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40197 -
modifier supprimer 40199 - Réponse de Isabella192 , 12 ans (France) - 2022-02-25

Ah et puis je voulais dire, si vous avez des remarques, n'hésitez pas, je sais que c'est LOIN d'être parfait :/

40197 -
modifier supprimer 40198 - Réponse de Chloé192 , 12 ans (France) - 2022-02-25

Spécialement pour Madeline :)

Je sais que c'est long alors merci si vous avez lu en entier, ça compte énormément pour moi merci ! :)

modifier supprimer 40190 - de Madeline71 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2022-02-22
Ecrivain - "Hi! I love writing, so here is a preview of a story I'm writing!:)"

Lizzy and Harper Barnes were world famous scientists, known for creating crazy mixtures that cured severe illnesses. They had a huge lab that was located underground in London, England that no other soul in the world knew how to get into. Or so they thought.
One night, after a long day of mixing and stirring on an attempt to cure cancer, Lizzy and Harper decided to get some well needed rest and get back to work in the morning. They had a built in house connected to their lab, with more stuff then any human could ever need.
“I think we should go to sleep, now, Harper.” Lizzy mumbled, rubbing her hazel eyes wearily.
“But what if somebody breaks in?” Harper asked in his usual state of worry.
“Our lab is underground with fourteen security measures and six security guards. I think we’re good. Besides, how can we work properly without a good night’s sleep?” Lizzy argued.
“But I’M not tired.”
“Yeah right. You’re using the paint splattered counter to steady yourself. Come on, we’re going to bed.” Izzy dragged Harper out of the lab, and into their bedroom. She dropped Harper in the bottom bunk, and took her seat at the top. “Good night, partner.” She yawned.
“Good night.” Harper replied, his voice muffled by his pillow.
Meanwhile, three small figures lurked around the entrance to Lizzy and Harper’s lab.
“It has to be here somewhere.” A dark, raspy voice came from one of the figures.
“Come on, can we just go back to our base? We’ve been searching for hours, and it’s past midnight. I’m exhausted.” The smallest of the three whined.
“NO! We can’t give up now! We’ve been plotting to ruin these lab rats’ reputation for years now! And we’re so close, I can taste it.” The tallest yelled, his voice echoing off the dark, empty streets of London.
“Yeah.” The first cloaked figure and the leader of the group agreed. “And we didn’t binge watch every possible channel on T.V that mentioned them for nothing. This could be our victory!”
“Fine, whatever. But if I collapse, it’s on you.” The smallest crossed their arms in defiance.
“Wait! I smell something.” The tallest whispered. “It smells like something… radioactive.”
“FOLLOW IT!” The leader demanded, the smallest nodding their head vigorously in agreement.
The tallest continued to smell the air, until it became so strong they nearly fainted.
The tallest pointed to an uneven layer of concrete. “This is it.” He said.
“Perfect! Good work, Alexander. Tyler, pull out your concrete blaster.” The leader ordered.
Tyler, the smallest, pulled out a slim, gray, dull looking gun from his black cloak. “This one, Gus?”
“Yeah, that one. Do it!”
Tyler took a deep breath before pulling the silver trigger, sending hundreds of tiny red hot bullets at the concrete, causing it to melt away.
Tyler, Alexander, and Gus gasped when they noticed a sleek black ladder sticking up from the hole.
“Yes!” They exclaimed in usion. The three had met eleven years ago, when they were ten years old.
Since then, they’d been plotting against Lizzy and Harper but nobody knew why.
This was the closest they’ve ever gotten to achieving their goal, to ruin Lizzy and Harper’s reputation as the best scientists to ever live, and nothing was going to stop them now.
Slowly, one by one, they descended the ladder. They gaped at the sight of the magnificent lab. They were the only ones other than Lizzy and Harper themselves who had actually seen it, and it was certainly a sight to behold.
Tyler paused before following Gus and Alexander. “Wait- what about the fourteen security measures we heard about on the news? You know, like, the passwords?”
“Nobody cares about that, Ty.” Gus smiled in pride as he examined a thin test tube filled with a mysterious purple liquid. “We’re lucky we got off easy.”
“Yeah! I mean, look at this!” Alexander shouted in excitement, holding up a book labeled, ‘Easy Elixirs’.
“Shh! You’re going to wake them up, Alex! And don’t let your hood down, in case there are security cameras.” Gus put his finger to his dry lips.
“And what about the six security guards? Huh? What about those?” Tyler demanded.
“I don’t know, nobody cares, shrimp! What matters is that we do what we need to do and get out of here before we get caught!” Gus placed the test tube back on the marble counter.
“So then, what do we do, Gus?” Alexander asked, clueless though he’d played a huge part in creating the plan itself.
“What do you mean??? Dude, have you been brainwashed or something? The plan, dude, the plan!” Gus whispered harshly, shaking Alexander’s shoulders.
“Right.” Alexander nodded, adjusting his black framed glasses.
“In case you need a reminder, our plan is to unleash a fatal pandemic, leaving traces of it everywhere in this lab. Then, we will proceed to frame these idiots and we will be victorious and powerful!” Gus boomed proudly. “I’ll do the mixing and creating, Alex can leave traces of it everywhere, and Ty, you’ll be on watch to make sure nobody sees us and hand me the necessary items. Got it?” He instructed.
He didn’t wait for a reply. “First, the ingredients. I have been planning this recipe for AGES!”
“We.” Tyler interrupted. “We have been planning this recipe for ages.”
Gus cleared his throat. “Right. Anyways, first, give me that green bag.”
“Which one? There are a million green bags in here. Green is like, the science color.”
“Shut up, man.”
“No you shut up!”
“Can we just get to work, guys?”
“Seriously, you are the lousiest work partners ever!”
“Yeah right.”
“What did I do?”
“Just give me that.”
Eventually, with a lot of work and arguing, there sat a vial of what would be the deadliest virus to ever live. Alexander had left obvious exposure of all the ingredients around the lab, so Lizzy and Harper were sure to be blamed.
The three boys high fived in celebration. “This is it, guys!” Gus exclaimed with pride. “Our victory in a vial!”
He put on three layers of plastic gloves and grabbed the vial. “Now let’s get out of he-”
Before he could finish, a large, muscular man tackled them. When he’d pinned them all to the ground, Tyler mumbled, “I told you so.” Under his breath.
“You guys are going to be in BIG trouble for breaking into this lab.” The man’s gruff voice stated. “Or maybe I should just take care of you, one by one.” He lifted his fist above Tyler’s terrified face. “You first.”

