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modifier supprimer 35801 - de Shenu157 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2024-01-30
Panda - "I love panda"

Hi 🥰🥰
I am shenuli or you can call me shenu…
I love 🐼 panda
Because it is so chubby

modifier supprimer 35722 - de Melya118 , 11 ans (France) - 2023-07-23
Panda - "Panda❤️❤️❤️❤️"

Et juste aussi est ce que vous parler français ?

35722 -
modifier supprimer 35723 - Réponse de Chiara168 , 14 ans (France) - 2023-07-28

Coucou! Moi aussi j'adore les pandas !! Dommage que dans les animaux pour la fiche de présentation il n'y ait pas les les pandas roux ...😑
J'adore ton message super énervé!! Ça fait trop de la peine de voir ces documentaires avec des pandas sans forêt...

modifier supprimer 35696 - de Alexandre65 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-06-11
Panda - "Panda is the best animal ever"

I think panda is the best animal because he is really cute and it's very relaxing to see them when they eat some bamboo!

modifier supprimer 35204 - de Amelia4 , 9 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2021-09-04
Panda - "Pandas are the best"

Pandas are the best because they are so cute and how could anyone not like them! Did you know pandas rarely eat things that aren't bamboo!

35204 -
modifier supprimer 35570 - Réponse de joann64 , 13 ans (USA) - 2022-11-03

i love love love pandas. did you know PANDAS HAVE EXCELLENT CAMOUFLAGE FOR THEIR HABITAT

modifier supprimer 35140 - de Hua224 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2021-07-02
Panda - "lovely pandas"

Pandas are so lovely animals, but they are so few that I can only see them in the zoo. I hope people in the world can better protect pandas. And I think their dark circles make pandas cuter. What do you think?

modifier supprimer 34779 - de clarissa125 , 16 ans (USA) - 2020-11-30
Panda - "the most amazing animal"

listen so pandas are the most amazing animal because they are so calm and very pretty animals and love to be with people and sleep and be able to run around with their fat little bodies its just so cute.

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modifier supprimer 34868 - Réponse de Mike224 , 16 ans (Chine) - 2021-01-11

It is known to all that panda is our national treasure.And I like them very much.I have to say pandas are really cute.But they are dangerous at certain moments.Their ancestors were carnivores.Five thousand years ago, our leader Chiyou once rode a panda on the battlefield.One of our leader “ChiYou” once rode a panda to gallop on the battlefield.Then the environment changed.They has to eat bamboo.But their sharp teeth were preserved to fight off predators.And in our country there are many cases of pandas attacking people and livestock.But if you are kind to them,they are very cute.Oh, I forgot to tell you that sweet food is the panda's favorite, not bamboo

34779 -
modifier supprimer 34845 - Réponse de Jayden87 , 16 ans (USA) - 2021-01-01

I totally agree with you there! and i hope we can be friends and bond over our love for pandas?!

modifier supprimer 34674 - de Klara255 (Slovénie) - 2020-10-13
Panda - "Hello"

Hi my name is Klara Im 13 and my brithday is the 9 of May. I LOVE cats and pandas, I like to travel, do art, play games with friend, also swimming and do different times of recipes

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modifier supprimer 34744 - Réponse de Jayla186 , 11 ans (USA) - 2020-11-13

Hello my name is jayla I am 11 Years old I like basketball, and like designing. my favorite animal is an red panda I love junk food though I barley get to eat it. I like doing creative stuff but im very lazy.

modifier supprimer 34569 - de brooklyn128 (USA) - 2020-08-29
Panda - "who wants to be my pen pal"

hay who ever is reading this my fav color is black my fav animal is a panda.my name is brooklyn an any one who wants to be my snail mail pen pal or online pen pal use this email brooklynmilburn950@gmail.com

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modifier supprimer 35117 - Réponse de Shenu59 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-06-12

Hi!I am Shenu.I want to make pen pals.

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modifier supprimer 35054 - Réponse de Laura181 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2021-05-09

Hi. I’m asking if I can be you snail mail pen pal and we can get to know each other more. 😊

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modifier supprimer 34844 - Réponse de Jayden87 , 16 ans (USA) - 2021-01-01

Hi! my name is Jayden, i am 16 and i saw that you loved panads and the color black like me! i hope we can get to know each other.

modifier supprimer 34553 - de ana189 (Mexique) - 2020-08-08
Panda - "I like panda"

hello guys i am new in this page, i don´t know how does it work but, i like the panda. Is a animal very interesting, so i hope have a lot of friends. bye

34553 -
modifier supprimer 35119 - Réponse de Shenu59 , 14 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2021-06-12

Hi! I am also new to this page.I like to make pen friends from different countries

modifier supprimer 34288 - de George74 (Grèce) - 2020-03-21
Panda - "My favorite animal"

Panta is the great animal.
My favorite also is the white tiger.
These animals are so wild and beautiful.

