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Forum about Jobs - Painter, Drawer
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modify delete 40822 - from London (Tao)212 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2024-10-04 >> NEW
Painter, Drawer - "Hey my art"

I draw a lot and going to sell my art. Working on art for my cover so idk. I want advice on if my art is good. Please go to my page and rate it. It takes days to draw them

modify delete 40787 - from ovam64 (Togo) - 2024-06-15
Painter, Drawer - "Recherche de benevoles pour nos missions humanitaire"

Nous recherchons des personnes ou groupe de personnes de bonne volonté et aussi des étudiants sans distinction aucune qui aimeraient partir à l'étranger pour un stage, mission, camps chantiers humanitaire d'entraide et ou tourisme solidaire au Togo (Afrique de l'Ouest).
Vous avez la possibilité de partir seul, en groupe ou en famille pour une mission de développement et de partage culturel avec l’association OVAM TOGO.
Pourquoi ne pas partir avec OVAM TOGO en vue de travailler avec une équipe dynamique partante pour rendre inoubliable votre séjour ?
Nos programmes :
- Ecologie/environnement
- Photographie humanitaire/ Exposition/Peinture photographique
- Santé/infirmerie
- Activité socio éducatives et Soutien scolaires
- Rénovation et Construction de bâtiment scolaire/dispensaire/bibliothèque
- Reboisement /gestion de projet/campagne propre
- Projet d'adduction d'eau potable
- Agronomie
- Eau, assainissement
- Géni électrique
- Géni civil
- arts et cultures (batik......)
- Et autres
E-mail : ovamtogo@gmail.com

modify delete 40444 - from Océane194 , 13 yrs (France) - 2022-12-11
Painter, Drawer - "Graffitis"

Salut j'aimerais être tagueuse. Je suis passionnée par le tague et le graffiti. La plus part des gens trouve ça moche et primitif mais certaines pièces sont vraiment complexe a réaliser.Je ne sais pas qu'elles études faire pour m'améliorer. Merci

40444 -
modify delete 40447 - Reply from cynthiakay83 , 26 yrs (India) - 2022-12-11


modify delete 40357 - from Warren170 , 22 yrs (Togo) - 2022-08-12
Painter, Drawer - "Artists meeting / Rencontre d'artistes"

Hello, I'm Warren, a beginner 2d animator, and an artist, I'd be happy to meet people with the same hobby. I speak English and French.
Salut, je m'appelle Warre, animateur 2d débutant et artiste, je serais content de rencontrer des gens partageant la même passion pour l'art. Je parle anglais et français.

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modify delete 40816 - Reply from Adama170 (Togo) - 2024-09-10

Salut ! Je m'appelle Adama et je suis aussi togolais. j'aimerais avoir de vos conseils et aides pour débuter en Dessin et peut-être en graphisme.. Merci de votre aide.

modify delete 40330 - from Ndeye Counna Thiam 83 , 34 yrs (Senegal) - 2022-06-24
Painter, Drawer - "Peinture"

Salut les artistes peintres j aimerais vraiment me faire des amies artistes ici!

40330 -
modify delete 40360 - Reply from Warren170 , 22 yrs (Togo) - 2022-08-12

Salut, on peut discuter si tu veux

modify delete 39929 - from Zhai60 , 17 yrs (China) - 2021-07-28
Painter, Drawer - "Making new friends"

hi,my name is Lana,this is my first time use this,I am Chinese.And I like drawing.if it is ok,i think we can chatting online,or sending letters each other.

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modify delete 40358 - Reply from Warren170 , 22 yrs (Togo) - 2022-08-12

Hello, nice to meet you
when did you start drawing? (I started early 2021 and got addicted to the fun xD)

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modify delete 40282 - Reply from Andrés135 , 17 yrs (Mexico) - 2022-04-29


modify delete 39611 - from Zoey12 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2021-03-31
Painter, Drawer - "Painting The Night"

hi... I'm Zoey. I come from the U.S, and I really like painting. I like painting the sky, especially when stars are out. I like using watercolor the most, but I can work with any paints. I have a page here, so we can be friends if you'd like. If you want to email me, click the email button on this message.

modify delete 39464 - from forest s moe152 , 18 yrs (USA) - 2021-03-03
Painter, Drawer - "hi"

any of yall just have this deep, deep, d e e p, desire to like- live the rest of their days in a cabin, in the middle of nowhere? With like, trees and wild nature, and you can watch the sunrise and set over the horizon? And like, the only sound you hear is the breeze and the wildlife??????

man I just want to live a life like Ursala from kiki's delivery service-

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modify delete 40359 - Reply from Warren170 , 22 yrs (Togo) - 2022-08-12

Dream life, to be honest I lived quite isolated for a year now and my relative are getting worried so here I am trying to make friends :)

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modify delete 40328 - Reply from Arina173 , 9 yrs (Russia) - 2022-06-16

Hello my name is Arina. I like to draw and paint. I am a artist.🎨

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modify delete 39931 - Reply from Zhai60 , 17 yrs (China) - 2021-07-28

hi,this is Lana,i really like making friends,escapally who love drawing.if ok,i think we can make friends or sending letters.