40190 -
modifier supprimer 40222 - Réponse de Madeline71 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2022-03-12

Thanks! Nice to meet you!

40190 -
modifier supprimer 40219 - Réponse de Morgan225 (USA) - 2022-03-10

Hi Madeline! I like your story so far! I'm Canadian too but my family moved to the US.

40190 -
modifier supprimer 40196 - Réponse de Madeline71 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2022-02-25

Sure! And thank you so much, that means a lot!

40190 -
modifier supprimer 40195 - Réponse de Isabella192 , 12 ans (France) - 2022-02-24

Hi, I read your story, and I liked it! I also love writing, can we be friends?

40190 -
modifier supprimer 40191 - Réponse de Madeline71 , 11 ans (Canada) - 2022-02-22

It's really long, so I hope you take the time to read it! :) I'll post more of it soon if you enjoy it!

modifier supprimer 40110 - de Diana243 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-11-20
Ecrivain - "Just messing around with a word document"

Her eyes narrow toward the darkened vault

Counting the starts above her head

Her fingers point out the faint details

That the average soul would have certainly overlooked

And he noticed these simple attributes

Alongside her childlike outlook on the universe

And carefully placed his words

To align her emotions like a perfect puzzle

She listened with intent

Watching his lips move from corner to side

While he recited the lines

From deep within his complex mind

She formulated a response

Gentle and lovely

Against his hopeful mindset

That balanced his speech

And then they slipped into each other’s arms

Afraid yet overwhelmed with newly equipped excitement

As they perched below the night sky

With the cold breeze brushing their skin

modifier supprimer 40095 - de Maggie28 (USA) - 2021-11-04
Ecrivain - "Random Poem?"

The torrid afternoon settles like a
blanket over my bones.
I suck in a thick breath,
air laden with intense moisture.
The sky feels like an ellipsis,
tension building until
heat lightning splits the sky,
without storm, without warning.
The subject changes, the rain falls

40095 -
modifier supprimer 40096 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-11-06

This is really good!

modifier supprimer 40045 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-10-05
Ecrivain - "Dear Mrs White"

Oh Mrs White how was your death?
Was it full of sorrow
or full of dread?
Did you dance among moonbeams
on your way to the stars
Was it a long journey leaving scars?
Were you surrounded in linen
pure and white
or covered in satin
as dark as your soul
Did it hurt when you fell
through the chasm below
Or was it quite slowly like a blanket of snow
Please answer my question about your past
My time is coming and I will not last

modifier supprimer 40015 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-09-12
Ecrivain - "Hey guys!"

