Forum Métiers - Pilote de course
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modifier supprimer 637 - de ishan , 12 ans (IND) - 2009-04-09
Pilote de course : "Racing"

i am interested in getting in touch with members keen about hobbies of Racing and Aero-modelling to exchange info and ideas

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modifier supprimer 4462 - Réponse de Cheyenne , 13 ans (USA) - 2010-11-06

I think a slender car would increase speed but in a more compact car the crash might end up a little more deadly.

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modifier supprimer 4271 - Réponse de d , 13 ans (USA) - 2010-10-04

but see i been knowing how to drive sense i was 7 what about you

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modifier supprimer 1887 - Réponse de pretender , 14 ans (GHA) - 2009-11-24

hi j i am like football actually so wanna become a footballer

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modifier supprimer 1380 - Réponse de Efren , 17 ans (MEX) - 2009-09-02

Hi new friend =) I like racing cars to i want to be a profesional racing driver i would like to talk abuot your preferences thanks =)

Forum Métiers - Pilote de course - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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