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modify delete 39689 - Reply from Daniel214 , 18 yrs (Mexico) - 2021-04-20

Definitely, I would really love so.

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modify delete 39673 - Reply from Juliana103 (Canada) - 2021-04-15

That's the dream life. If only I didn't have so much schoolwork...😫

modify delete 39177 - from Winnie25 , 13 yrs (China) - 2020-12-28
Painter, Drawer - "sorry in Chinese"


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modify delete 39212 - Reply from Winnie116 , 13 yrs (China) - 2021-01-08


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modify delete 39178 - Reply from Winnie25 , 13 yrs (China) - 2020-12-28


modify delete 39058 - from Olivia 4B214 , 14 yrs (France) - 2020-12-09
Painter, Drawer - "QUESTIONS"


39058 -
modify delete 39185 - Reply from Winnie25 , 13 yrs (China) - 2020-12-30

Bonjour, Olivia! Je suis désolé d'avoir utilisé un traducteur, mais tout ce que je sais c'est qu'il y a beaucoup de grands peintres sur Pixiv, qui devrait être un logiciel mobile ou un site Web. Il y a aussi de nombreuses vidéos du processus de peinture sur YouTube. Bien que je ne le regarde pas souvent, ça vaut le coup d'apprendre!

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modify delete 39083 - Reply from Lisette 4B214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-12-09

Bonjour Olivia, d'après moi il faut présenter tes dessins a des professionnels pour qu'il puisse avoir un oeil critique et donc te donner quelque conseil. Si tu veux t'approfondir en matière de dessin, je pense que tu devrais intégrer une école d'art.

modify delete 39044 - from Emma 4B214 (France) - 2020-12-09
Painter, Drawer - "desin"

bonjours ma passion est le dessin. Je ne sais pas trop vers quelle école me diriger ?

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modify delete 39075 - Reply from Anais 4B214 (France) - 2020-12-09

Tu peux chercher une école d'art, ou bien faire un bac d'art et de design (STD2A)

modify delete 38998 - from harmonie.R 4B214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-12-09
Painter, Drawer - "quelle formation ?"

bonjours,j'aimerais pouvoir exprimer mes sentiment,faire passer des message à travers tout plein de créations artistiques mais je ne sais pas quelles études faire pour pouvoir faire ce que j'aime.

38998 -
modify delete 39201 - Reply from Winnie116 , 13 yrs (China) - 2021-01-06

Bonjour, je pense que vous pouvez commencer par le plus simple "exprimer ce que vous pensez en lignes". Dessinez une fleur ou, de la manière la plus simple, un nuage, et ajoutez votre humeur en fonction de ces choses. Si vous vous sentez mal à l'aise, tournez sa forme. Je le comprends probablement de cette façon, et finalement vous pouvez devenir un créateur artistique pour exprimer vos sentiments! Allez, viens!

38998 -
modify delete 39047 - Reply from clara 4B214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-12-09

Bonjour Harmonie alors pour faire ce métier il te faudra un diplôme des métiers d'arts,un bachelor art(bac plus 3)et une licence d'art mais entre nous je pense que si vous etes talentueuse et que vous etes passionner par ce que vous faite je ne pense pas que les diplômes soit nécessaire pour réussir dans ce métier c'est la passion qui compte avant tout.

modify delete 38676 - from enola 4A214 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-18
Painter, Drawer - "ARTISTE"

quels sont les chose que l'on fait pendant la journée?
quels sont les qualité a avoir ?je pense qu'il faut etre pasiant et aimer ce qu'on fait
quel sont les chose que l'on fera ?je pense que l'on peint dessine au autre chose autre en rapport avec l'art
quels sont les aspect negatiF de se metiers?

