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modify delete 9164 - from zoé3 , 13 yrs (France) - 2012-12-08
Climbing - "i love it!!"

j'adoreeeee l'escalade!!!je pratique l'escale 2 heures tout les lundis!!

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modify delete 15796 - Reply from Chloe34 , 13 yrs (USA) - 2015-06-18

Moi aussi!

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modify delete 10782 - Reply from Adèle54 , 13 yrs (France) - 2013-11-04

Moi aussi j'adore l'escalade ! J'en fait tout les samedi, environ deux heures. La plupart du temps, on grimpe sur des structures artificielles, mais parfois en milieu naturel.

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modify delete 10152 - Reply from juliette36 , 11 yrs (France) - 2013-06-22

moib aussi j'adore !!! C'est trop bien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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modify delete 9171 - Reply from Thomas2 , 15 yrs (France) - 2012-12-09

I love climbing too. When I was little I was in a club where we doing climbing 3 hours a week. That was amazing ;) today I am in college (lycee pour les Francais ^_^) and we are doing two hours of climbing on monday

modify delete 9142 - from Adam108 , 15 yrs (France) - 2012-12-04
Climbing - "climb climb and climb"


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modify delete 15307 - Reply from magda19 , 18 yrs (France) - 2015-01-20


i like to the music because the sport
i like the music the orchestre " classic, baroc....."
and you?

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modify delete 9309 - Reply from Trudi154 , 13 yrs (Great Britain) - 2013-01-07

Hey I love climbing!

modify delete 8988 - from casey0 , 13 yrs (Turkey) - 2012-11-09
Climbing - "Why i like rock climbing"

I like rock climbing becuase i can belay on my own. Ive have had about 15 pratic lesson and i passed all of them. I go rock climbing every single dayfor about an hour and half. My trainer trust me to belay him and my friends do to. rock climing is ace and you can a good grade for it.

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modify delete 9033 - Reply from aysegul225 , 17 yrs (Turkey) - 2012-11-16

I am turkish.my name is ayþegul

modify delete 8842 - from Breanna45 (USA) - 2012-10-18
Climbing - "Ol' Red"

Anyone ever climbed at the Red River Gorge in Kentucky? They've got some sick crags and some great arches and walls. If you've been there you've probably also heard of Miguel's Pizza, a hangout for climbers. They have a slackline out back, and pretty good food, as well.

If you've been there, what spots did you hit, and what do you recommend? I tried some climbs at the Motherlode. Climbs there are all above 5.12.

modify delete 7807 - from Simone159 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2012-05-09
Climbing - "Climbing the limbs of life"

is so amazing.

When i am above everyone else,
i feel free, almost as if i could fly.

The sad thing is,
i have never met anyone who likes to climb as high as me. Or even loves climbing as much as me.

Forever alone.

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modify delete 8993 - Reply from jude213 , 8 yrs (USA) - 2012-11-09

I love climbing to high heights! your not the only one.

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modify delete 8989 - Reply from casey0 , 13 yrs (Turkey) - 2012-11-09

I Like climbing very much.

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modify delete 8688 - Reply from Brunnhilde253 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2012-09-25

Thanks for supporting me Artimus!

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modify delete 8361 - Reply from artimus77 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-08-11

same here buddy.

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modify delete 7869 - Reply from Brunnhilde145 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2012-05-17

I can't climb Texas trees, because they are too steep and scratchy. If I manage to hang on a limb for 1 second, and let go, my hands become irritated and red.
Also, there are no big rocks or hills in where I live. The ground is pretty flat. And, if there is a steep hill, its only a few feet tall. Things aren't suitable for climbing here.

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modify delete 7833 - Reply from Simone174 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2012-05-12

I did not mean for it to be a nice message. You don't understand what it's like to be alone. I don't mind it that much, it's not like i am a crybaby and desperate and crap like that. Sometimes i do wish i had a really nice friend, but i do not. And that's the way it is supposed to be. I am supposed to live my life in my own void of consciousness, otherwise, all hope is lost for my sueno.