Hi guys I knw its been to long since I posted anything and I hope none of you thought I died due to mysterious circumstances! I'm doing fine I started school a few weeks ago which has made me insanely busy and stressed not giving me a ton of time to be creative, If any of you guys want to give me a prompt for a poem I would love to write it as soon as I can!

modifier supprimer 39973 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-08-18
Ecrivain - "The truth"

Excuse me but this is very odd
Our worlds on fire but the hose is off
Water rises pumped inside
But that's when monsters begin to arise
"Full of toxins!"
they yell and shriek
We must find other ways to make ends meet
The man with power!
They sing with joy
His wealth is huge with much employed
"Excuse me sir could you spare a dime
To help us live and our descendants thrive?"
His chuckle rings inside our ears
"Of course my peasents, true and dear!
First though I must run to the stars!"
His manical thoughts created scars
Excuse me but this is very off
Our worlds on fire but the hose is off
The water poisons in the pump
The hose is on but this waters off
Far and few have taken a drink
Without them this world will shrink

39973 -
modifier supprimer 40039 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-09-28

thank you!

39973 -
modifier supprimer 40029 - Réponse de Manishi 134 (Sri Lanka) - 2021-09-22


39973 -
modifier supprimer 39975 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-08-19


39973 -
modifier supprimer 39974 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-08-19

I like it!

modifier supprimer 39962 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"


modifier supprimer 39961 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"


modifier supprimer 39960 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"



modifier supprimer 39959 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"


modifier supprimer 39955 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"

  说到尼娜,她的生活过的就跟公主一样,要说她有哪点不满意,那就是班级成绩考核排名。可能是因为她受过良好的早期教育 ,她一直是一个直A的优秀学生,可是成绩却一直排班里第二。格林有一次拿“千年老二”来和她开玩笑,她差点就要去抓花他那张白白胖胖的脸,为此格林胆战心惊了好几天,结果,不知道格林去跟尼娜说了些什么混账话,第二天尼娜就气势汹汹的找尤妮斯算账。没错,就因为尤妮斯每回考班里第一。
  倒不是尤妮斯要卖弄自己多有才华,眼下她确实只有这一处可有优势了。原先,那些同学也并不在意她是否学习好,只一件——圣诞晚会或感恩节等类似活动时,少不了要玩真心话大冒险那种无聊的游戏,借此来取笑尤妮斯“书呆子”。她平素喜静,又不大与常人合得来 ,上台演讲这种事也没人举荐她,只是闲暇时看书来打发时光,因此是大多数人不愿意靠近的“书呆子”。只有格瑞斯愿意在烛光下陪尤妮斯读书,愿意和尤妮斯做朋友。可是后来,尼娜在三年级时转到了我们学校——据说是她的商贾父亲想要到学校周围做什么生意。不过这里可真没有什么可赚钱的买卖——至少尤妮斯这样想。不管怎样,尼娜现在把她当作对手,视为眼中钉 。

modifier supprimer 39954 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"

  “哼!”为首的凯文·格林抱着胳膊冷笑着说,“我来告诉你你是谁——穷人莱斯利!穿着破麻袋来上学,死皮赖脸的领着政府的补贴。我告诉你,你那穷作家爸爸每月领的补贴都是像我爸爸这样高层次的人交的税金得来的,你们家真的好不要脸!我看你爸是穷疯了吧!”说完,他“呸”地朝碎石地上啐了一口唾沫,围在他身后的没脑子的小弟都纷纷效仿,然后粗鲁地大笑起来。尤妮斯不由得握紧了双拳 。
  “莉莉丝 !”格林急哄哄地冲上前,把尤妮斯推搡到一边,瞪了她一眼,皱着眉头问尼娜,“怎么了?是那个小贱人朝你扔石子吗?我大可以让弟兄们教训她一顿!”后边那些有些壮实的男孩蠢蠢欲动地从包围圈里走上前来,不怀好意地朝尤妮斯呲牙咧嘴地笑。

modifier supprimer 39953 - de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08
Ecrivain - "[HP]欧石楠的绽放"

“ 我永远无法忘记那个晴朗的夏日,在杂草丛生、破败不堪的后花园里,一封被一只飞的摇摇晃晃的绒毛枭紧紧叼着的棕皮信如何改变了我的人生。正如其他莱斯利家族的人一样,我开始让生活精彩起来,就像灿烂的阳光照射进了阴暗潮湿的罅隙,一切都是那么让人激动,让人鼓舞,让人看到生的希望。而且生活渐渐步入正轨,由此,我并不乐意交出我的能力。

modifier supprimer 39932 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-07-28
Ecrivain - "If I could change the world"

If I could change the world
Chaos would run amuck
A guillotine would be used
to saw off the reapers head
Then how happy we would be
lounging in the sun
Oh to live immortal
Damage comes undone
Humans darkside then would show
Dancing in the devil's heart
Though we are immortal we may tear
this world apart
But without death to set us free
The hell will come to earth
Burning down all heaven
Angels wings are turning dark
No savior great to set us free
no hope for the end
Only life to laugh as her power forever reigns
Dangling her puppets on a string
Her job becomes too much
But life herself can't die
She will decay into the ground her freedom running dry
And then our land I'm afraid will close
Our world will sing its final song
One fine glorious hymn
The stars will shine out
And hope now is nigh

Hey guys hope you like this! IF any of you has information for publishers interested in poetry please let me know!

