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modify delete 131649 - from Ester44 (Italy) - 2024-04-17 >> NEW
High school - "recherche partenariat"

Bonjour,je suis enseignante au lycée "Francesco Gonzaga" de Castiglione delle Stiviere, près du lac de Garde. Nous aimerions réaliser un échange culturel entre élèves de notre lycée avec des élèves français ayant de 16 à 19 ans. Pour apprécier d'avantage nos cultures et pour s'exercer en langue étrangère.
pour tout renseignement, n'hésitez pas à écrire à:

Merci d'avance
Bonne journée.

modify delete 131646 - from Melanie167 (Canada) - 2024-04-10
Primary school - "Recherche correspondant"

Je suis responsable d'un service de garde en milieu scolaire, et nous aimerions correspondre avec une classe d'enfants âgées entre 6 et 12 ans.
Notre thème annuel sera le tour du monde en 180 jours. On aimerait faire voyager nos élèves au travers des lettres en correspondance.
On pourrait parler de nos cultures, la température, les sports , la nourriture, bref tous sujets pertinents.
merci de nous répondre rapidement, car l'année scolaire va débuter au mois de septembre 2024.

131646 -
modify delete 131651 - Reply from Isabelle171 (France) - 2024-04-20 >> NEW

Je n'avais pas regardé le site depuis quelques jours j'espère qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour répondre à votre annonce. Les élèves de l'école ont entre 6 et 11 ans. Parler de nos ressemblances et de nos différences est un support d'échanges toujours très enrichissant.

modify delete 131643 - from GIOVANNA146 (Italy) - 2024-04-07

Gentile Collega,
Sono una docente di FLE in un Liceo linguistico e ESABAC a Taranto, il Liceo Aristosseno e vorrei proporLe uno scambio di classi . La lingua veicolare sarebbe il Francese, naturalmente.
Per scambio educativo e culturale intenderei un progetto di mobilità di almeno 15 alunni e 2 docenti disposti ad ospitare ed essere ospitati dalle famiglie francesi, gratuitamente.
I docenti, in genere 2, alloggiano in camere nell'internet del liceo a prezzi contenuti o in b&b.
Abbiamo una lunga esperienza di scambi culturali/Erasmus e ci piacerebbe continuare .
Le chiedo quindi se è interessata e di inviarmi, in caso, notizie sul Suo liceo .
In attesa di una Sua cortese risposta, La saluto cordialmente

Giovanna Schiavone
Liceo Aristosseno, Taranto, Italia

131643 -
modify delete 131654 - Reply from Doriane 170 (France) - 2024-04-24 >> NEW

Ho letto il suo annuncio e cerco una classe di liceo per organizzare un gemellaggio per l’anno 2024-2025. Sono insegnante d’italiano a Rennes in Bretagna. Avevo trovato una classe a Cerveteri ma la collega italiana ha dovuto annullare il progetto e devo ritrovare una classe entro un tempo molto breve. I miei alunni avranno tra i 15 e i 17 anni e studiano l’italiano dalla scuola media in seconda lingua.
In attesa di una Sua risposta, Le mando i miei cordiali saluti.
Doriane Pouliquen Bricchi.

modify delete 131613 - from Isabelle171 (France) - 2024-04-03
Primary school - "Correspondence with a class of pupils 7 -8 years"

Hello, we are a class from south of France. We would like to exchange texts, photos, videos about way of life: our schools, our towns,our lanscapes, sports, cooking ....
We can write en french, english, german or spanish or catalan.
Thank you

modify delete 131607 - from Mélissa0 (France) - 2024-03-27
Primary school - "Correspondence project france."

Hello everyone, I am in charge of management in a structure in Luxembourg (near France, Belgium, and Germany). Our children speak several languages, such as English. If possible, I would like to set up a correspondence project between two schools. The goal is to allow them to speak the English language, but also to allow them to discover different cultures/customs. If you are interested in our project, do not hesitate to contact me, we would be delighted to start this project.
Thank you =)

modify delete 131604 - from Michelle107 (USA) - 2024-03-26
Primary school - "Penpals for US students!"