34288 -
modifier supprimer 34568 - Réponse de brooklyn128 , 10 ans (USA) - 2020-08-29

hay i saw ur message on this website i am new to it i was just wondering maybe we could be friends if u think so just use this email brooklynmilburn950@gmail.com to contact me maybe we could do hand writen letters like penpels.

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modifier supprimer 34532 - Réponse de lucy136 , 15 ans (Chine) - 2020-07-17

Hi,my name is Xiao Chenxi and my English name is lucy.I am a fifteen- year-old girl.My favorite animal is padan.I am from chian,l want to have else country penpals,because Iam very poor at english.But I must to impover it.Can you give me a hand?

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modifier supprimer 34435 - Réponse de jack 129 , 9 ans (USA) - 2020-05-18

hi im jack and i love pandas,im even wearing panda clothes

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modifier supprimer 34321 - Réponse de Sauj59 , 12 ans (Georgie) - 2020-04-03

Hi! I am Sauj (Saaj) I live in America, U.S, Georgia. We all are suffering from the not wanted thing in our life. I just wanted to make friends. And talk to them.

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modifier supprimer 34294 - Réponse de Delia156 , 13 ans (Australie) - 2020-03-24

Dear penal.
i have on friends. my parent from sir Lanka and love my country and wish well talk and get to kown each other. and 13 old years.

modifier supprimer 34098 - de Katie168 , 11 ans (USA) - 2019-10-27
Panda - "Pandas UwU"

I love pandas, especially red pandas they are soooo cute!!!!!!

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modifier supprimer 34122 - Réponse de Vellee232 , 7 ans (USA) - 2019-11-08

Hi, Katie. :)

How are you? My name is Vellee (VEE-lee), and I live in the US.

I like pandas, too! :) My mom says I've seen red pandas before, but it was long ago, so I don't remember. But we looked them up online a while back, and they're adorable!!! :)

When you mentioned that you like to ski -- did you mean water skiing or snow skiing? Both types sound pretty fun!

Talk to you later,
Your new pen pal,

34098 -
modifier supprimer 34120 - Réponse de Arwen109 (USA) - 2019-11-06

You can email me in Chinese; I know Chinese and English and some Japanese. I am an animal lover and whisperer and an unofficial anime artist.

modifier supprimer 34086 - de Rose40 , 13 ans (Inde) - 2019-10-11
Panda - "🐼"

I love pandas. They're soooooo soft,fluffy and cuteeee🐼🐼🐼🐼
I also love unicorns🦄🦄🦄🦄 ...sooo beautiful...

modifier supprimer 34001 - de yu149 , 15 ans (Chine) - 2019-07-24
Panda - "panda"

I come from China. Panda is the national treasure of China.

34001 -
modifier supprimer 34017 - Réponse de Ishmael44 , 23 ans (Ghana) - 2019-08-13

hello there

modifier supprimer 33858 - de Milana98 , 8 ans (Ukraine) - 2019-04-12
Panda - "I like pandas too"

Pandas so cute animals. Send me your favourite photo with panda

modifier supprimer 33525 - de Bai4 (Chine) - 2018-09-07
Panda - "wanna look at pandas?"

Hey guys! wanna see pandas? write to me and i'll take pictures or videos of pandas and send to you!

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modifier supprimer 35350 - Réponse de misael186 , 9 ans (Arménie) - 2021-12-13

I want to see a video of a panda.

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modifier supprimer 33991 - Réponse de Coco27 , 20 ans (Chine) - 2019-07-11

there are so many pandas in our city,welcome to see them.

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modifier supprimer 33830 - Réponse de Anne30 , 20 ans (France) - 2019-03-27

Haha, Pandas are so cute animals. I'm fan < 3

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modifier supprimer 33629 - Réponse de JACINTHE118 (Canada) - 2018-11-03

I want to see panda!!!!!!!!!
I love panda 🐼❤️

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modifier supprimer 33623 - Réponse de berny154 (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2018-11-01

send me some !!!!!

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modifier supprimer 33609 - Réponse de Shawndey 28 , 15 ans (USA) - 2018-10-18

OMG I wanna see pandas soooooo bad!!!!!!

