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Forum about Animals - Tiger
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Would you like to talk about your favourite animal? (advices, experience...)
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modify delete 35852 - from kavinu231 , 12 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2024-09-30
Tiger - "tigers"

tigers are very angry no?

modify delete 35691 - from Selma228 , 15 yrs (Germany) - 2023-06-09
Tiger - "Tiger"

I love tigers because they are so beautiful, so smart and so powerful creatures.
And I like the Nature where they live.
In my opinion Sibirian Tigers are the most amazing, they are so alive and strong.

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modify delete 35787 - Reply from Animallearns36 (Pakistan) - 2023-12-14

tigers are very amazing and fast animal. i love this animal

modify delete 35687 - from Aimé 170 , 13 yrs (Togo) - 2023-05-23
Tiger - "Discussion"

Bonjour, outre les animaux de compagnie que j'aime ( le chien 🐶 et le chat 🐈 ) , j'aime aussi le singe 🐒, par son intelligence : il réagit comme l'être humain , tous ses gymnastiques fantastiques agréables à contempler.

modify delete 35597 - from Gourav188 (India) - 2022-12-05
Tiger - "Tigers"

I like tigers because being such a physically powerful creature they still use their brain for preying. Tiger is national animal of my country specifically ‘Bengal Tiger’.

modify delete 35502 - from Sawanmee134 , 14 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2022-07-06
Tiger - "I would love to be your friend"

I like tigers too.We can be friends.And I REALLY WANTS TO LEARN FRENCH TOO....

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modify delete 35769 - Reply from Bella68 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2023-11-05

I like tigers too. I am learning French. It is a very interesting language.

modify delete 35115 - from esther246 , 15 yrs (South Africa) - 2021-06-05
Tiger - "Tiger💖"

Tigers are active, strong and fearless. That is why they are my favourite animals. #love TIGERS!💖💖❤🌹

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modify delete 35610 - Reply from Leinnah16 , 16 yrs (Madagascar) - 2022-12-28

Yeah, mine too! You're so right girl... Tigers are so fantastic.

modify delete 34991 - from Artha43 , 12 yrs (Sri Lanka) - 2021-03-17
Tiger - "TIGERS"

Tigers are AWESOME. While most people are crazed with Lions who sleep 20 hours a day, Tigers are very active and solitary. And VERY powerful. A single slash from a Tiger's paw can crush a bear's skull. And Even if tigers are dead while they're standing, they won't fall. Their legs are that much strong!

BTW I love to be a Zoologist. Anyone else??

modify delete 34818 - from Agrid89 , 13 yrs (Belgium) - 2020-12-21
Tiger - "Hi ! Bonjour !"

I really like too tigers !!! Its so cute ^^

modify delete 34290 - from Vinh31 , 16 yrs (USA) - 2020-03-22
Tiger - "i like tigers"

i like tigers
lets be friends :)

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modify delete 34378 - Reply from Brooke77 (USA) - 2020-04-23

hi i like tigers too can we be friends

modify delete 34286 - from Tiphaine149 , 11 yrs (France) - 2020-03-20
Tiger - "Bonjour"

Dit moisi tu aimes les tigre car moi j'adore ça

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modify delete 35653 - Reply from Gema29 , 12 yrs (Spain) - 2023-02-22

Hola me gustarioa hablar contigo mas a menudo.

modify delete 33725 - from Reese157 , 10 yrs (American Samoa) - 2019-01-11
Tiger - "Tigers"

Hi I l love tigers too my name is Reese

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modify delete 34933 - Reply from Yue104 (China) - 2021-02-04

I love tigers!

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modify delete 34292 - Reply from Caoimhe73 , 9 yrs (USA) - 2020-03-22

i love tigers they are my favoriovet animal they are so cute

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modify delete 34280 - Reply from Joseph7 , 14 yrs (Kenya) - 2020-03-16

Good tigers are cute,can we be friends

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modify delete 33835 - Reply from Dianna83 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2019-03-31

Hey! i LOVE tigers they are so cool and cute! Wanna be friends

modify delete 33545 - from tiphaine155 , 9 yrs (France) - 2018-09-13
Tiger - "collection"

je collectionne les peluche tigre,
j en est 5,
est vous?