And why can you not climb? Do you have something wrong with your legs? I shouldn't be so arrogant, i am sorry. I know that i am better equipped in my arms and legs and back muscles then you, sorry. I will send you a private message, telling you about this, and what it is...if you want to know.

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modify delete 7819 - Reply from Brunnhilde145 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2012-05-11

Hi, Simone!
I can't climb well and I can't climb anything around me because it hurts to cling to it and whatever I'm trying to climb is too steep. I feel the same way you do about being alone when I think about what calms me down and what I can't give up(if I gave it up I would be wretched for the rest of my life), which is my favorite music(opera). Anyway, nice message.

modify delete 7600 - from James144 (Great Britain) - 2012-04-13
Climbing - "Greece"

I have been on top of mount Olympus

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modify delete 23317 - Reply from Nicola1 , 14 yrs (Great Britain) - 2015-08-11

Hi! I've been on top too! (in Cyrpus right?) it's so beautiful, and alpiny! did you like it?

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modify delete 15847 - Reply from Zoe255 , 13 yrs (Greece) - 2015-07-05

Really? It must be fascinating! Although I live so close to that mountain I have never been on the top of it! Tell me about it!

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modify delete 10752 - Reply from Sasha229 , 11 yrs (France) - 2013-10-29

Quoi ??????????????????????

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modify delete 8362 - Reply from artimus77 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-08-11

- -
' '

modify delete 7592 - from Camille228 , 13 yrs (France) - 2012-04-12
Climbing - "Hi :)"

Hi, my name is Camille. I'm 13. I have two sisters one who is 19 and is called Mary and another at 15 and who called Manon. My father called my mother Isabelle and Pascal. I love taking pictures. I'm climbing, I love it. I like going out with my friends. I would love to have a correspondent in the UK, so if you interested to share it with me, message me referrals. Soon I hope.

modify delete 6551 - from francesca36 (Italy) - 2011-11-10
Climbing - "everyone HAVE TO try climbing!!!"

I climb since 1 year and i LOVE it!!!!! I 've also known new person and they're fantastic!!! I advise everyone to try it!!!

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modify delete 7526 - Reply from Dustin49 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2012-03-30

I have been climbing since i was 4 and i am pro at it ant it is the best soprt(besides paintball) I have ever competed in

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modify delete 6552 - Reply from francesca36 (Italy) - 2011-11-10

I'm sorry I know my english is bad....:D :D
however... you can understand the message... :D :D
by fra

modify delete 6515 - from Rushi112 (USA) - 2011-11-05
Climbing - "I LOVE rock-climbing"

I go to an artificial wall at Marshall University and I absolutely adore it! I have my belayer's certification and my sister and I have so much fun. I am thinking about buying my own harness soon. =)

modify delete 6192 - from willow197 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2011-09-26
Climbing - "greece"

I really want to go to greece and go ontop mount olympus has anyone been there?? DETAILS PLEASE!! also im really into greek goddesses ARTEMIS TOTALLY ROCKS!

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modify delete 7599 - Reply from James144 (Great Britain) - 2012-04-13

I have been up there

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modify delete 6938 - Reply from sharne165 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-01-14

same i wanna go there too
greek goddess and god are awesome
have you ever read percy jackson series?

modify delete 6091 - from nisa167 , 17 yrs (Indonesia) - 2011-09-09
Climbing - "Hi"

i love climbing and hiking
Ive climb on a high clif of penanggungan mountain
i always go for hiking on my holiday

modify delete 5249 - from Cyrielle193 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-04-20
Climbing - "Escrime"

J'adore l'escrime :) C'est devenue une vrai passion pour moi. Quand on voit ce sport on trouve sa nul mais faut d'abord l'essayer. C'est vraiment bien :)

modify delete 5171 - from Katy8 , 10 yrs (Great Britain) - 2011-04-09
Climbing - "Scared of heights?"

