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Forum about Animals - Turtle
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Would you like to talk about your favourite animal? (advices, experience...)
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modify delete 35839 - from Elisa43 , 11 yrs (Italy) - 2024-08-13
Turtle - "My turtles 🐢🐢"

Heyy! Im Elisa! I had 2 turtles before 12 april,cause Iris, died... Now its only Aqua.. She used to play 24/7 with Iris and now she sleeps 24/7..im afraid for her

modify delete 35771 - from lena162 , 22 yrs (France) - 2023-11-09
Turtle - "reve"

Salut je suis de Paris et mon rêve c’est de voyager dans toute l’Asie,

modify delete 34688 - from Allison205 , 17 yrs (USA) - 2020-10-20
Turtle - "I love turtles."

I have a turtle named Aristurtle. She is a red eared slider, and she loves eating strawberries and carrots. One time, she bit my finger (I'm pretty sure she just thought it was food or something). Since I feed her, she can recognize me whenever I see her.

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modify delete 34689 - Reply from Allison205 , 17 yrs (USA) - 2020-10-20

Anyway, what are some neat facts about your turtles? Can't wait to hear.

modify delete 32927 - from Mei75 , 14 yrs (Japan) - 2018-01-17
Turtle - "I like turtle"

Do you have any turtle?

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modify delete 34457 - Reply from Allison191 , 11 yrs (Armenia) - 2020-05-31

Yes, I have 2 turtles. I have a 19 year old turtle named Luna. I have a 4 year old turtle too. Her name is Athena.

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modify delete 33863 - Reply from Lea86 , 16 yrs (Macau) - 2019-04-15

I have two turtles.One of them is Chinese Pond Turtle.And other turtle is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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modify delete 33483 - Reply from Rowena77 (Madagascar) - 2018-08-16

I had two turtles but I lost one because of last winter. I don't even know what sort of turtles he was.

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modify delete 33048 - Reply from Mei97 , 14 yrs (Japan) - 2018-02-26

I don't have any turtles, but there are three turtles in my school.

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modify delete 33041 - Reply from Manon169 , 11 yrs (France) - 2018-02-24

Hi, no I don't have any turtle but I like this animal.

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modify delete 33029 - Reply from malicia136 , 15 yrs (France) - 2018-02-22

Yes i have one florida turtle

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modify delete 32967 - Reply from chanithi231 , 13 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2018-01-26

no did you have?

modify delete 32563 - from phrigy68 , 21 yrs (Ivory Coast) - 2017-09-05
Turtle - "lover's animal wild"

i like turtles , they can stay alive for along time . Love .one live to preseve.🐢🐢🐢

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modify delete 34765 - Reply from Quincy237 (USA) - 2020-11-23


modify delete 32509 - from Lucy Joy53 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2017-08-17
Turtle - "Turtles"

I would like to find a female pen-pal who is around 0-10 yrs old and has a turtle like mine. :) My turtle is named Speedy.

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modify delete 34766 - Reply from Quincy237 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2020-11-23

Im 10 years old and looking fro a penpal and i have a turtle named Tank

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modify delete 33556 - Reply from Lily12 , 13 yrs (China) - 2018-09-23

I want to be your pen friend,and I want a pen friend ,too.

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modify delete 32677 - Reply from Kiarah75 , 11 yrs (Canada) - 2017-10-18

Hi my nam is Kiarah I just turned 11 but I have a turtle named Mali and need a friend

modify delete 32449 - from Yovani45 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2017-07-17
Turtle - "Turtle"


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modify delete 35228 - Reply from Ivy210 (USA) - 2021-09-29


modify delete 32224 - from Stephanie149 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2017-04-04
Turtle - "TORTUGAS!!!!"

turtles are majestic creatures. LONG LIVE THE TURTLES

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modify delete 32278 - Reply from Gianna171 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2017-04-20


modify delete 32148 - from yuna145 , 16 yrs (Great Britain) - 2017-02-26
Turtle - "Turtles are great ^^"

Is it just me or do you guys like turtles as much as I like turtles ?

modify delete 31031 - from Soizic54 , 11 yrs (France) - 2016-03-22
Turtle - "Me gustar las tortugas"

Buenas días, bonjours, hello, me gustar las torturas y tengo una,J'aime beaucoup les tortues et 'en n'ai une.

Elle a 52 ans.
Ellas 52 anos

modify delete 30848 - from Sanctus54 (Philippines) - 2016-01-31
Turtle - "Turtles are bae *^*"

If I have a Turtle, I'mma name him Mikey

modify delete 30000 - from Lilia37 , 15 yrs (France) - 2015-07-26
Turtle - "TORTUE"

La tortue est l'animal le plus chou du monde!
Turtle is the cutest animal in the world !

modify delete 28384 - from Addison185 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2015-05-27
Turtle - "Turtles"

I love turtles! I have 4 baby Red eared sliders at home. They're the cutest things ever! They love to rough-house and swim around. Do you have any pet turtles?