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modify delete 34592 - Reply from marcel68 , 17 yrs (Ivory Coast) - 2020-09-07

J aime le tiger

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modify delete 34166 - Reply from Lou137 , 10 yrs (France) - 2019-12-08

Salut j'ai un tigre blanc en peluche et un gros poster

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modify delete 33693 - Reply from Soliman229 , 9 yrs (France) - 2018-12-11

Pardon, je me suis trompé pas TIGE TIGRE !

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modify delete 33692 - Reply from Soliman229 , 9 yrs (France) - 2018-12-11

je collectionne les TIGES j en ai deux, plus un lion et une panthère.

modify delete 33543 - from Tiphaine149 , 9 yrs (France) - 2018-09-12
Tiger - "Mon tigre"

Aimez vous mon tigre?🦁🐯🐆

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modify delete 34130 - Reply from Issa180 , 16 yrs (Ivory Coast) - 2019-11-13

Oui Bonjour

modify delete 33299 - from Lilly65 , 10 yrs (Great Britain) - 2018-06-16
Tiger - "Tigers"

i adore tigers

modify delete 32897 - from Joan117 , 21 yrs (Taiwan) - 2018-01-04
Tiger - "Life of Pi"

Tigers have such beautiful and dangerous eyes.
I like the film Life of Pi many times. It's a good film. Did anyone watch it?

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modify delete 33017 - Reply from Jim231 , 47 yrs (USA) - 2018-02-21

Yes I seen it ! Loved it ! 😊

modify delete 32748 - from Amy56 , 7 yrs (Alaska (USA)) - 2017-11-11
Tiger - "Tiger"

I love the tiger because I was born on the year of the tiger. But I actually like the sharp Tiger.

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modify delete 32837 - Reply from Tamia150 , 14 yrs (Canada) - 2017-12-04

Tu aimes travailler ?

modify delete 32705 - from Carol43 , 14 yrs (Brazil) - 2017-10-27
Tiger - "Animals in brazil"


My name is Carol Humy and I`m 14.I´m from Brazil. I started to study about Canada and little that I know very interesting country. What is the most popular animal in Canada?
In Brazil, it is very common for people to have cats or dogs as pets. it's a pity that these cute animals are often thrown on the streets or even treated badly. Even though there are many dogs and cats many are still on the streets because of their owners' imprudence.
Unfortunately this is a reality of Brazil. In canada people have the habit of abandoning domestic animals or not?

Bye,I await your reply!

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modify delete 35448 - Reply from Anne122 , 11 yrs (Brazil) - 2022-05-05

A mensagem de milhões------.Pena que ninguem respondeu sua pergunta!

modify delete 32653 - from Tessa120 , 13 yrs (Netherlands) - 2017-10-09
Tiger - "Cuuuttteeeee"

Tigers are sooooo adorablee (and dangerous '3') I just want to hug theemmm ( a tame one hehe)

modify delete 32562 - from Constance234 , 11 yrs (France) - 2017-09-03
Tiger - "Ces beaux animaux"

Salut !
J'adore les tigres. Je rêve d'en toucher un, mais il me mangerai. Ça serai beaucoup plus simple s'ils n'étaient
pas carnivores. En plus, j'adore leurs rayures. Elles font aventurier qui se fait griffer par les arbres ou par les lianes.
J'aimerai tant qu'on puisse les toucher sans danger. Ce sont mes animaux préférés. Si vous voulez correspondre avec moi, n'hésitez pas et contactez moi !

modify delete 32435 - from Josh246 , 10 yrs (USA) - 2017-07-08
Tiger - "tigers rock!!!"

There soooooo cuuuuuttttteeeee I love them soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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modify delete 33541 - Reply from Tiphaine149 , 9 yrs (France) - 2018-09-12

Moi aussi j adore les tigres mes je préfère les tigres blancs

modify delete 32221 - from Jae Yeon Kim178 , 10 yrs (Korea) - 2017-04-01
Tiger - "Back doo mt's tigers"

I want to see Back doo mt's tigers. But they were extincted... ¤Ð¤Ð

modify delete 32107 - from Charles180 , 17 yrs (China) - 2017-02-11
Tiger - "Foreign Friends Wanted"

Er, tigers are cute, right?

modify delete 31598 - from Jaxon39 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2016-08-31
Tiger - "Tigers rock"

Oh my gosh your so lucky to have a pet tiger!