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modifier supprimer 33550 - Réponse de Reid144 , 9 ans (USA) - 2018-09-17

I want to see a panda!!🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

modifier supprimer 33458 - de KHADIJAH1 , 13 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-01
Panda - "panda"

hello nice to meet you hafiezatul. I want to share about panda. panda is so cute like you .hahaha .i just joke . if you want to see panda you can visit china .byee

33458 -
modifier supprimer 33598 - Réponse de Kseniya95 , 13 ans (Russie) - 2018-10-14

Hi! My name is Kseniya. I live Saransk, Russia. I like unicorns, my cat, slimes, dancing, my mum. I would be happy to find friends abroad. I would like to chat in English.

modifier supprimer 33454 - de hafiezatul1 , 16 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-01
Panda - "ma gummy panda"

hello ! i just want to share my opinion about panda . dont you think they are adorable ? think they are cute , fluffy and huggable . i know that it is imposible but it would very nice if i could have them as pets.

modifier supprimer 33452 - de nurul1 , 13 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-01
Panda - "panda"

Ilove panda to . hahahah

modifier supprimer 33451 - de nurul1 , 13 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-08-01
Panda - "panda"

hoi. kau ingat kau comel sgt keee . bye .hahahahha

modifier supprimer 33427 - de MARIUS8 , 12 ans (France) - 2018-07-27
Panda - "i love pandas"

LES PANDAS, C'est trop mignon.il faut absolument les protéger. plus tard j'aimerai travailler dans un zoo où il y a des pandas,car ils sont très rares.

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modifier supprimer 33515 - Réponse de alix167 (France) - 2018-09-02

moi aussi j'adore les pandas, c'est d'ailleurs mon animal préféré avec le chat. Je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi quand tu dis qu'ils sont en voie de disparition et qu'il faut les protégés .

modifier supprimer 33404 - de Nur Ayuni 1 , 14 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-07-24
Panda - "Panda is cute?"

Panda is the one of the an andangered animals.In Malaysia we only can find panda at the zoo

modifier supprimer 33014 - de Ellinor4 , 12 ans (Allemagne) - 2018-02-18
Panda - "Searching for Snail-Mail from Asia!"

Hello everyone!
I love Pandas haha and also K-Pop and Asian Food!
I would love to make a snail-mail friend that likes the same stuff as me!
Feel free to contact me!^^

33014 -
modifier supprimer 33400 - Réponse de Nur Athirah1 , 14 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-07-24

hi , my name is athirah. panda is so cutee ^_^ . i like kpop SO MUCH . my favourite group of kpop is gfriend a.k.a yeojachingu . what's your favourite kpop idol ? GFriend is daebak + neomu yeppeo . my favourite song of gfriend is time for the moon night /= bam . i also listen to exo , bts , twice , red velvet , blackpink , dreamcatcher , momoland , bigbang , ikon , seventeen , pentagon , wanna one , ioi :( and many more .
i also enjoy produce 48 . i'm rooting for han chowon , sato minami , yoo minyoung , goto moe , chiba erii , murakawa vivian , shiroma miru , wang koe , kwon eunbi , kim chaewon , ahn yujin , jang wonyoung , nanami and kim choeyeon .

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modifier supprimer 33372 - Réponse de Hanis1 , 13 ans (Malaisie) - 2018-07-18

I love Panda too. They are so cute and fluffy.

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modifier supprimer 33327 - Réponse de Rachel69 , 19 ans (Chine) - 2018-07-03

Panda is so cute.

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modifier supprimer 33233 - Réponse de Cristina181 , 14 ans (Espagne) - 2018-05-27

Hello, my name is Cristina and I'm learning to speak in Inglish. I know you like Pandas,
me too. Pandas are beautifull, are so cute < 3

modifier supprimer 32878 - de Monica33 , 19 ans (USA) - 2017-12-20
Panda - "Pandas"

Hi I am Monica and I am new! I like pandas but I love red pandas and hedgehogs too! They are so cute and tiny! Aren’t they?(^w^)

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modifier supprimer 35139 - Réponse de Hua224 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2021-07-02

Hello,Monica.I like pandas too!I also like red pandas and hedgehogs, but I don't often see them.I like small animals!

modifier supprimer 32792 - de Skye137 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-11-26
Panda - "Pandasss"

I live for pandas

modifier supprimer 32438 - de Nohemy184 , 14 ans (France) - 2017-07-11
Panda - "I'm a pandicorne"

I'm nohemy i live ni France i'm frensh and japness but i not speak japness

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modifier supprimer 32750 - Réponse de casey197 , 12 ans (Australie) - 2017-11-13