Hello! I am a fourth grade teacher in Phoenix, Arizona. My class is learning about Ancient Greece; culture, food, history, and all about the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

We would love to write and receive letters from students who live in Greece! Please let me know if you would like to meet us!

modify delete 131600 - from Sophie50 (Korea) - 2024-03-25
Middle school - "my class is looking for a pen-pal class"

Hi, I am a middle school English teacher from South Korea.
I have about 15 students who want to exchange letters in English
They are 7th graders.
If you really want to give students a chance to write and send a letter, feel free to
reply the message.


131600 -
modify delete 131648 - Reply from Sophie50 (Korea) - 2024-04-17 >> NEW

I sent an email to you!

131600 -
modify delete 131609 - Reply from Lucas208 (USA) - 2024-03-30


I am in Northern California just below the Oregon border. I teach 9 students in 6th - 8th grade. My students are intelligent and caring, but have struggled with a lifetime of traumatic experiences that sometimes puts limits their academic motivation. They need a real-life activity to increase their motivation for school. I would be interested in being a pen pal for your class (some students would be willing to write more than one letter). Please let me know if that works for you. Thanks in advance.

Please let me know soon, as I will start a correspondence with the first school that responds.

modify delete 131597 - from Aurore90 (France) - 2024-03-24
Primary school - "Classe de CM2 (9-10 ans) échange avec une classe - continent"

Je suis enseignante en classe de CM2. L'année prochaine je souhaiterais mettre en place un projet de correspondance (lettre, mail...) avec une école du continent Africain afin que mes élèves puissent connaître une culture différente et mettre plus de sens à la production d'écrit.

Vous pouvez m'écrire par mail si vous êtes intéressés.

modify delete 131594 - from Teacher Baray198 (Guadeloupe) - 2024-03-21
High school - "High School Students Looking for PenPals from USA"

Hi all,
My name is Teacher Baray, I teach in a High school in the Caribbean ( students age 15 to 17) They are students in International American Section and they would like to write and receive letters written in English.

They have a project to travel to the United States in the coming year.

My email : Teacherbaray@gmail.com
blog: teacherbaray.edublogs.org

modify delete 131593 - from Debbie219 (Great Britain) - 2024-03-21
Primary school - "French Primary Penpals wanted"

I am a French teacher in a primary school in the north of England looking to pair up with a school anywhere in France or another French speaking country. My pupils are aged 7-11. We would like to form a connection with a school who would be willing to correspond with us by letter.
Please get in touch if you would like to do this. Thank you.

131593 -
modify delete 131647 - Reply from Véronique130 (France) - 2024-04-14

Bonjour, je suis enseignante près de Lyon en France et j'aurai une classe de CE2 (8-9 ans) à la rentrée de septembre. Je suis intéressée pour des échanges en français ou en anglais sur tout sujet que nous choisirons ensemble. Qu'en penses-tu ?

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modify delete 131603 - Reply from Debbie27 (Great Britain) - 2024-03-26

Sounds good. I have emailed you with some info.

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modify delete 131596 - Reply from Debbie94 (Great Britain) - 2024-03-23

Hi I have emailed you.

131593 -
modify delete 131595 - Reply from Clémence48 (France) - 2024-03-23

Je suis enseignante en classe de CM1-CM2 (17 élèves, âgés entre 9 et 11 ans) en France et je cherche à les faire échanger par lettre ou mail avec des élèves anglophones. Dans un premier temps, qu’ils reçoivent une lettre en anglais et qu’ils y répondent en français, afin de s’axer sur la compréhension de lecture. Et dans un second temps, de répondre en anglais.
Dites-moi si cela vous intéresse et si cela peut se faire en fonction aussi du nombre d’élèves que vous avez.

modify delete 131570 - from Reme144 (Spain) - 2024-03-19
High school - "Looking for English speaking secondary school for exchange of students"