Many people are scared of heights (including me!) but i'm sort of like a tomboy and a girly-girl! i climb tree's and rock walls thats basically all the climbing I do!

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modify delete 13709 - Reply from Elinor7 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2014-01-01

I climb at a man made rock climbing gym with no ropes nd I am ok with the heights until I have to jump down .

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modify delete 6939 - Reply from sharne165 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-01-14

i am tomboy i love climbing but i am sometimes afraid of heights

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modify delete 5399 - Reply from Lucy47 , 12 yrs (Australia) - 2011-05-17

Ha ha thats like me. People ask me if I'm a tomboy or a girly-girly. I dont know what to say because i like to look good but i also like stuff like football, swimming, fishing and climbing!

modify delete 4997 - from Gwendoline201 , 14 yrs (Belgium) - 2011-03-16
Climbing - "Escalade,est-ce physique?"

Plein de personne trouve l'escalade très physique et très dur mais pendant que mes amies montent le mur en 10 minutes, moi je le fais en moins de trois minutes. Et en plus quand on se retrouve en bas elles sont très très éssouflées et moi je n'ai presque pas usé d'effort. Je n'ai jamais fait de vrai grand mur mais pour moi ce n'est pas si physique que ça.
Et pour vous, c'est physique??

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modify delete 24906 - Reply from Clémence50 , 12 yrs (France) - 2017-01-22

L'escalade des fois c'est physique et fatiguant mais des fois non. Par exemple en dalle, tu prends le temps (parce que si tu te précipite en dalle ça ne sert à rien...) et ce n'est pas fatiguant du tout; mais en devers là c'est autre et il faut être un minimum musclé...
Moi je fais de l'escalade depuis 6 ans et j'adore ça c'est ma passion!!!!!!!!!!!!

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modify delete 5994 - Reply from Marion212 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-08-24

Salut, l'escalade est tres thechnique c'est sure mais a un certain niveau et dans certaine voie le physique est tres important. Moi meme je fais de l'escalade depuis 6 ans et je peut dire que dans de nombreuse voie je ne sent plus mes bras a la fin, et je ne pourrai pas y arriver sans abdos ( pour les devers ) et c 'est d'ailleur l'un des sport qui musle le mieu.
Vive l'escalade !!! ;D

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modify delete 5986 - Reply from Yoanna197 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-08-23

ça dépend du niveau que tu a, si c'est pas un vrai mur, et que c'est dans une salle, je suis d'accord avec toi c'est pas dur du tout mais si tu n'est pas essouflée et que tu y arrive en 3 minute change de niveau et vas en faire à l'exterieur si il t'est possible de la faire évidemment.

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modify delete 5897 - Reply from Amandine38 , 13 yrs (France) - 2011-08-07

Salut, je fait de l'escalade depuis 2ans. Je trouve les 6c technique, pas physique du tout, c'est juste de la technique comme l'indique son nom. Par contre un 6c dans un toit c'est toujours plus fatiguant qu'en dalle. Voila.!

modify delete 4401 - from Eternity188 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-01-06
Climbing - "Inspiration"

i climbed a high cliff once, down in New Zealand.
And it was amazing
I climb because up high
its more beautiful then anything
looking over landscapes give me ideas for stories
its amazing the things you see when you feel on top of the world

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modify delete 8392 - Reply from XINYI196 , 17 yrs (China) - 2012-08-15

MY E-MAIL jilly1996@126.com

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modify delete 6940 - Reply from sharne165 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-01-14

i would love to be you!!

modify delete 4282 - from Harry111 (Great Britain) - 2010-12-13
Climbing - "Mount Everest"

Its my dream to climb mount everest!!!!11111111111

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modify delete 24418 - Reply from Lyla185 , 12 yrs (USA) - 2016-06-17

If I could climb anything it would be mount Everest!!! I LOVE TO CLIMB!!!1

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modify delete 6941 - Reply from sharne165 , 10 yrs (Australia) - 2012-01-14

same too

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modify delete 5400 - Reply from Lucy47 , 12 yrs (Australia) - 2011-05-17

ME 2!!!

modify delete 3859 - from gaëlle5 , 14 yrs (France) - 2010-10-08
Climbing - "so coooooool!!!!"

climbing is so cool!!!!!!
i climb since i am 6, i'm 14 and i don't stop!!!
i love climbing outside on moutains!!

