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modifier supprimer 37403 - de Manon444214 (France) - 2020-03-13
Vulcanologue - "apprendre le metier"

J aimerais bien faire ce métiers car j adore voir des choses cracher du feu
D'apres vous faut faire quoi comme étude
D apres vous ce métiers est il fatigants
D apres vous faut-il beaucoup faire d escalade

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modifier supprimer 37486 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-03-19

Ah, là il va falloir un doctorat (Bac +8) car un vulcanologue est aussi un géologue, un chercheur en Sciences de la Terre, minéraux...
Fatigant, oui car il faut voyager ! De l'escalade, oui sans doute... en transportant du matériel de mesure et photographique également. Fatigant aussi à cause de la chaleur si tu t'approches de la lave.
Mais pas forcément ; je pense qu'un vulcanologue est aussi un météorologue du sous-sol qui fait des prévisions...

modifier supprimer 33531 - de tristan204 , 15 ans (France) - 2017-01-28
Vulcanologue - "du rire"

je me demande pourquoi des gens veulent devenir vulcanologue et ne savent même pas ce que c'est.

modifier supprimer 25845 - de katia123 , 41 ans (France) - 2014-02-14
Vulcanologue - "volcans si beaux"

Je suis une vraie naturaliste, enseigne les science naturelles. Les volcans ça n'existe pas dans mon pays. Je rêve de participer à activités autour de ça pour le plaisir et aussi pour partager. Je connais les volcans théoriquement très bien car je les ensiegne. Les voir en vrai sera pour moi une belle chose.

modifier supprimer 17910 - de Meg44 , 15 ans (Alaska (USA)) - 2012-08-18
Vulcanologue - "wha...?"

hello.what is a vulcanologist?

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modifier supprimer 31479 - Réponse de pauline69 , 13 ans (Espagne) - 2016-01-29

étude des volcans ma cocotte =)

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modifier supprimer 31478 - Réponse de pauline69 , 17 ans (France) - 2016-01-29

C'enst l'étude des volcans ma cocotte =)

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modifier supprimer 19855 - Réponse de Megan24 (Grande Bretagne) - 2012-12-29

Somebody who studies volcanoes

modifier supprimer 16376 - de Bethonie20 , 15 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2012-05-25
Vulcanologue - "They're aren't many volcanoes in the UK"

I've wanted to work with volcanoes since I read about them in the Horrible Science magazines. That was a good six-seven years ago. Now I'm moving onto 6th Form (which is optional school between university and school) and I've picked my subjects around going to study geophysics at university. The big problem is, nothing siesmic happens in England (well, we had an earthquake in 2008, when I was studying earthquakes at school which was pretty awsome but OTHER THAN THAT...), so I've got to work around that. :-)

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modifier supprimer 39926 - Réponse de Gina170 , 15 ans (Australie) - 2021-07-24

That sounds really incredible. I didn't know there was a horrible science magazine, but I rememeber I used to have horrible history mags. They were the best!!!! I don't know anything about volcanos because there are none in Australia either....however there are a lot in NZ (the island below us) and they can be very serious

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modifier supprimer 33838 - Réponse de Beth11 , 19 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-03-22

I have the same issue, I'm about to start a geography degree then I want to go into hazard/risk management or something but I'll definitely have to move far away to do any job.

What unis have you applied to?

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modifier supprimer 17856 - Réponse de spock149 (Alaska (USA)) - 2012-08-14

I love star trek and vulcans, would love to study them more! live long and prosper!

modifier supprimer 14336 - de Megan24 , 13 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2012-01-15
Vulcanologue - "I love Volcanoes!"

I have been fascinated by volcanoes since the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland!!

modifier supprimer 14079 - de Hannah29 (Grande Bretagne) - 2012-01-01
Vulcanologue - "naturest"

i love animals and nature,wildlife and those sorts of things and i really would like a person to talk to them about stuff

modifier supprimer 1536 - de Adiputri58 , 16 ans (Indonésie) - 2009-09-26
Vulcanologue - "The reason"

Wow, it seems like nobody's here yet.
Yeah, so I begin it :)

I want to be a vulcanologist because my country, Indonesia, has so many active volcanoes till now. So it will be really great if I can do a good deed for ny country.

You know, the worst volcano eruption which ever happened is in Indonesia.
So, I really want to be able to help my country to solve problems about volcanoes. :)

Can you guys also tell me the reason you are willing to be a vulcanologist?

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modifier supprimer 17525 - Réponse de Aris Yanto244 , 37 ans (Indonésie) - 2012-07-24

Hi, All.

I'm a indonesian Vulcanologist independent from Indonesia, and in Indonesia we have hundreds of Active Volcanoes, and every months have a volcano eruption.
I like to take photo of On Going Eruption you can see same photos here

I looking for Jobs as assistant of People in the world who want to research or study for active volcanoes in Indonesia.

also if any university want to give me scholarship program for Volcanologist science, I will be happy to take that..

regards from Indonesia

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modifier supprimer 2953 - Réponse de adi putri58 , 16 ans (Indonésie) - 2010-04-19

thank you for your care :)

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modifier supprimer 2929 - Réponse de kelly254 , 12 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2010-04-17

i Have always been fascinated by how our planet works and having visited Hawaii on several occasions i loved seeing our earth at its most distructive and yet most beauiful.

If i can help in even a small way to expand mankinds understanding of how these amazing natural beauties work or even be able to predict there iminent eruption i would deem my life to have been well spent.


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modifier supprimer 2146 - Réponse de Liz26 , 12 ans (USA) - 2010-01-04

That sounds very noble!

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