Countries of the World
Greek Mythology - Myths

There are many, many, many myths, stories and tales about the gods of Greece.
And, of course, this blog will not cover all of them. I will choose only of few famous stories to give you an idea of how intelligent and brilliant-minded Ancient (and modern) Greeks are.

If you have some tales that I have not covered (as there are indeed many more) please feel free to send me an email and I'll add them to this page. Thank you.

Note: All of the myths were extracted from D'Aulaires' book of Greek Myths. (This book is a must-see!) Overall, they are put into my own words, but even still, I own none of this.
The Start of all Things

Gaea, the Earth, came into being so long ago that nobody knows when she came from or how. Young Earth was sad and very lonely, for nothing lived on her yet. But above her rose Uranus, the mighty sky, shining and set all over with shining stars. Earth gazed up at his shimmering form and soon fell in love with him.

(D'aulaires' book of Greek Myths)
Sky looked down at Earth with his countless stars twinkling. They were soon joined in love, and Earth became Mother Earth, the mother of all living things.
All of their children loved their warm and beautiful mother, and respected their mighty father, lord of the Universe.

Mother Earth's Children

The Titans were the first children of Mother Earth. They were the first gods, taller then the mountains that served as their thrones, and their parents, Earth and Sky were very proud of them. There were six Titans, six glorious gods, and those six gods had six sisters, the Titanesses, whom they took for their wives.
When Gaea gave birth again, Uranus was not proud. Their new children were also huge, but instead of being glorious gods, they were very ugly with one big eye set into the middle of their foreheads. These were the three Cyclops and they were named Lightning, Thunder and Thunderbolt. Although these creatures were not handsome gods, they were tremendously strong smiths and their heavy hammers spanked off of their work with such a tremendous noise and flash that even their father's stars faded.
After a short while, Mother Earth again gave birth to three more sons. Uranus looked at them with utter repulsion. Each of them had fifty heads and a hundred string arms. Uranus hated to see such ugly creatures walk across pretty Earth, so he seized them and flung them into the endless, darkest pit under the earth called: Tartarus.
Mother Earth loved all of her children dearly, and could not forgive her husband for treating them with such cruelty, so she fashioned a sickle out of the hardest flint and spoke to her sons, the Titans.
"Take this weapon, make an end to your father's cruelty and set your brothers free."
Five of the Titan's trembled with fright and refused. Only Cronus, the youngest, but the strongest dared to take the sickle. He fell upon his father who could not withstand such a weapon wielded by his strong son. He fled, giving up his powers.

Gaea made Pontus, the boundless seas, her second husband, and from this union sprang the gods of the sea's watery depths. From Earth's rich ground sprang trees and plants and from her crevices sprang creatures with wings and tails emerged. Sprites grew and early man crept forth.

The Ages of Zeus

The Titan Cronus now ruled the universe. He sat on the highest mountain and ruled Heaven and Earth with a firm and mighty hand. This was man's golden age. Men worshiped Cronus and gods obeyed his will. Crops flourished and theft had not yet been invented. Peace reined and no one killed or hurt one another.
But Titan Lord, Cronus had not set his brothers free and Gaea was angry.
She waited, for she knew that one of Cronus' sons would become stronger then he was, just like Cronus had been with his father. Cronus knew this too, so every time his Titaness-wife Rhea gave birth, he took the newborn god and swallowed it. Cronus thought that with all of his offspring inside him, no man or god could harm him.

But Rhea was grief-stricken. Her other five sisters who had married their brothers, were surrounded by their Titan children, while she was all alone. When Rhea was expected her six child, she asked Mother Earth to protect the child from his father. This was exactly what Mother Earth had been waiting for.
As soon as Rhea had borne her child, the god Zeus, she hid him. Then she wrapped a stone in baby clothes and gave it to her husband to swallow instead of her son. Cronus was fooled and swallowed the stone, and the little god Zeus was taken to a cave on the island of Crete with noisy earth sprites outside to block Zeus' cries from Cronus' ears.

The son of Cronus was cared for by tender nymphs and nursed by the fairy goat Amaltheia. From the horns of the goat flowed ambrosia and nectar, the food of the gods.
Soon the great god Zeus strode from the cave, and to thank the nymphs for their gentleness and patience he gave them the horns of the goat. These were horns of plenty and could never be emptied. From the hide of the faithful goat Zeus made himself an impenetrable breastplate called the Aegis.
For Zeus' first wide, he chose a Titan's daughter, Metis. She was the goddess of prudence and she gave Zeus good advice. She warned him not to attempt to overthrow his child-devouring father alone, for Cronus had his brothers and their sons as well. Zeus must first have loyal and strong allies.
Mighty Zeus' wife, wise and cautious, tricked her Uncle, Cronus into eating an herb that would make him throw up his children. Out came Hestia, Poseidon, Hades, Hera and Demeter like rising suns! When Cronus looked upon the six young and angry gods, he knew his time had come, gave up his powers and fled. Zeus was lord of the universe now, but instead of hording his power, he shared it among his brothers and sisters. The titan's were angry that Zeus and his siblings had taken control over the world, and all of them - along with their sons - revolted. Only two, Prometheus and Epimetheus, left the Titans and joined Zeus. For Prometheus could see the future and he never picked the losing side.

Zeus quickly freed Mother Earth's children from Tartarus, the hundred-armed ones gratefully and powerfully fought for the gods, and the mighty one-eyed Cyclopes forged many magic weapons for the gods.
They made a trident for the sea god Poseidon, and when he wielded it the waves frothed and it shook the earth.
And for Hades a cap of invisibility, so he could strike his enemies unseen.
For Zeus, the king of the gods, they forged the deadly lightning bolts, for which he could strike down his enemies and leave them no hope in rising again.

The Titans and the gods fought a long and bitter battle, but soon the Titans surrendered and Zeus locked them up into the pit Tartarus. Mother Earth was angry at Zeus for sending her sons into the pit, so she created two infinitely evil creatures and set them against Zeus. Typhon and his mate, Echidna.

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