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modify delete 38716 - Reply from Ines 4A 82 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-11-22

Une journée typique commence toujours par une grande et longue observation , une analyse du travail , de lecture concernant des oeuvres d'artistes , d'auteur . Tu chercheras les différentes techniques ou exercices de la peinture artistique.
Pour être artiste, tu dois être indépendante , tu devras t'adapter à différente situation , être multitâche, audacieuse , se nourrir d'art, ne jamais perdre espoir , avoir beaucoup de patience , de la liberté, exprimer tes émotions dans tes tableaux, avoir un bon apprentissage en art , de la compréhension , le sens des couleurs , une culture artistique, avoir de la créativité et de l'imagination , du partage. C'est plus qu'un métier , c'est une passion.
Etre artiste ce n'est pas que la peinture, c'est aussi de la gravure, lithographie, de l'écriture...
Les aspects négatifs de ce métier sont :
Devoir travailler 7jours/7 , devoir tout construire et faire seul, s'endetter dans des projets et une solitude présente.

modify delete 38459 - from Marc-Owen 4A 214 (France) - 2020-11-04
Painter, Drawer - "Codage de jeux vidéo"

Coder des jeux m'intéresse beaucoup j'aimerais me renseigner sur la difficulté de ce travail je ferais en sorte de m'entrainer à le faire pour me perfectionner s'il y a des personnes expérimentées dans le codage de jeux vidéo j'aimerais recevoir des conseils si possible
Yaurait t-il des logiciels pour apprendre?
Merci d'avance

38459 -
modify delete 39136 - Reply from Anaïs 4B23 (France) - 2020-12-13

Bonjour, alors en logiciel il y a code.org très instructif surtout pour les enfants mais pense aussi aussi au colonies e vacances, il y en a aussi sur ce sujet pour coder des robots mais aussi des jeu vidéos n'hésites pas à te renseigner

modify delete 38212 - from Miranda184 , 16 yrs (USA) - 2020-09-24
Painter, Drawer - "Painter and Drawer"

Hey! My name is Miranda and I love to paint jelly-fish and the ocean. I also love to draw dogs and portraits of people.

38212 -
modify delete 38290 - Reply from Yeonsu97 , 8 yrs (Korea) - 2020-10-23

Hi!I love drawing plants, manga, and watching anime! I want to be a manga artist and want to be close with you! Pls reply me have a nice day :)

modify delete 38208 - from Kendall 77 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2020-09-23
Painter, Drawer - "Icantthinkofatitlesoimwritingthisinstead."

Hello eveybody. I really enjoy drawing band logos, members of bands, and album covers. I'll also design covers for certain songs. Basically anything that ties my love for music and art together! If anyone wants to talk hmu, if love to hear from you:)

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modify delete 39806 - Reply from Topaz191 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2021-05-19

what kind of bands?

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modify delete 38292 - Reply from Yeonsu97 , 8 yrs (Korea) - 2020-10-23

Hi! I love drawing manga and watch k-drama
And I want to be a manga artist in the future! And I want to be close with you pls reply me have a nice day:)

modify delete 38037 - from M81 , 16 yrs (Great Britain) - 2020-07-22
Painter, Drawer - "Hello!"

Hi! I’m M and my dream has always to become an artist! I draw constantly and my dream profession is Mangaka (manga artist) or Animator! Growing up I always had a love anime and manga, and I still do now! Art is one of my favourite things to do! I’ll have to learn how to write stories if I want to become a mangaka but still I’ll keep trying! What about you? Anyone else want to become the same thing? Or do you want to become something different?
Have a great day
はまた! おげんきで!

modify delete 37713 - from Macarena122 , 13 yrs (Spain) - 2020-04-17
Painter, Drawer - "Hi"

Hi , my name is Macarena and I'm from Spain . I want to be an animator or illustrator when I grow up . I like to watch anime and cartoons ^^ . I would like to study in the United States .

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modify delete 38282 - Reply from Yeonsu97 , 8 yrs (Korea) - 2020-10-22

Hi! I love drawing too:) My dream is to be a manga artist. And I want to know about you:) have a nice day!

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modify delete 37923 - Reply from DAVID26 , 13 yrs (Nigeria) - 2020-05-29


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modify delete 37862 - Reply from A'syah158 , 14 yrs (Malaysia) - 2020-05-16

Hey there! I would agree with you about studying in the US. I really wanna be there and go to places that I have been dreaming to go while studying there. I hope you're doing well. Be safe!

modify delete 37419 - from Laiqa188 , 11 yrs (Malaysia) - 2020-03-15
Painter, Drawer - "Hi"

Hi my name is Laiqa and I love drawing! I want to be an animator when I grow up. Shows such as Steven Universe and Miraculous Ladybug have inspired me very much. I like to make OCs and I do digital art! I hope we can be friends ^^