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modifier supprimer 32666 - Réponse de Témis68 , 11 ans (France) - 2017-10-15

moi aussi je suis un pandicorne. Quel age as tu? ou habit tu? et si tu sais parler japonnais veut tu bien me l’apprendre s'il te plaît < 3 A bientôt < 3

modifier supprimer 32384 - de Ivi246 , 19 ans (Indonésie) - 2017-06-14
Panda - "PANDA"

I really love panda so much since i was at elementary school! I have a lot of panda dolls and i want to have real panda at my home:")))) lol

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modifier supprimer 33012 - Réponse de xiaobai31 , 17 ans (Chine) - 2018-02-18

Oh.I also like pandas and it's really cute.But they're rare.So your wish can't come true!(๑•́₃ •̀๑)

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modifier supprimer 32596 - Réponse de James77 , 20 ans (Thaïlande) - 2017-09-15

In thailand have 2 panda, if you like it, come to thailand.

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modifier supprimer 32407 - Réponse de Alexia207 , 18 ans (France) - 2017-06-26

Yeah, I feel exactly the same way :') but it would be quite difficult to get one in my house:') :'(

modifier supprimer 32340 - de Iffat188 , 15 ans (Indonésie) - 2017-05-22
Panda - "Do you know girlgroup APINK from South Korea?"

I loved Panda because of that group. Their fandom's name is PINK-PANDA. Since 2013 I stan them (APINK) and I learn more about PANDA!!
Pink also my favourite colour:))))))))

32340 -
modifier supprimer 32371 - Réponse de Camille173 , 17 ans (Chine) - 2017-06-06

The Giant panda is known as national treasure of China,dear.

modifier supprimer 32281 - de KAILEY23 (Autriche) - 2017-04-21
Panda - "PANDA"


32281 -
modifier supprimer 34289 - Réponse de George74 (Grèce) - 2020-03-21

I agree with you.The giant panta is unique.
Have you ever seen white tiger?

modifier supprimer 32186 - de Emma245 , 14 ans (France) - 2017-03-14
Panda - "Panda is my life!"

I love panda! Panda is so beautiful and cute! We just have to look at my picture's profil for unterstand how much I love panda!

32186 -
modifier supprimer 32660 - Réponse de Tammy74 , 12 ans (Suède) - 2017-10-10

I LOVE PANDAS PANDAS ARE MY LIFE when my and my parent lived in china we were panda caretakers

modifier supprimer 31899 - de summer157 , 17 ans (USA) - 2016-12-06
Panda - "pandass"

I love pandas < 3

31899 -
modifier supprimer 32316 - Réponse de irem238 , 17 ans (Turquie) - 2017-05-08


modifier supprimer 31860 - de Brittany26 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-11-25
Panda - "Panda Panda"

I love how people love the fact that pandas are so fluffy and fat. Tbh my favourite animal is a red panda but pandas are also amazing.

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modifier supprimer 32670 - Réponse de Kloe151 , 13 ans (Australie) - 2017-10-17

Hi! I saw that you like pandas like me! I absolutely < 3 pandas!!

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modifier supprimer 31875 - Réponse de Bryanna4 , 15 ans (USA) - 2016-11-29

I love pandas

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modifier supprimer 31862 - Réponse de yaëlle153 , 10 ans (France) - 2016-11-26

Ma mère, adore les pandas, et même elle a une peluche panda .

modifier supprimer 31804 - de Michelle187 , 16 ans (Allemagne) - 2016-11-05
Panda - "Cro"

Anyone online who knows the rapper Cro? He has a panda mask.

31804 -
modifier supprimer 32347 - Réponse de Klaudia187 , 19 ans (Canada) - 2017-05-31

Yes, I know a little about him. He is amazing.

modifier supprimer 31793 - de deborah217 , 10 ans (Cameroun) - 2016-10-30
Panda - "pandas"

i love their cuteness

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modifier supprimer 33153 - Réponse de Sophia12 (Chine) - 2018-04-18

Love pandas

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modifier supprimer 31943 - Réponse de Bihansa 134 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2016-12-15


modifier supprimer 31610 - de Jazmen Bradley190 , 12 ans (USA) - 2016-09-04
Panda - "Panda r the bomb . com"

i have always had a thing for pandas since i was little and i really want to find a pen pal that is the same way with pandas and penguins. two different climates and two totally different worlds. i just want to share that with a pen pal. PLEASE BE MY PEN PAL. (only if u r 8-13) srry other ppl

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Forum Animaux - Panda - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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