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modify delete 33375 - Reply from yanyan1 (Malaysia) - 2018-07-18

the tiger might eat you one day wasim haha

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modify delete 33373 - Reply from wasim1 , 13 yrs (Malaysia) - 2018-07-18

I would like to have a tiger one day

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modify delete 31604 - Reply from Emily136 (Australia) - 2016-09-02

Haha I think she means she has a cat that looks like a tiger xD

modify delete 31539 - from Justine106 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2016-08-07
Tiger - "I have a little tiger!!! 🐯"

Hey guys, I have a little tiger! Her name is Tigi and if you want to see some pictures of her go and look at the pictures on my profile! To see lots more of her, go follow her on Instagram and Musical.ly!
Instagram username: tigithewiggy
Musical.ly musername: tigithewiggy
Also shout out to everyone else that has a little tiger at home!

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modify delete 31699 - Reply from Clare119 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2016-09-30

Isn't it illegal to have a pet tiger?

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modify delete 31603 - Reply from SOTW136 (Alaska (USA)) - 2016-09-02

Hahahaha sorry! Now I realise what you mean xD Very cute cat though! If I were to get a cat I would want a cat just like that!

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modify delete 31601 - Reply from SOTW136 (Alaska (USA)) - 2016-09-02

Um I really don't think it's good to have a pet tiger or keep a tiger in captivity at all. It's really cruel.

modify delete 31459 - from Rehanul167 , 16 yrs (Bangladesh) - 2016-07-08
Tiger - "You know what it is....... right?"


Sorry for shouting :)

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modify delete 31702 - Reply from Clare119 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2016-10-01


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modify delete 31602 - Reply from Emily136 , 15 yrs (Australia) - 2016-09-02

Haha Tigers are pretty cool! Oh and hey Rehanul xD

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modify delete 31537 - Reply from Justine106 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2016-08-07

Ha ha! Of course I know what a tiger is! 😊🐯

modify delete 31452 - from Simon213 , 41 yrs (Netherlands) - 2016-07-03
Tiger - "Tiger"

One of my favorite animals is the tiger. I have seen them a couple of years ago and I am also on a photo with one.

modify delete 31162 - from Lea151 , 11 yrs (France) - 2016-04-13
Tiger - "hello"

I love tigre !!!!!!!!!

modify delete 31144 - from Lea151 , 11 yrs (France) - 2016-04-11
Tiger - "coucou"

il sont tros beau de gros peluche mais se sont des carnivore !!!
je l'ai adore

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modify delete 32375 - Reply from Constance234 , 11 yrs (France) - 2017-06-07

Moi aussi je les adore. Je rêve d'en toucher un, mais il me mangerai. Ça serai beaucoup plus simple s'ils n'étaient
pas carnivores. En plus, j'adore leurs rayures. Elles font aventurier qui se fait griffer par les arbres ou par les lianes.
J'aimerai tant qu'on puisse les toucher sans danger. Ce sont mes animaux préférés.

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modify delete 31751 - Reply from gerson0 , 21 yrs (Togo) - 2016-10-17

slt moi aussi j'adore cet animal
sa peau est jolie pour moi.c'est un animal pour aimé.

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modify delete 31155 - Reply from Rosie116 , 10 yrs (France) - 2016-04-12

Moi aussi j'adore les tigres surtout les tigres blanc !
C'est beau les tigres mais ça a des dents pointues !
Cependant je trouve que se sont de beaux animaux !
Les tigres sont mes animaux préférés !
Je préfère les animaux sauvages. Et toi ?
Ta correspondante

modify delete 31125 - from Davie226 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2016-04-10
Tiger - "Tigers are not only looks"

although every 1 likes tigers for looks here a interesting fact
tigers almost went completely extinct because there fur was prized and sold to the highest bidder along with ivory etc. there was like 6/9 diff species of tigers but we hunted them 2 extinction now theres only like 3/4 species left in the wild today
p.s imma nature freak . plz comment if u have any questions about tigers
the reason i love tigers is that there strong solitary bloodthirsty and hate mankind
and have beautiful fur coats of whit and black or orange and black and have padded feet to make no sound . they are very fierce and easily aggravated