My name is Reme and I am a Deputy Headteacher and English teacher at a Spanish High School located in Málaga (Andalucía, south of Spain), at 10 minutes walking distance from the beach. Our school has got about 900 students from 12 to 17 years old.
We are really interested in initiating an exchange of students with an Irish school for next course 24-25. The idea is to visit our schools and countries, learning more about our citizenship, natural environment and background, artistic and history heritage. We can already offer host families for 20 or 25 students(aged 14-15) , so the cost of the project would not be so expensive if we can exchange host families among students enjoying this project . In case you think about a different age profile we can discuss. They can improve their fluency in the second language. Advisory to start a penpal project during this course 23-24. We can offer a great and funny programme of activities here for your students.
We are experienced in eTwinning and Erasmus + projects. In fact, we are also interested in finding a partner school for a ready Erasmus + project based on environmental changes and emergencies.
If you are interested in any of these projects, please let me know as soon as possible.
Email Contact: remeprofe2000@yahoo.es

modify delete 131569 - from Inès 138 (Germany) - 2024-03-19
Middle school - "Echange épistolaire"


Je m'appelle Inès, je suis française et assistante de professeurs de français dans le cadre d'un service civique en Allemagne.
Je recherche une classe d'élèves français apprenant l'allemand afin de participer à un échange épistolaire. Les élèves avec les quels je souhaite faire cet échange ont entre 12 et 13 ans (7eme classe). C'est leur deuxieme année d'apprentissage du français et ils se situent environ à un niveau A1+.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail si vous êtes intéressé!
En espérant avoir de nombreux retours,

Mail: ines.curtit@gmail.com

modify delete 131565 - from Céline113 (France) - 2024-03-16
Middle school - "Looking for pen friends !!!"

Je suis professeur d'anglais dans un collège breton public, près de Rennes, en France, et j'aimerais que mes élèves (13-14-15 ans) puissent correspondre (par lettre, "à l'ancienne", sans communication de compte Instagram ou autre !) avec des élèves anglophones. J'ai 2 classes d'environ 30 élèves, qui apprennent l'anglais depuis 3-4 ans, toutes les deux mixtes et motivées ! J'envisage l'échange de lettres comme un exercice d'expression écrite avant même d'être une façon de créer du lien. L'échange sera encadré par les professeurs respectifs, pour éviter toute déception, les lettres étant parfois bien légères quand l'envoi est trop libre. Au bout de quelques échanges encadrés, la correspondance sera libre. Si vous voyez les choses de la même façon, contactez-moi !

modify delete 131552 - from Nicole246 (Germany) - 2024-03-07
Primary school - "Penpals English"

We are a class 4 in Germany (9/10y) with 24 boys and girls and would love
to write letters with English speaking kids till summer when primary school ends!!

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modify delete 131553 - Reply from ΜΙΝΑ49 (Greece) - 2024-03-09

I run a language school in Athens, Greece. We would be more than interested in exchanging letters with your school. If you are interested, we can arrange the details asap.
Thank you in advance,

modify delete 131550 - from Magali161 (Australia) - 2024-03-07
High school - "Partenariat Australir-Nouvelle-Caledonie"

Je suis enseignante de français en Australie, a 20 minutes de Melbourne.
Nous recherchons une école pour un partenariat. Tout d'abord pour de la correspondance (lettres, appels vidéo, emails...) puis peut-être éventuellement un échange scolaire. Nos élèves ont entre 14 et 18 ans.
Contactez- moi si cela vous intéresse.