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modify delete 30781 - Reply from Greta19 , 13 yrs (Lithuania) - 2016-01-09

I have a turtle for about 8 years. I love her sooo much.

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modify delete 30029 - Reply from kate24 , 12 yrs (Alaska (USA)) - 2015-08-02

hi I was going to get a Mississippi map but my dad said they would give me salmonella but I still love them:)

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modify delete 28457 - Reply from jenna167 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2015-06-30

I love turtles to

modify delete 28215 - from Veijo182 (Namibia) - 2015-04-25
Turtle - "interesting"

What is most interesting part of the turtle?

modify delete 27767 - from brianna117 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2014-12-25
Turtle - "TURTLES!!!!"


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modify delete 31234 - Reply from jaydo26 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2016-04-27

i like sea turtle. i lived in hawaii for 5 years. then i moved to NC. sorry hi my name is jaydo. can you be my penpal!!

modify delete 27537 - from vakeria109 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2014-10-23
Turtle - "turtles"

who wants to talk about turtles

modify delete 27174 - from yeon ju226 , 14 yrs (Korea) - 2014-08-31
Turtle - "Hello~"

I raise 2 turtle. I love my pets.

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modify delete 27811 - Reply from seo202 , 16 yrs (Korea) - 2015-01-10

Hello!! My name is yeon ju.~~ Thank you for your answer. I want to talk about my turtle with you.

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modify delete 27536 - Reply from vakeria109 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2014-10-23


modify delete 26925 - from krista76 , 13 yrs (Finland) - 2014-06-26
Turtle - "."

I really want a turtlee :<

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modify delete 30038 - Reply from Rachael 25 , 13 yrs (Great Britain) - 2015-08-05

Me too but I'm not allowed cuz they carry diseases apparently

modify delete 26838 - from Pagna92 , 20 yrs (Cambodia) - 2014-05-24
Turtle - "Need some tips!"

I have turtle, but I'm scare of rearing this creature. Anyone has any idea on how to look after it? Please, share some with me! Thank you so much.

modify delete 13957 - from Rose123 , 34 yrs (Turkey) - 2013-10-25
Turtle - "turtle"

Hi.. I have got two turtles..

modify delete 13440 - from sydney42 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2013-08-06
Turtle - "turtles"


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modify delete 13665 - Reply from peninah41 , 12 yrs (Tanzania) - 2013-09-22

hi, I am Peninnah. I would like to be your friend. I like singing , dancing. my favorite moments is when I am happy. I like swimming. my favorite subjects are math& science. bye**********

modify delete 13304 - from Hye-rim109 , 11 yrs (Korea) - 2013-07-10
Turtle - "Tortoises are good :)"

I have a tortoise, named Covous.
He is very smart baby tortoise!
When I give him Gammarus,
He dosen't eat!
He conceal some of Gammarus,
And If I don't give him Gammarus,
He finds it and eat kk

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modify delete 30980 - Reply from Noah R26 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2016-03-07

HI I love turtles too

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modify delete 13443 - Reply from Hye-rim109 , 11 yrs (Korea) - 2013-08-07

Yes they are cute ^^
My tortoise, Covous is only 2.5 inches :0

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modify delete 13441 - Reply from sydney42 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2013-08-06


modify delete 13231 - from alyse171 , 12 yrs (Australia) - 2013-06-23
Turtle - "turtles :D"

turtles have been my favorite animals since the age of 5

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modify delete 26443 - Reply from Breanna142 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2014-03-06

Me too! That's awesome! What's your favorite kind of turtle?

modify delete 13093 - from Leila142 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2013-05-26
Turtle - "hello hungry turtles, good bye hot dogs!!!"

Once I was fishing, and a baby soft shell turtle swam under a log right beside me. At the time, I was eating some hot dogs, and I dropped one. The little turtle ran out, grabbed the sausage, and swam off. Later on he came back with a herd of hungry turtle friends! Good bye the rest of my hot dog lunch. LOL!!

modify delete 12481 - from Taylor:$19 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2013-02-27
Turtle - "Turtles.(:"

Oh my goodness turtles are so perfect. Seriously. I have had an obsession with them for a while now! If you like turtles too you should totally email me and we could become turtle loving best friends for life < 3

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modify delete 31236 - Reply from jaydo26 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2016-04-27

i love sea turtles.

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modify delete 27175 - Reply from yeon ju226 , 14 yrs (Korea) - 2014-08-31

Hi~ My name is yeon ju. I raise 2 turtle. I love my pets. I don't know english well. I want to learn about you. and I want to talk about turtle. Expecting a response to this letter.

modify delete 12464 - from Clara 160 (France) - 2013-02-23
Turtle - "J'ai une tortue moi qui s'appelle LULU"

Moi j'ai une tortue qui s'appelle LULU

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modify delete 31032 - Reply from Soizic54 , 11 yrs (France) - 2016-03-22

Moi aussi j'ai une tortue elle s'appelle Caroline.

