Forum about Jobs - Magician
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modify delete 20263 - from Dia , 8 y.o. (KOR) - 2013-01-26
Magician : "I want to be a magician"

Hello, I'm Dia Nam from Korea. I practice magic when I have some things. I want to be friends with who wants to be magician.

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modify delete 32538 - Reply from Iris (ROM) - 2016-08-07

What kind of magician are you? What can you do?

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modify delete 21530 - Reply from Zac , 9 y.o. (USA) - 2013-07-07

I have been practicing many card tricks and love card games in other words I am a card maniac so check out my page because I would love a Pen Pal.

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modify delete 20330 - Reply from sarah , 16 y.o. (IDN) - 2013-02-02

i dont wanna be magician , but magician is cool

Forum about Jobs - Magician - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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