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modify delete 6118 - Reply from nisa247 , 17 yrs (Indonesia) - 2011-09-11

realy right..,,
Im falling love at the firts time I climb
i always climb on my holliday

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modify delete 5595 - Reply from Marion 206 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-06-17

I love climbing to !!!
I've been climbing for 6 years now and i do competition.
But i climb inside and rarely in rock :'(
It's a perfect sport !!!

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modify delete 4789 - Reply from suzanne125 , 12 yrs (France) - 2011-02-19

L'escalade c'est magique!!!
On a l'impression de voler

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modify delete 4272 - Reply from Lily67 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2010-12-11

I love climbig it's my favourite thing!!

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modify delete 3965 - Reply from anne-gaëlle246 , 14 yrs (Reunion) - 2010-10-20

hi ! hola ! salut
yes climbing is cool !!! :-) my name is anne-gaëlle , i like climbing , i speak french and i speak a short english !!! bye

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modify delete 3876 - Reply from Nolwenn203 , 13 yrs (France) - 2010-10-09

Hi^^ Yes, Climbing is so cool !!!
I'm Nolwenn, i'm 13 years old and i'm french ^^
I speak french and a little english :)
I love climbing and i love kittens too ^^ It's so cute !
My email is nono.plume@live.fr
bye !

Nolwenn :)

modify delete 3339 - from lotte3 , 13 yrs (Austria) - 2010-07-19
Climbing - "sächsische schweiz"

I'm going to travel to sächsische schweit, germany. I'll climb hike and have fun. I#m going there with the alpenverin. do you know sächsische schweiz? I hope the weather will be nice!

modify delete 3083 - from léa250 (France) - 2010-06-12
Climbing - "l'escalade"

I am not great sportswoman and the others sport not me passione not!
But the first time which I have make some climbing, I was the one who untangled me best and I liked that!I like not the false walls with invalid(useless) grips I prefer the real abruts walls where we break ourselves the head to find grips!!!
I love escalation so much

modify delete 2744 - from hana55 , 17 yrs (Ethiopia) - 2010-04-17
Climbing - "History"

i see ur favorite sport, climbing. i really enjoy climbing but i feel so tired that i can't play again & again. Any suggestions? WE can be good friends if u keep in touch with me through either z e mail or ur face book.
hope 2 hear from u soon!!!

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modify delete 6297 - Reply from fabien49 , 13 yrs (France) - 2011-10-06

I like climb je fait du 7c+ a++ les gens

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modify delete 4279 - Reply from harry111 (Great Britain) - 2010-12-12

Climbing is best it really fun

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modify delete 3504 - Reply from sara183 , 17 yrs (Iran) - 2010-08-17

Thanks for your message hana!I love climbing as I sad!!I think that we can be good penpal too.write to me...I said more about the mountain and climbing to you till when you go climbing you dont get tired!!!


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modify delete 2749 - Reply from austyn182 (USA) - 2010-04-19

i could be from the High altatude when i climb i have to make sure to breath alot more and drink alot of WATER!!!!! other than that u should be fine

modify delete 2705 - from bob =)159 , 14 yrs (France) - 2010-04-12
Climbing - "mur de lyon"

hey! j'adore l'escalade, j'en pratique a la salle: le mur de lyon a lyon comme son nom l'indique!
c'est un des plus grandes salles d'escalade d'Europe!!!
je vous propose d'aller voir