39932 -
modifier supprimer 39949 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-08-06

Thank you! I would much rather talk on my students of the world account though. Do you have one?

39932 -
modifier supprimer 39947 - Réponse de 李康訸253 (Chine) - 2021-08-06

You wrote very well! I love so much. By the way, I want to be a pen pal with you. My email is likanghe2021@outlook.com we can discuss literature together

39932 -
modifier supprimer 39937 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-07-29

Thank you! I'll have to check it out.

39932 -
modifier supprimer 39933 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-07-29

Powerful! There's a really good website called Submittable that you might like to check out where you can submit all kinds of work to different publishing companies.

modifier supprimer 39915 - de Maddie93 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-07-16
Ecrivain - "L.U.N.A Prologue"


“Wear it.” Insisted Garry Yearns, one of the most famous managers in the music industry, holding a black tube top and slightly jostling it around. “If you want to make money, this is what you wear.”
Luna twiddled her thumbs nervously behind her back. Luna was a 17 year old girl, and one of the most famous pop stars ever. Though, she was commonly known as ‘L.U.N.A.’
“I don’t know… it’s not really my style…” Luna mumbled nervously, biting her lip.
“Your ‘style’ doesn’t matter in the music industry. Fans like tube tops. So if you want to be liked, wear it.” Garry shot back, waving the tube top more vigorously.
‘I do want to be popular…’ thought Luna, observing the tube top, though it was hard to see clearly because it looked like a blur with Garry wagging it around faster than a dog waves its tail when it hears the ‘W.A.L.K’ word.
“Ok, I guess.” Agreed Luna, taking the tube top doubtfully.
“That’s the attitude!” Beamed Garry, nodding his almost bald head enthusiastically.
Luna plastered on a fake smile. She was concerned though. She’d been a pop star for a few months, and until now, she’d never been asked to wear a tube top.
“Oh, and it’s ‘bout time we released a new single, huh?” Garry thought out loud, lifting his overweight body off of his leather office chair, and brushing his knees off, even though they were crystal clean. “I’ll ask Joey to write us a wicked rap.”
Luna’s jaw dropped. She’d always written her own songs. She liked that process better than actually singing. And since when did she rap? She’d never rapped in her life!
“Um, Garry- could there be some mistake? I’ve always written my own songs- and I’ve never rapped! Ever.” Asked Luna, fiddling with the tube top nervously.
“Oh, ha! I know, I know. But this is what the FANS want.” Explained Garry, patting Luna’s back so hard she almost fell over.
“Oh. Right.” Murmured Luna, frowning.
“That’s my girl.” Encouraged Garry, leaving the room.
That left Luna with her thoughts. Do I want to do this? I can turn back, right? Am I being used? Does my opinion matter?
‘Maybe it’ll turn out to be fine.’ Thought Luna, looking at the tube top. ‘Of course it will.’ Decided Luna. ‘I mean, wealth and popularity. What else could you ask for?’
Luna felt more confident now. So what if she wore a tube top? So what if she didn’t write her songs? And rapping could be fun! ‘Yeah.’ Thought Luna confidently.

39915 -
modifier supprimer 39950 - Réponse de Shuhua242 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-07

Wow, this is really great!

modifier supprimer 39907 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-07-12
Ecrivain - "Fathoms of your soul"

Never lie to me
I see guilt inside your eyes
You are evil personified my dear
And I know where your heart lys
Oh never keep a secret
A grudge where sorrow grows
Festers up its seeds in hell
In the fathoms in your soul
A demon is nicer than you
For a demon knows the truth
You can't deny what lies inside
The poison in the roots
Your heart of stone was broken
Before you were ever born
So never lie to me my child
Or I will make it grow

39907 -
modifier supprimer 39912 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-07-15

Thank you so much Viola I would love to make a song with my poems but I'm horrible at music theory.