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modify delete 131566 - Reply from Céline113 (France) - 2024-03-17

Enseignante en anglais dans un collège de Bretagne, je suis à la recherche de correspondants pour initier un échange de lettres anglais-français.
J'ai environ 50 élèves de 3e qui ont 14-15 ans et souhaitent communiquer avec des élèves du bout du monde !
Partante ?

modify delete 131542 - from Mansart90 (France) - 2024-03-02
Primary school - ""Lok for pen pals in Ireland / Primary school""

Dear colleagues,
I am taking the liberty of making this message public because as the director of our school (nursery school) I am looking for a partner school in Ireland to establish a match.
Our students are between 3 and 6 years old and we start learning English at 3 years old. They are able to make basic sentences and with our help. They would also be happy to go further and discover things about Ireland as part of our Ireland project.
We would be happy if our proposal interests you.
Please feel free to ask me any questions and I hope to contact you very soon,
Thank you so much,

modify delete 131540 - from Hanifa165 (Indonesia) - 2024-02-29
Primary school - "Educational game based on puzzle"

hello, I am an elementary school teacher in Indonesia I need ideas to create an Educational game using puzzles, please contact me

modify delete 131538 - from Ekotr224 (New Caledonia) - 2024-02-27
Middle school - "Searching for penpals in NZ"

Hi there!
My name is Ekotr I'm an English teacher in New-Caledonia. My students want to correspond with New Zealand students. They are at their final year in secondary school (13-14 years old).
Any class/teacher in NZ interested in this project please reach me on my email: ekotr.caihe@asee.nc

modify delete 131535 - from Simon176 (Germany) - 2024-02-26
Primary school - "Pen pals for EFL class in Germany (year 6)"

Hey there! I teach a year 6 (10-11 years old) in a German comprehensive school and I am looking for a snail mail exchange with schools from Ireland/the UK/the US/Australia/NZ. Since my kids are at the start of their language journey it would be preferable to find students of a similar age range. Conversing in English is preferred. We can tell you loads about our school, our city, the German culture and all sorts of questions you might have!

modify delete 131533 - from Mary30 (Italy) - 2024-02-22
Primary school - "Pen friends (8-11y) - english learners"


My name is Mary, and I am the owner of a private language school in Italy. I have students ranging from 3 to 50 years old. Some of my primary school students (aged 8-11) would love to participate in an email/letter exchange program. I have more than 30 students interested in. If you are interested, we would love to hear from another school where English is being taught.

Thank you,


131533 -
modify delete 131536 - Reply from Erika Sherwell Hadad193 (Mexico) - 2024-02-26

Hi! I teach middle school and highschool students. I would love to see if our students can talk and write to each other to practice and improve their English. I'm in Mexico.

modify delete 131531 - from Fadime 162 (Turkey) - 2024-02-19
High school - "High School Pen Pals"

Hi! I teach English at a high school in Turkey, Ankara( the capital city of Turkey.) We want to have pen pals who are native speakers and exchange cultures. We want to continue this project till June. Please don't hesitate to contact with me if you are interested.

131531 -
modify delete 131645 - Reply from Lynn202 (Australia) - 2024-04-09


I read your ad for English speaking pen pals. I have a small class of 8 students aged 15-16 who would like to write to students of similar age.

I have run pen pal programs for several years and have recently switched from letters to emails which the students prefer.

Please contact me if you are interested.

modify delete 131530 - from Sarah60 (Great Britain) - 2024-02-19
Primary school - "Pen friends"

I am a French teacher in the UK looking to set up a pen friend scheme with a school in Guadeloupe. I have a mixed class of 27 pupils in Year 5 (aged 9-10) who would like to exchange letters or emails with French speaking children to find out about life in Guadeloupe and improve their French. Please contact me on the email address provided.

modify delete 131527 - from DOMINIQUE165 (Ireland) - 2024-02-15
High school - "Looking for penpals and exchange between schools"

I am an English teacher in the South of France and I'm looking for a secondary school for an exchange. My students are from 15 to 17.
By mail first and a twinning might follow.
Contact me to my e-mail address if you're interested.

131527 -
modify delete 131541 - Reply from Mansart90 (France) - 2024-03-02

Hi! I teach schoolchildren (3 to 6 years old) in France, in Paris. I would love it if they could practice speaking and writing with real people. Would it be possible to put me in touch with an Irish school as part of a project on Ireland. Thank you in advance for your answer.