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modify delete 10753 - Reply from Sasha229 , 11 yrs (France) - 2013-10-29

moi oci je suis àLion

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modify delete 9165 - Reply from zoé3 , 13 yrs (France) - 2012-12-08

j’habitais à 2h30 de Lyon!!fallais le dire plus tôt!!maintenant j'habite à 800 KM!!lol ;)

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modify delete 5596 - Reply from Marion206 , 15 yrs (France) - 2011-06-17

Salut !
Je suis a 1h de lyon ( romans sur isere ) je fais de l'escalade au club escapaed club romanais et je fais des compets mais j'ais jamais jamais grimper au mur de lyon mais j'ai vu des photos il est immense !!! Par rapport a la petite salle ou je m'entraine. Sa dois etre genial de grimper la bas !
Vive l'escalade !!! :)

Marion :)

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modify delete 3585 - Reply from joannaXP13 , 13 yrs (Switzerland) - 2010-08-28

moi je fait de l' escalade a l' exterrieur, sur les montagne. J' adore!!!! on se marre trop avec ceux de mon groupe, quand il fait pas beau, on va a la salle de bulle( a Bulle)
ce qui est bien a l' exterrieur, c' est qu' il y abeaucoup de petites prises, c' é très simple. Moi comme je suis petite et agile, je grimpe 3 mur pendant que le mec a coté de moi il en grimpe 1 ;) En tout cas, j' espère trop faire des championats plus tard! (trop d' espérence)

modify delete 1909 - from zhouqiliang94 , 12 yrs (China) - 2009-11-27
Climbing - "a fun sport"

I like climbing very much.I cilmb many thing,for example:I climb trees,climb rock walls.
I think climbing is very interesting!

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modify delete 24379 - Reply from Mei67 , 18 yrs (China) - 2016-06-09

Hello,nice to meet you.So,your name is Anna and you are 17 years old right?I am a girl just one year older than you.I wanna be your friend.Look forward for your letter.

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modify delete 4273 - Reply from Lily67 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2010-12-11

I love climbing too!!

modify delete 1740 - from Hélène136 , 16 yrs (France) - 2009-11-03
Climbing - "Escalade"

I make some escalation for one year and that fantastic . I don't know if there is of competition internationnals . I'm not champion but i'm interesting.

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modify delete 3860 - Reply from gaëlle5 , 14 yrs (France) - 2010-10-08

yes there are competitions
i live in france in toulouse and sometimes, i climb in competitions

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modify delete 2452 - Reply from ming44 , 22 yrs (China) - 2010-03-04

I always have mountain climbing,I love it.but I think it needs right Companions.

modify delete 1389 - from Antoine61 , 34 yrs (France) - 2009-09-08
Climbing - "Hebergement Fontainebleau"

Un nouveau Gite viens d'ouvrir en pleine forêt de Fontainebleau, il est idéal pour les amoureux de blocs : allez voir bleaugite.unblog.fr : http://bleaugite.unblog.fr/

modify delete 1189 - from Izzie66 , 11 yrs (Great Britain) - 2009-08-09
Climbing - "On top of the world"

I love climbing and high rope courses, the feeling that your on top of the world , looking down on everyhing. I do somtimes get a tiny weeny bit scared. I also like cats, animals, art and my favourite colour is red. I look forward to hearing from you.

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modify delete 14369 - Reply from Elinor18 , 11 yrs (USA) - 2014-06-27

I climb at a bouldering gym which mean there are no ropes, Just pads. I am ok with the hight until I have to jump down. It is embarrassing because no one else on my climbing team is the slightest bit afraid of jumping down. Just me

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modify delete 6516 - Reply from Rushi112 (USA) - 2011-11-05

I feel the same way about everything you just said, except..... I HATE the color red! I absolutely despise it! But I agree with everything else.

modify delete 905 - from frederic100 , 39 yrs (France) - 2009-06-19
Climbing - "prises d'escalade en forme de rocher...!!"

un site de prises d'escalade originale à visiter

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