39907 -
modifier supprimer 39910 - Réponse de Viola185 , 14 ans (Allemagne) - 2021-07-14

Hey Delaney!
I like your poems, they're quite nice! So keep attention that nobody steals it!
I have written a poem as well, I guess I use it for a rap.
Maybe you can use the poems for a song/rap as well :)
Lovely greetings

modifier supprimer 39889 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-30
Ecrivain - "In denial"

I'm falling yet I'm not afraid
Because I'm falling into you
Your arms will catch me if I shall fall
Oh all my life is yours
That's what all my friends say
Oh how how they lie
See how they jeer
Your eyes so bright I can't look away
but I'm in denial over you
They say the reason I'm not sleeping
Is my reality is better than dreams
The truth really is
I'm scared to fall asleep
For in dreams you keep me awake
Surrounding me in your love
I'm scared to fall asleep
I fear I'll never wake up
Oh how they lie
See how they jeer
Your eyes so bright I can't look away
but I'm in denial over you
Someday it shall be
Me and you in the sun
Dancing to our hearts content
just not now it won't be so
Cause I'm in denial over you

39889 -
modifier supprimer 39892 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-07-02

Thank you!

39889 -
modifier supprimer 39891 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-07-02

Absolutely lovely!

modifier supprimer 39881 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-20
Ecrivain - "Hey guys!"

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't had a poem for a little while I've been very busy in school lately along with other things. I thought it would be fun if one of you guys recommended a song I could write a poem based off. Make sure the song is appropriate with no explicit lyrics please. Have a great day!

39881 -
modifier supprimer 39883 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-21

Sounds nice! Ps this may take a while because I'm leaving tomorrow for a week long trip.

39881 -
modifier supprimer 39882 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-06-21

In Denial by Lara Marshall or We'll pull through maybe?

modifier supprimer 39879 - de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-06-18
Ecrivain - "Heart of the Night: Chapter 10"

Luna had nearly totally forgotten her old day time life. She felt as though she had live here among the clouds and stars all her life. She knew all the places and creatures that lived in the night. She knew which clouds were sturdy and which stars were safe. She could leap almost just like Vastwars and sing the night songs.
Vastwars, watching her as Luna was playing with the owls in the forest one night, decided it was time. The next evening, before Luna had even fully woken up, he grabbed her and half dragged, half pushed her from cloud to cloud. 'Wait a minute' said Luna in shock, 'it's much too early to go down to the ground. It's only sunset. It's much too early for us to be active at all!' 'We have to make an exception for once.' And before the naturally curious Luna could ask why they had already landed in a field and Vastwars had ordered her to mount him. Luna was a brilliant Wanil Rider by now, but even she found this the most difficult ride ever. Partly because it was barely twilight by this time and she still felt stiff. It was a long ride. Luna felt as though it would never end. Half in a stupor, she felt her ride race across flat ground, swim over rivers, and finally felt their pace slow as they proceeded up a smooth, steep slope.
'Get off me and look down Luna.'
Luna got up, stumbled, and blacked out.

modifier supprimer 39855 - de Amaani0 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-06-05
Ecrivain - "The Heart of the Night: Chapter 9"

She was right to climb on to Vastwars. After whirling through clouds and past stars which glazed her slightly ('Vastwars had told me that stars were safe' Luna had thought accusingly), her ride landed so abruptly that she tumbled off and clutched the nearest thing that was all around her. A beautiful, short, sharp note reached her ear and she looked down and the long blade of grass in her hand. 'The singing grasses'. Said Vastwars. Luna stood up. They were in a large area of grass surrounded by a ring of trees. The moon shone a milky light into the circle. A wonderful melody, sounding like all the instruments of the world, greeted her ears. 'Oh, it feels like one of those enchanted rings in fairy tails!' She breathed. 'Oh, everything's enchanted if you look at it the right way.' As he said this, Vastwars, who had been carefully surveying the grass in a judgemental way, finished his calculation and began pulling, sliding, and running through the grasses creating amazing music. Luna listened in rapture. ' Oh do let me have a try!' She cried when Vastwars had finished. 'It's all about knowing which sections of blades play which combination of notes.'
As it happened, Luna had always showed promise in the music department, and soon, not did she know the grasses like the back of her hand, she had made a harp out of tree bark which she strung with her favourite grass notes. Luna felt she could live this life for ever.

modifier supprimer 39849 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-04
Ecrivain - "The phoenix"

I never owned a record player
Or a fiddle I could play
Never dyed my hair blue
Mine was blinding red instead
My soul was never lost
so why bother searching
Yes I know we're not the same
But I was born to be the greatest girl alive
Never dreamed that one day I'd die
As a phoenix I will rise
Through the ashes hear my cry
I'm more than you believe
I never dared to stand out
Anxieties force me to hide
Never had a friend in person
Though I know I'm not shy
But I was born to be the greatest girl alive
Never dreamed that one day I'd die
As a phoenix I will rise
Through the ashes hear my cry
You haven't seen the last of me
I will return
I shall fight
Through the plagues and through the night
Break the world end your lives
All for the things I crave with all my might

39849 -
modifier supprimer 39874 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-15


39849 -
modifier supprimer 39870 - Réponse de Maddie93 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-06-14

I like it a lot! You are so good at this.