131527 -
modify delete 131537 - Reply from Erika Sherwell 193 (Mexico) - 2024-02-26

Hi! I teach middle school and highschool students in Mexico. I would love if they can practice speaking and writing with real people. My email is erika.sherwell.hadad@gmail.com I would love to hear from you.

modify delete 131523 - from Lacey171 (USA) - 2024-02-13
Primary school - "Looking to match my 4th grade classes with Pen Pals"


My name is Lacey. I am a 4th grade teacher in West Virginia. I am hoping to find another teacher who would like to partner up to start a pen pal program. My students are aged 8-9. I am hoping that they will learn writing and communication skills.

We would need an English-speaking class or one who is learning English.

131523 -
modify delete 131650 - Reply from Alex38 (Taiwan) - 2024-04-19 >> NEW

I teach content based ESL at a public elementary school in Taichung, Taiwan. I have a class of 5th graders (16) that would benefit a lot from communicating with other students in English. Their proficiency is probably around grade 2 on average, but their interests are typical for 5th grade. They could learn a lot by speaking with students from another culture!

131523 -
modify delete 131606 - Reply from Mélissa0 (France) - 2024-03-27

Hello Madam, I am in charge of management in a structure in Luxembourg (close to France, Belgium, and Germany). We children speak several languages, such as English. If possible, I would like to set up a correspondence project between our two schools. The idea is to allow them to speak the English language, but also to allow them to discover different cultures/customs. Are you interested in our project?
Thank you =)

131523 -
modify delete 131528 - Reply from Maryne179 (France) - 2024-02-16

Hello, I'm a French teacher. I have 10 year old students and I would like to participate in a written correspondence with an English-speaking class.

131523 -
modify delete 131525 - Reply from Imma61 (Italy) - 2024-02-14

Hello, I am a primary school teacher. My student are eight/nine years old. I am pleased that the students can write other companions from different countries. Write us soon Thank youTu

modify delete 131522 - from Selvandieu115 (Haiti) - 2024-02-13
Primary school - "Very serious school correspondence project for my children from Haiti"


I am MEME Selvandieu Founder of a large Foundation on the name of Spiritual Backup from Haiti and head of a large Association of several schools in the 10 departments of the country. So it is with great pleasure to enter into school correspondence relationship with you from Haiti. Already our children are ready.6-18 years old.

May God bless you even more in the precious name of JESUS CHRIST.
mail: moiseranise@gmail.com

modify delete 131519 - from Saoussen215 (France) - 2024-02-12
High school - "a linguistic exchange of students with an Irish school"

I'm an English teacher to French students aged from 14 to 17.
We are really interested in initiating a linguistic exchange of students with an Irish school for next courses 24-25/ 25-26.
Our senior high school is located in a really pleasant and welcoming city, Libourne, 20 kms away from Bordeaux (South west of France). We have more than 1000 students and our school is big enough so everyone can find his/ her own space to feel good!
I want to give the opportunity to my students, especially those who can't easily travel, to experience a total immersion in a high school in Cork. And it would be a real pleasure to host your students in return! That would be fantastic for the students at so many levels and for us , teachers to share a common project with our Irish colleagues.
We have experienced for the last two years in eTwinning and Erasmus + projects. In fact, we are also interested in finding a partner school for a ready Erasmus + project.
So, if you are interested and want to talk about it in more details, i m looking forwards to hearing from you.
Saoussen Rovira
you can contact me via : saoussen.rovira@gmail.com

modify delete 131517 - from Hans66 (French Polynesia) - 2024-02-11
Middle school - "Looking for penpals in New Zealand"

Hi there,

I am a secondary school teacher in French Polynesia, particularly on a small island called Moorea. I am planning to organize a trip to New Zealand in 2026 with my 25 students aged 12-13 years and I'd like to start a penpal exchange (by mail/post) with a class this September 2024. If possible, We would like this project to last 2 years so that we can meet each other when we'll come to New Zealand, especially in Queenstown.
If you are interested, please email me at Hans.Mihinoa@ac-polynesie.pf.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you!