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modify delete 13305 - Reply from Hye-rim109 , 11 yrs (Korea) - 2013-07-10

Comme c'est mignon !

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modify delete 12786 - Reply from Itzana131 (Mexico) - 2013-04-13

Je voudrais aussi avoir une tortue comme animal de compagnie!

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modify delete 12770 - Reply from Itza202 , 18 yrs (Mexico) - 2013-04-10

Salut! Je suis Itza, J' ai dix-huit ans et j' habite au Mexique.
Je n' ai pas une tortue, mais J'adore!
Je suis étudiante de université.

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modify delete 12612 - Reply from Allyssa254 (USA) - 2013-03-19

Je voudrais avoir une tortue qui s'appelle Jill. :)

modify delete 12016 - from erin 195 , 12 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-12-25
Turtle - "I love turt;es"

Hi im erin smith and i want a turtle

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modify delete 12105 - Reply from park251 , 17 yrs (Korea) - 2013-01-10

i love turtles tooo!! i like Galápagos turtle whicj lives in land not under the water

modify delete 11866 - from Caroline6 , 16 yrs (USA) - 2012-12-03
Turtle - "R&I tortoise"

Because of Rizzoli and Isles (the show) I am going to buy an African spurred tortoise when I go to college. Anyone else love either the show or tortoises??

modify delete 11844 - from rebecca13 , 12 yrs (Italy) - 2012-11-30
Turtle - "turtle"

i love the turtle, but i aven't got 1!

modify delete 11624 - from nana22 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2012-11-06
Turtle - "OMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

i have a tortoise and she is sooooooo simple to take care of and her name is lucy she is so adorable

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modify delete 11865 - Reply from prashant203 , 21 yrs (India) - 2012-12-03

i am prashant kumar dixit.
and i am indian .and i want to be your friends.please add me as a friend.

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modify delete 11663 - Reply from stefan0 , 13 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-11-09

i love turtels MINETURTULS i have 7 turtals

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modify delete 11645 - Reply from Katy151 , 12 yrs (Great Britain) - 2012-11-07

Hi! My nan has a tortoise, called Fred! My dad and uncle found him in a car park in a box when they were kids, and so they took him home!! He's so cool, and I feed him lettuce and stuff...

modify delete 10717 - from Mitch226 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2012-07-23
Turtle - "Strange turtle fact!"

I have a turtle name Tippy (Short for Timpathy) and I don't know how old she is. She is a red eared slider though.
I found out that turtles can breath out of their butts.:D

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modify delete 11326 - Reply from jenny184 , 13 yrs (China) - 2012-10-04

I believe he must be very cute, I also like the tortoise, they are very simple and honest

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modify delete 11325 - Reply from jenny184 , 13 yrs (China) - 2012-10-04

I recuperate a Teddy, I believe he must be very cute, and I will not take care of it, you have a good doctrine it

modify delete 10207 - from The Note Writer145 (USA) - 2012-05-17
Turtle - "This forum is nearly empty."

I like turtles a lot, but why are so many forums only 1 page long? Here are some of those forums:
Turtle, Swallow, Dragonfly, Flamingo, Whale, Lizard, Iguana, etc. etc.
Please fill these forums with messages and spread the word.

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modify delete 10568 - Reply from LIDIYA55 , 18 yrs (Ethiopia) - 2012-07-03


modify delete 9731 - from seong yeon49 (Korea) - 2012-03-15
Turtle - "Turtle,amazing animal"

Hi i`m seong yeon
I have a pet turtle
pet`s name is ggo boog
I love my pet

modify delete 9215 - from samuel129 , 63 yrs (Egypt) - 2012-01-15
Turtle - "besoin d'amities"

je suis Samuel Becket egyptien .... je voudrais avoir des amis(es) surtout en espagne..
je voudrais apprendre l'espagnol.. j'adore les animaux ( chiens tortues..)

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modify delete 12788 - Reply from Itzana131 (Mexico) - 2013-04-13

Salut!! Je n'habite pas en Espagne mais Je parle espagnol et j'adrore les tortues.

modify delete 8370 - from stelios68 , 13 yrs (Greece) - 2011-10-12
Turtle - "hi 2 all of U"

I am stelios and I love turtles:D I didn't know that turtles get bigger!!!I have got two and they are eating all the time.Their aquarium is small for them now

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modify delete 26440 - Reply from Breanna142 , 15 yrs (USA) - 2014-03-06

Hi! I wish I had turtles! What kind of Turtles do you have?

modify delete 8280 - from ahmet10 (Turkey) - 2011-10-02
Turtle - "i am turkey turtle"

friendship to learn English.

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modify delete 10569 - Reply from LIDIYA55 , 18 yrs (Ethiopia) - 2012-07-03


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modify delete 8286 - Reply from Rania 104 , 14 yrs (Algeria) - 2011-10-02

hey Ahmet we can be friends ..!

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