39849 -
modifier supprimer 39861 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-07


39849 -
modifier supprimer 39857 - Réponse de Hakka189 (Emirats Arabes Unis) - 2021-06-07

Splendid and marvelous lyrics. Keep it up.

39849 -
modifier supprimer 39853 - Réponse de Delaney26 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-06-04

Yay! I'm glad you liked it! I know my poetry has been kind of dry lately so I thought this would be a nice change.

39849 -
modifier supprimer 39851 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-06-04

OMG! So powerful! I think it's my new favourite!

modifier supprimer 39834 - de Amaani0 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-28
Ecrivain - "Heart of the Night: Chapter 8"

Luna felt she was walking in a dream the next few night. The very next day when Luna felt she had woken up and broken through a stone case, she was that the sky was a dark blue and the first stars were twinkling. 'This is the earliest your likely to wake up.' Said a voice behind her. Luna had already come to love that voice. 'Once it's dark enough,' Vastwars went on, 'We will do a little cloud jumping.' Luna steadily became more alert with the brightening of the stars and the darkening of the sky. 'Now,' said her companion suddenly. 'Now we can go. You won't ride on my back today. Well, actually you may for the fist few jumps. But when I say, you must grab on to may tail and do a little leaping for yourself.' 'Will that not hurt?' 'Not at all. Wanil's have very unique tails. Now climb on.' Luna did so and it was just like last time, the only difference being that they were going down a little every time then up. She realised that cloud leaping was very unlike hill climbing, and that it was a nicer feeling to go up, than down. After ten or so jumps, Wanil and rider landed on a large, roomy cloud the former, instead of leaping to the edge and on to the next cloud as Luna expected him to, paused for a second and told her to grab his tail. When he made sure Luna's hands were firmly clasped around his tail, Vastwars took two great bounds, with Luna half leaping, half diving behind him and then with a kicking a little star dust and cloud into Luna's face (It stung but not in a painful way) he dived to the next cloud. Luna, seeing that her guide had kept his legs together, did the same before she felt stars and clouds whirl past her, and the next thing she felt was a large chunk of cloud in her face. 'Luna, I must ask you not to land on your face. You will not have much momentum like that.' With difficulty, the student addressed plucked her head out of the pile of candy floss and clutched at her mentor's tail. This time, she fell on her knees and picked herself up. She felt quite experienced after she had repeated the progress a couple more times. 'Home stretch now.' Luna was not sure what Vastwars meant by 'Home Stretch' but she decided it would be a good idea to get back on his back. Wanil's are full of surprises.

39834 -
modifier supprimer 39952 - Réponse de clara250 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-08-08

i think it's fascinating!

modifier supprimer 39827 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-26
Ecrivain - "Music of life"

Darling I'll make the moon shine just for your view
Don't you see I'd do anything for you
Would you do the same for me?
I walked through hell with the brown eyed girl
Singing in the shower all alone
Yet I felt everyone there
Oh she was sweet but a physco
We walked the wire on a wild dance
I joined the A team
Yet I am a zero
Take me home to see the man without a face
You are irresistable and I long for home
So wake me up when the parties over
Because I want to see you be brave
The blinding lights will steal my soul
Though I have the highest hopes
For the longest time
I wished to break away

Hey guys I know this is kinda nonsense but I hope you liked it. I tried to reference some songs that I like see if you recognize them.

39827 -
modifier supprimer 39830 - Réponse de Maddie93 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-05-27

No problem!

39827 -
modifier supprimer 39829 - Réponse de Delaney26 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-27


39827 -
modifier supprimer 39828 - Réponse de Maddie93 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-05-27

I like it a lot! Great job!

modifier supprimer 39823 - de Amaani0 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-25
Ecrivain - "Heart of the Night: Chapter 7"