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modify delete 38291 - Reply from Yeonsu97 , 8 yrs (Korea) - 2020-10-23

Hi! I love drawing manga and want to be a manga artist in the future! I want to be close with you! Have a nice day:)

37419 -
modify delete 38283 - Reply from Yeonsu97 , 8 yrs (Korea) - 2020-10-22

Hi! I love drawing too. My dream is to be a manga artist and I love to draw idol fan art:) I want to know about you have a nice day:)

37419 -
modify delete 37421 - Reply from angie163 , 20 yrs (USA) - 2020-03-16

Hello from an international student of California College of the Arts. I highly recommend you to apply to California College of the Arts. Here all students have the opportunity to study in a comfortable learning environmnet. Also, I highly recommend you this web - Free-Apply. Here you`ll find all actual information about every university in the world. Good luck!

modify delete 37400 - from Sarah-Marie44214 , 14 yrs (France) - 2020-03-13
Painter, Drawer - "Dessin"

Bonjour, j'aimerais être dessinatrice ou graphiste. Quelles études faut il faire ?

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modify delete 37947 - Reply from Loane250 , 18 yrs (France) - 2020-06-09

Salut ! Pour être graphiste il est préférable de faire un bac STD2A, et ensuite faire un DNMADE Graphisme. Mais il est préférable que tu te renseigne sur des sites spécialisés.

37400 -
modify delete 37466 - Reply from Lorik 41184 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-03-18

Salut je pense que pour faire ce genre de métier il faut faire des études d'art, savoir bien déssiner et savoir faire parler son imagination.

modify delete 37394 - from alexandra4y4214 , 14 yrs (France) - 2020-03-13
Painter, Drawer - "Dessin"

Je voudrais devenir illustratrice et je voulais avoir des informations sur ce métier
Merci de me répondre

37394 -
modify delete 37737 - Reply from Sarah-Marie44204 , 14 yrs (France) - 2020-04-23

Je pense que pour être illustratrice, il faut savoir dessiner et avoir du bon matériel (feutres à alcool, feutres noirs fins, crayons, etc...)

modify delete 37024 - from poppy159 , 10 yrs (Great Britain) - 2019-11-18
Painter, Drawer - "Painter Drawer me"

i love painting and art as i am quite good at it especially watercolours and colouring in. i also like animals. also like doing makeup on over people as it is fun to do.

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modify delete 37205 - Reply from Nevaeh128 (USA) - 2020-01-20

Hi I am obsessed with drawing and painting and art too, Write to me and I will write back. Please send to my mailbox so I can find it easy. TTYL !!

modify delete 36983 - from Vesta229 , 11 yrs (Lithuania) - 2019-11-02
Painter, Drawer - "Hello💖"

Hi,my name is vesta and I'm opsesed whit drawing.I like to draw everything!!! Whit oil pastels and pencils.My room is ol of my drawings.and I realy love to do makeup.

36983 -
modify delete 37206 - Reply from Nevaeh128 (USA) - 2020-01-20

I love make up and drawing and fashion. Be my penpal and I will write to every day. Write to my mailbox so I can find it easy. TTYL!! Nevaeh

modify delete 36846 - from Hafeez136 , 17 yrs (Malaysia) - 2019-08-21
Painter, Drawer - "Hello!"

Hello im Hafeez and im from Malaysia. I personally love to draw and paint as they are a gateway to escape the reality. I been drawing since the age of 10 and really wanted to study abroad such as at Italy (Florence). Really enjoyed the way of classical art! I also wanted to make new friend and send you my piece of art through snail mail :) ♡

modify delete 36841 - from Lestat133 , 17 yrs (France) - 2019-08-18
Painter, Drawer - "First message•°•°"

Hello, Bonjour, my name is Lestat, I'm french, and I love art as a whole. I've been drawing for a very long time (manga, chimera, cute characters, and many other things) and I would love to talk to an enthusiast like me.Thanks for reading !

36841 -
modify delete 36847 - Reply from Hafeez136 , 17 yrs (Malaysia) - 2019-08-21

Hello! Im also like to draw certain character such as OC, fan art and even portraiture. I hope we can talk about it more about art and even exchange or dk an art trade ~♡

modify delete 36786 - from Jasmine220 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2019-08-04
Painter, Drawer - "Hello!"

