the US and Canada, and there are different levels of schooling required to qualify for each kind. If you want to know more about midwifery, there's definitely a lot of resources out there on the internet and also probably in books at your local library that also might have a lot of helpful information on the topic. Hope this helped!

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modify delete 19234 - Reply from Stephanie14 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-10-28

hi i'm stephanie i'm 11 and a midwife is someone who delivers babies like me and you

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modify delete 19009 - Reply from Read178 (USA) - 2012-10-12

someone who helps deliver babies

modify delete 17237 - from Pippy238 , 12 yrs (South Africa) - 2012-07-03
Midwife - "Midwife!"

Gosh, who would ever want to be a midwife!!!!!

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modify delete 22229 - Reply from Lorna74 , 12 yrs (New Zealand) - 2013-10-10

I would love to be a midwife it would be so amazing

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modify delete 20425 - Reply from Aubrey252 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2013-02-12

I might!!


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modify delete 19880 - Reply from Garry52 , 29 yrs (Italy) - 2013-01-01

I am midwife who work for 7 years . As we know midwife is some one who saves two lives at the same time, mother and child and is always happy........

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modify delete 19787 - Reply from Amber Cole196 , 13 yrs (Zambia) - 2012-12-20

Yo, im from juvie, not zambia. ya, my mama had me while in juvie! I gave head on the internet then followed in mamas footsteps and went to juvie. I might even get pregnant really young, just like mama. A midwife, huh? Why you wanna see babys come outta girls vajayjas? sounds lika job for a lezzbooooo!! Get sleezy hoes!
Remember me-
Amber Cole
Look me up on Bing for more info mation

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modify delete 19235 - Reply from Stephanie14 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-10-28

me to hi i'm Stephanie nice to meet you

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modify delete 17938 - Reply from Auroe194 (France) - 2012-08-19

Me !!!!!

modify delete 4302 - from Asha100 , 10 yrs (Ireland) - 2010-10-10


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modify delete 20460 - Reply from Sirine246 , 15 yrs (France) - 2013-02-15

Yes I can speak english , i to become a midwife to

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modify delete 20426 - Reply from Aubrey252 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2013-02-12

Yes, I do!

I'm Aubrey

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modify delete 19236 - Reply from Stephanie14 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-10-28

i do do you and hi

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modify delete 17664 - Reply from Brittany164 , 16 yrs (Australia) - 2012-08-02

yes i speak english :)

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modify delete 17351 - Reply from manon82 , 14 yrs (France) - 2012-07-08

oui maoi aussi je parle francais et anglais pourrait tu me donner ton adrasse e mail je veut faire sage femme bon ba a plus sur ma page ma reference c 839487

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modify delete 15189 - Reply from TICHE206 , 14 yrs (Ivory Coast) - 2012-03-04

je parle le francais

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modify delete 15021 - Reply from Ashenafi55 , 21 yrs (Ethiopia) - 2012-02-25


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modify delete 14793 - Reply from ellie200 , 13 yrs (Andorra) - 2012-02-08

i whant to be a midwife

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modify delete 14684 - Reply from Jess237 , 16 yrs (Australia) - 2012-01-30

yep i definetly speak English ;)

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modify delete 13424 - Reply from farah224 , 15 yrs (Tunisia) - 2011-11-14

HEYY how ur u hope fine

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modify delete 12454 - Reply from manda196 (Bahrain) - 2011-10-06

i do do u?

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modify delete 6242 - Reply from Martha 242 , 16 yrs (USA) - 2011-03-31

I dooo! :)

modify delete 1294 - from younes201 , 14 yrs (Algeria) - 2009-08-18
Midwife - "ssssssssss"

ah sage femme tu a dit méme pas infermier

1294 -
modify delete 4327 - Reply from Fanny186 (Gabon) - 2010-10-14

Ben ya pa d'info sur les SF dans ce forum???après le diplôme on peu se specialiser en echo? Notamen echo obstetricale?

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modify delete 3444 - Reply from SARAH217 (France) - 2010-06-23

De toute façon infirmière ou puéricultrice n'était pas proposé. Il vaut mieux parler en anglais pour que tout le monde puisse échanger s'il le veut.

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modify delete 2495 - Reply from aurélie205 , 14 yrs (France) - 2010-02-16

Je suis tout a fais d'accort avec aurore c mm pa marker

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modify delete 1387 - Reply from aurore29 (France) - 2009-09-03

mdr, normal... c'était pas marqué ^^

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Forum about Jobs - Midwife - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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