modify delete 131508 - from AURORE34 (France) - 2024-02-04
Middle school - "Scambio francese/italiano"

Buongiorno, sono in una scuola media del Nord Est della Francia a Chalons-en-Champagne. Ho classi di secondo e terzo anno italianisti (dai 12 ai 14 anni). Ho tra i 25 e i 30 alunni in ogni classe. Vorrei scambiare con una classe italiana per fare scoprire le proprie culture, feste, gusti ecc... Fatemi sapere se il progetto vi interessa? A presto

modify delete 131507 - from Gisèle51 (France) - 2024-02-02
Middle school - "Looking for a a class as penpals"

I am a French teacher looking for a teacher interested in a penpal exchange
My students (aged 12-13) are eager to have pen pals to write letters to in French and English.
If you are interested, please write to me soon!

131507 -
modify delete 131555 - Reply from Maura42 (Ireland) - 2024-03-12

Bonjour! I am a French teacher in a secondary school in Ireland and I would love to exchange letters or e-mails. I teach a class of 12-13 year olds. This would be perfect!
Look forward to hearing from you!

131507 -
modify delete 131554 - Reply from Enrica198 (Great Britain) - 2024-03-09

Bonjour Gisele,

Je m'appelle Enrica, je suis Italienne mais je suis prof de Francais et bientot chef de departement dans un college mixte et multiculturels dans l'est de Londres. Desolee pour les accents manquants, j'ecris vite fait des mon clavier anglais.

Je voudrais proposer a mes eleves (de 12-13 ans) un echange pen pas pour la premiere fois. Je serais tres interesse a commencer un echange avec tes eleves. Ils sont combien? Il se trouve ou ton college?


modify delete 131506 - from Elpriscilla 68 (Madagascar) - 2024-02-01
High school - "Lycée privé recherche jumelage et ou partenariat."

Bonjour. Je me nomme Elpriscilla Soatahy, et je suis à la tête, avec ma fratrie, d'un lycée privé d'expression française, dans la commune de Manja région Ménabe, dans le sud ouest de Madagascar. Nous sommes à la recherche d'un jumelage, de partenaires et de correspondances, avec toute école intéressée. Veuillez me contacter via email si vous êtes intéressé : takilotsy@gmail.com

modify delete 131504 - from Mirjam133 (Germany) - 2024-01-30
High school - "looking for penpal class age 13-14 for improving in English"

Hello, my students (age 13-14) are looking for a penpal class for exchanging emails and maybe videos. They would like to practice and improve their English skills and to learn about other students' life and culture. Please contact rohdemirjam@gmail.com

modify delete 131501 - from Matthew30 (Great Britain) - 2024-01-28
Primary school - "Correspondants - anglais/francais"

Je suis responsable des langues étrangères modernes dans une école avec des élèves âgés de 5 à 13 ans près de Reading, en Angleterre. Je voudrais établir des liens avec une école du monde francophone ; soit en Europe, soit ailleurs. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si cette idée vous intéresse.

131501 -
modify delete 131598 - Reply from Melanie48 (Canada) - 2024-03-24

Bonjour, nous sommes un service de garde dans une école de 130 élèves âgé de 4 à 12 ans .
Nous aimerions correspondre avec des enfants d’un autre pays afin de leur enseigner d’autre cultures. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous êtes intéressés à correspondre ensemble. Au plaisir des enfants.