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modify delete 31538 - Reply from Justine106 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2016-08-07

It's sooooo not fair that tigers were almost extinct. You're right, they're not just looks, and even though they may be beautiful, they're just like us and we need to support them. 🐯

modify delete 31013 - from Hailey58 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2016-03-16
Tiger - "Tigers"

Hey! The mystical creatures forum page huh! Lol

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modify delete 34949 - Reply from elvis210 , 14 yrs (Uganda) - 2021-02-14

they are pretty cute

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modify delete 31356 - Reply from jackie229 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2016-06-04

Lol..tigers are pretty great. :D

modify delete 30965 - from Davie226 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2016-03-01
Tiger - "i have a gato"

i have a cat named tiger when we got him he was the runt now he is huge and black and white

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modify delete 31703 - Reply from Clare119 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2016-10-01

Awwwwww! :3

modify delete 30964 - from Davie226 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2016-03-01
Tiger - "hi"

Hi im davie im 11 i would rather have penpals my age or 9-12 i love tigers and
prefer minecraft to school [if i have to do 1 more sec of math i die!] i am really good
at finances and economics

modify delete 30953 - from Ilona233 , 12 yrs (France) - 2016-02-27
Tiger - "I love tiger! (J'aime les tigre!) (Ich liebe Tiger!)"

I love tigers, i plush posters ... I adore above all have a tiger at home. They are so cute. (J'aime beaucoup les tigres, jai des peluches, des posters ... J'adorerai par dessus tout avoir un tiger à la maison. Ils sont trop mignon.) (Ich liebe tiger, ich Plüsch Poster ... Ich liebe vor allem einen Tiger zu Hause haben. Sie sind zu nett .)

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modify delete 31362 - Reply from Ilona233 , 12 yrs (France) - 2016-06-04

You're so lucky, I'd love to have one.

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modify delete 31357 - Reply from jackie229 , 14 yrs (USA) - 2016-06-04

I have a little tiger too! her name is leila. so so cute. :D

modify delete 30899 - from Ellie13 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2016-02-10
Tiger - "I love tigers!"

I love tigers! In my opinion, I think they are very beautiful creatures. Anyoneagre with me?

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modify delete 30905 - Reply from Rose195 (USA) - 2016-02-14

Yes, they're amazing! I once had to do a paper on them, I learned so much

modify delete 30728 - from isabel90 , 17 yrs (Germany) - 2015-12-31
Tiger - "tigers are cool"



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modify delete 31528 - Reply from Alyssa184 , 17 yrs (Australia) - 2016-08-03

I love tigers too! I actually managed to have a photo with one for my birthday last year and it was AMAZING!

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modify delete 31123 - Reply from davie226 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2016-04-10


modify delete 30516 - from Jenny20 , 8 yrs (Great Britain) - 2015-11-10
Tiger - "Why I love tigers"

I love tigers because of their awesome patterns and colours and I love wild animals anyway.

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modify delete 30758 - Reply from Olivia38 (USA) - 2016-01-05

Hi my name is Olivia and I have a cat. Hi love tigers but not as much as my cat Kiki. I love tigers because they have cool
patterns and run fast.

modify delete 30335 - from Zavdiel 156 (USA) - 2015-09-30
Tiger - "Tigers"

I love tigers because they are very solitude and strong. I like the various stripe patterns that they have. Most of the personality of the tiger I think kind of reflects myself.

modify delete 30160 - from Justine210 , 10 yrs (Great Britain) - 2015-08-27
Tiger - "Tiger"

I am new to this forum. My favourite animal is actually a cat, but a Tiger is a cat, so it counts as a cat. I hope to make new friends just like me. Has anyone seen any tigers before; captive or wild? I have seen one at a zoo before. I fell in love with them as they are so pretty. My cat is a Tabby cat and she looks a little bit like a tiger.

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modify delete 31704 - Reply from Clare119 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2016-10-01

I once saw a beautiful white Bengal tiger at a zoo.

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modify delete 31124 - Reply from Davie226 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2016-04-10

although i agree tigers arnt exactly cats there is a huge diffence between tigers and house cats .

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