Luna looked down at her bare feet. They felt curiously and deliciously warm. She was standing on pinkish-whitish candy floss. It looked like that any way. It was sprinkled with the same purple sparkles on Vastwars' fur. 'Are we on a...' 'Cloud? Yes we are.' Vastwars was lying on his side with his eyes half shut; he looked like someone sun bathing on the edge of a cliff. Luna was bursting with wonder, excitement and questions. 'Where do all the sparkles come from? How come we're not sinking through? I thought all clouds were mad from water! Can I touch the stars? How come the clouds in the daylight don't look like this? What if we fell of the edge? Where will this cloud take us? Can we go up to the moon?' Luna hadn't notice that Vastwars looked like he was sleeping, but now he said, 'Hold on young one. Let me answer those questions one by one. Firstly, those sparkles are star dust. I advise you to lose no time in covering yourself in it: it makes you stronger and lighter and more night able.' 'How are you strong and light at the same time?' 'One at a time Luna, one at a time. Touching the stars will also be good for you. Star dust also make clouds strong and fluffy, so we don't sink through. If you fell, which there are few chances of and clouds are easily moulded into a large enough size for everyone, you'd be bound to fall onto another cloud. And also, one thing I wish you to understand is that night time has NOTHING in common with day and thus our clouds are TOTALLY different!' Luna started at Vastwars suddenly angry and ferocious voice. She looked at him. He had lifted up his head with eyes blazing. In a second he sank back into the same relaxed position and went on in his normal voice. 'As for going to the moon, it's a once in a life time experience. I nearly got there once. I was a young an reckless youth, but I took too big a leap and fell nearly to the ground.' Luna remembered there leap from an extremely tall roof to the cloud they were standing on and though it would have to be a VERY long jump for her companion to fall. 'Oh, a leap from a roof to a cloud is nothing. You'll learn that in a while.' Luna started for a second time. Vastwars had just read her mind! Ignoring his young companions astonishment, the Wanil went on to tell Luna all about life up in the clouds and how they would drift from one into another, surveying the ground, and how Luna would learn to cloud jump and then to star jump, and Luna listened to her mentor with eager ears through out the night. Eventually, the stars disappeared one by one, and Luna felt a lonely, drowsiness come over her, and she made a lump in the cloud with her hands and resting her head on it and pulling her coverlet around her she closed her eyes.
Meanwhile, a boy and a magnificent lion, with a burning, red coloured mane watched two huddled figures nestled on a cloud float along. 'What were those Alba?' 'Those, Altanot, are my hated rival, the cursed Wanil and his kidnapped apprentice. Those are your targets.'
As the colours of the dawn grew stronger, the world of the night sank away. Vastwars became more and more see through until he had vanished away, and Luna followed him. She had become one of the night.

39823 -
modifier supprimer 39824 - Réponse de Valerie 162 (Autriche) - 2021-05-25

The story looks so real and professional! I wish I could write as well! Unbelievable! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

modifier supprimer 39821 - de Eléa140 , 13 ans (France) - 2021-05-23
Ecrivain - "."

Bonjour je n'avais pas vu qu'il y avait d'autre Français.J'ai une question est ce que vous avez déjà terminer un livre complet?

39821 -
modifier supprimer 40714 - Réponse de Calie150 , 10 ans (France) - 2024-01-20

moi j'ai commencé d'écrire 4 livres et j'en ai fini 1 seule !

39821 -
modifier supprimer 40544 - Réponse de Mya58 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-05-17

Oui, bien sur

modifier supprimer 39795 - de Amaani0 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-15
Ecrivain - "The Heart of the Night: Chapter 6"

There were indeed more jumps to come. Luna and her new friend leapt from wall to roof, going higher every jump. After what seemed about fifty leaps, Luna learnt that the best thing to do in the process of flying mid air was to shut your eyes, hold out your arms and feel the wind blow in your face and hair. Once you got the hang of it, flying was pure bliss. It was so unlike riding a horse. Luna never once felt like she was going to fall of or that she would break her neck holding out her arms mid leap. She was beginning to think that she was an expert at Wanil riding, when she figured out she was wrong. Terribly wrong.
'Here comes the big one.' Said Vastwars. 'What do you mean?' But he was already of. This time they soared. They soared for what seemed like hours to Luna and her seat muscles were getting sore and her head was spinning. Finally, rider and beast came to a halt and Luna dropped of her ride and fell face into something fluffy and soft. It was a whole ten minutes before she got up and looked around. Everything was black and there were twinkling masses of light. Suddenly, Luna realised where they were. Stars!
'We're in the sky!'

modifier supprimer 39793 - de Winnie116 , 13 ans (Chine) - 2021-05-15
Ecrivain - "分享一件事以及一些提"


modifier supprimer 39791 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-14
Ecrivain - "Has inspiration died?"

Think I tell myself
how hard can it be?
Just ravel inside your mind
and find inspiration in what is yours
You've done it before
Oh has inspiration died?
Has my imagination left
without saying goodbye?
No that cannot be
I'll simply right the first thing I see
But how can a blank page help at all?
Well never mind that I can find a quote
but all I can find is soulless
I'll read a book anyone I can find
But poems aren't stories
They are time capsules to another place
Oh has inspiration died
Has my inspiration left
without saying goodbye?
Beginning to lose hope I shuffle
a playlist made ages ago
But all songs make my mind feel weak
That is it!
I begin to scream
I shall never write again
Without inspiration I can never win
Little did I know that blank page wasa story on it's own

39791 -
modifier supprimer 39812 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-20

Ok maybe I'll try that. I thought the idea would be pretty cool.