Hi! My names Jasmine, I love art and really want to become an artist. I have been practicing drawing for 4 or 5 years, its been my dream for a while now. Does anyone wanna become my penpal>>

36786 -
modify delete 37207 - Reply from Nevaeh128 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2020-01-20

I want to be your penpal. I love art and drawing and painting and fashion too. Write to me and I will write back every day. Write to my mailbox so I can find it easy. Nevaeh

36786 -
modify delete 37171 - Reply from Nevaeh128 (USA) - 2020-01-08

Hi I love to draw and paint too. I am 9 years old. I would love to be your penpal.

modify delete 36716 - from Orane168 (France) - 2019-07-05
Painter, Drawer - "Tips"

I love drawing and I really like realist technique! But I'm not very good... Have you tips (I don't know how to say "conseils" in english) to help me to improve.
Exuse my english... 😅

36716 -
modify delete 37948 - Reply from Loane250 , 18 yrs (France) - 2020-06-09

Salut! Je te conseil de suivre des tuto sur internet et de dessiner énormement, tu verra l'évolution au cours de tes oeuvres !

modify delete 36655 - from Emily164 , 19 yrs (France) - 2019-06-01
Painter, Drawer - "Hi! Come talk to me"

I'm an english art student living in France. I love drawing loads of styles and one day I would like to work as a comic book artist or a concept artist in East Asia to live in a culture différent from my own. I would like to speak korean because I'm learning it on my own and I have no one to talk to. I'd love to talk about drawing!

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modify delete 36657 - Reply from Faith24 , 12 yrs (Great Britain) - 2019-06-01

whoops didn't realise your age, sorry!

36655 -
modify delete 36656 - Reply from Faith24 , 12 yrs (Great Britain) - 2019-06-01

I am English too but live in England. I love Art and hope to do something with it one day. I would love to live in another country but my own, and i want to learn Japanese one day. I am obsessed with Stranger Things and Bob Ross as well as art. Hope we could maybe talk one day!

modify delete 36392 - from Anaël140 (France) - 2019-01-26
Painter, Drawer - "Présentation"

Hello I am french.My nationality is french . I am 13 years old.My favourite subject are spanish and English. I would like speak Russian . Good bye!

modify delete 36193 - from Ava207 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2018-11-22
Painter, Drawer - "I LOVE ART!💕"

Hello, My name is Ava. I love drawing manga styled art and I want to be a comic author when I'm older. Any one here like me??

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modify delete 38701 - Reply from Kazuma 183 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2020-11-19

Yo! I think we have a lot in common I love drawing anime, and my dream job is to become an anime/manga artist and live in Japan. I'd like to get to know you better.

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modify delete 37929 - Reply from Macha3 , 13 yrs (France) - 2020-06-01

HI! I love drawing mangas too and watching animes. My dream job is mangaka.

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modify delete 36365 - Reply from Alina217 , 16 yrs (Germany) - 2019-01-16

heey i am aly, yas i am also really interested in Art. I really wanna do something creative when i am older. drawing is so relaxing, my fav hobby

modify delete 35999 - from Hana68 (Indonesia) - 2018-09-09
Painter, Drawer - "Eh?"

I like to sketch more than *real* draw and coloring... anyone like me? :''))

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modify delete 37236 - Reply from Ali154 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2020-01-29

yea I hate coloring I love drawing!!!

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modify delete 36188 - Reply from Audrey37 , 17 yrs (Great Britain) - 2018-11-19

I know, it’s like more freeing and you have less stress of having a good rendering ;)

modify delete 35876 - from Soo39 , 16 yrs (Korea) - 2018-08-08
Painter, Drawer - "Hi~"

My hobby is drawing and I like collecting pretty stickers or memos. When we get closer, I'll give you some of the things I collect.

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modify delete 36040 - Reply from estelle72 , 14 yrs (France) - 2018-09-21

I like drawing too !

modify delete 35804 - from Zoé143 , 15 yrs (France) - 2018-07-18
Painter, Drawer - "heyheyeheyyey"

Hello or Bonjour ( yes Im french).
I want to talk about art, manga,painting,...
I love manga ( Your lie in April, Black Butler, SAO,.....)
I love heavy metal (off topic soooo....)
I want exchange with a girl or boy ( I don't care :)) for improve my english !
I can help you in french.
Soooo, I wait !

35804 -
modify delete 38702 - Reply from Kazuma183 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2020-11-19

Awesome, my name is Kazuma and I'm non-binary. I'm trying to learn Japanese, I can help you with English if you would like.
my dream job is to live in Japan and create Anime/Manga.Some of my favorite anime's are Hunter X Hunter, AOT, Tokyo Ghoul and Sword art online

35804 -
modify delete 36159 - Reply from Grace38 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2018-11-07

Zoe You have like all the same hobbies as me Just your French. You should be my penpal.

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Forum about Jobs - Painter, Drawer - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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