39791 -
modifier supprimer 39811 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-20

Well, how about a poem that has a sort of story? Just a suggestion but thought you might like it.

39791 -
modifier supprimer 39796 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-15


39791 -
modifier supprimer 39794 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-15

Did you run out of inspiration and think that having no inspiration was inspiration?

39791 -
modifier supprimer 39792 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-14

Hey guys! I decided to try something different this time I hope you like it!

modifier supprimer 39787 - de Eléa83 , 12 ans (France) - 2021-05-13
Ecrivain - "Seule française"

Est ce que je suis le seule française qui veut devenir écrivain?

39787 -
modifier supprimer 40545 - Réponse de Mya58 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-05-17

Non, moi aussi, je veux devenir écrivain.

39787 -
modifier supprimer 39790 - Réponse de Maddie93 , 10 ans (Canada) - 2021-05-14

Je peux parler le francais!


modifier supprimer 39781 - de Winnie116 , 13 ans (Chine) - 2021-05-12
Ecrivain - "Hi friends(just a meaningless message)"

I like your writings all!! Although I can't understand all of them...it's awesome that you know how to write poems! Please post more your writings! I would like to learn more from you!

modifier supprimer 39767 - de Amaani0 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-07
Ecrivain - "The Heart of the Night: Chapter 5"

Vastwars gripped Luna's wrist in his mouth and began to pull her to the window. 'Come with me Luna', he said. 'Come with you where?' 'Come into the night with me. Come and explore the realm of mystery.' Luna did not need bidding twice. She grabbed the coverlet from her bed and threw it round her shoulders, for it was rather cold, pulled herself through the window, and stood up on the outside window ledge. She threw out her arms and let the cooling breeze blow in her face. She heard Vastwars' voice at her heels. 'Climb onto my back and don't let go.' Luna climbed onto Vastwars back and held onto his long, thick fur. 'Ready?' The Wanil's rider gave a squeeze on his sides in reply. 'Well then, let's go!' And with that the beast braced his muscles and sprang!
'Aaaahhhhh!' Luna's scream was half out of fear and half out of the exultation of being in the air. Her Wanil landed on silent cat paws on the top of the garden wall. 'That was the most wonderful and scary thing I've ever done!' Luna breathed as she looked over the space they had flown over. 'The most wonderful things are scary.' Her companion replied. 'Now don't let go your grip; there are more to come.' So with one more look at her bedroom window Luna clung to her new found friend and readied herself for the adventure ahead, for there were to be many.

modifier supprimer 39764 - de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-06
Ecrivain - "Romanticizing hell"

The darkness caresses your soul
Telling you to remove all light
You ly in death yet all I warned
Never romanticize those of hell
Learn to love those above
Adore heaven instead
Dancing upon the firey coal
Inside the infinite loop
Your hair turns dark as ash
All that glitters is still gold
Yet the world you hide
So follow me to the light
Learn to love what is bright
Leave your anguish in the night
You loved everything
Living in your head more than life
Living in make-believe
Adore heaven instead
and stop romanticizing hell

39764 -
modifier supprimer 39784 - Réponse de Delaney26 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-12

Awww your sweet!

39764 -
modifier supprimer 39779 - Réponse de delilah79 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-05-12

omg I was gone for a while and I forgot how good your poems were

39764 -
modifier supprimer 39768 - Réponse de Delaney37 , 14 ans (USA) - 2021-05-07

Thank you!

39764 -
modifier supprimer 39766 - Réponse de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-07

Your poems always have so much meaning in them!

modifier supprimer 39760 - de Amaani0 (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-05-05
Ecrivain - "Heart of the Night: Chapter 4"

Luna placed her hand in between Vastwars lynx-like ears and ran it down his wolf's snout. The Wanil crooned, dog-like and tucked his paws under him with half closed eyes, like some gigantic house cat as Luna dragged herself onto his side of the window-sill, stroking his thick fur. Than, something made her rise and look at her hands. They were covered with purple sparkles that shone like glitter. As she gazed at them, she felt something bubbling up inside her; a feeling of happiness, a sort of carefree happiness, and something else as well that she couldn't quite distinguish. Their was only one reaction she could make to that feeling, and she did it. She laughed. She laughed and she laughed till her heart felt as if it would grow wings and fly.
Vastwars laughed with her. His laugh was a whine; the musical whine of a cat at night, and it sang pure magic into the air.

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