131501 -
modify delete 131567 - Reply from Oumar sadio214 (Senegal) - 2024-03-17

Je suis le responsable d'une école préscolaire et élémentaire a Dakar (Sénégal ) .
Je suis intéressé par le jumelage ou une correspondance scolaire avec votre école .
Contactez moi au :tontonsadio@gmail.com

131501 -
modify delete 131529 - Reply from Maryne179 (France) - 2024-02-16

Bonjour, je suis enseignante dans le nord de la France. J'ai des élèves de 9/10ans et j'aimerais correspondre avec une classe anglophone. Contactez-moi pour plus d'information.

modify delete 131496 - from Maria Silvina12 (Argentina) - 2024-01-24
Middle school - "Looking for penpals from all countries"

Hi! I'm an English teacher at a Secondary School in Unquillo,Cordoba, Argentina. My students are 11-13 years old and they are learning English as a foreign language. We're looking for penpals their age to exchange letters via email and probably connect via Zoom/ Google Meet in the future.
Contact me if you're interested!

131496 -
modify delete 131502 - Reply from Maria Silvina12 (Argentina) - 2024-01-29

Hi! Yes, I'm interested. Let me know a little bit about the municipal youth council. I need this information because exchanging emails is part of a school project and I have to give the headmistress information about our contacts.
Best regards!

131496 -
modify delete 131498 - Reply from Lou 88 (France) - 2024-01-24


I am the referent of a municipal youth council.

They saw your announcement. It would be interested to be able to exchange with you.

Are you interested?

It is a group of young people aged 8 to 15 who live 2 hours from Paris next to Orleans in France.

They are curious to be able to exchange with other people around the world.

Have a good day !

Lou Delcourt

modify delete 131484 - from Ana44 (Spain) - 2024-01-23
High school - "English-speaking pen pals wanted for Spanish pupils aged 12-13"

Hi, there! I'm an English teacher (Spanish nationality) looking for Spanish teachers (who live in the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc) interested in a pen pal exchange. My students live in Madrid (Spain) and study English as a foreign language (1ESO and 2ESO).
If you are interested, please write to me.
Thank you!

Ana: agonzalez1974@hotmail.com

modify delete 131483 - from Jean254 (Taiwan) - 2024-01-22
Primary school - "letter exchange"

Hello, we have a English club held by-week. We're learning about making stories and wiring some still photographes. For next semester, we may change stories and write something to introduce ourselves. If you are interested in this kind of project. Please contact here.

131483 -
modify delete 131602 - Reply from Sophie50 (Korea) - 2024-03-26

hello, I am interested in the project.
How old are your students? my students are 12 years old (7th graders)
If the age is the same, I hope to match with your class.

modify delete 131482 - from MAGALI175 (France) - 2024-01-20
Primary school - "Correspondance scolaire CM2"

Bonjour, je souhaite pouvoir mettre en place une correspondance scolaire avec ma classe de 28 CM2 et une classe francophone canadienne. Nous allons très bientôt travailler sur le Canada et je trouverais cela intéressant de pouvoir échanger avec des élèves.
Merci de m'écrire si vous êtes intéressés.

modify delete 131479 - from Cyndie 112 (Canada) - 2024-01-19
High school - "English french"

I teach English as a second language to 100 francophone students from the province of Quebec in Canada. We would like to exchange with Anglophone students of our age (14-16 years old)

We could write in French and your students could answer in English. The location does not matter to us. We only want to talk to students whose mother tongue is English.

Let us know if you are interested. :)

131479 -
modify delete 131601 - Reply from Chloé128 (France) - 2024-03-25

Je suis intéressée !

131479 -
modify delete 131551 - Reply from Magali161 (Australia) - 2024-03-07

Hi Cyndie,
I teach French in an Australian high school, about 20 min from Melbourne in Victoria.
I may be interested.
We have around 150-200 students in year 9-10, with some of them new to French and some with up to 3 years behind them. If you have older students, we also have around 35 students in year 11 and 12.
Correspondance would be great, be it emails, postcards, videos or maybe even video calls.
Hope to talk to you soon.

modify delete 131478 - from Thomas66 (Burkina Faso) - 2024-01-18
High school - "Correspondance"

Bonjour. Je suis Thomas ILBOUDO. Je suis prof d'Anglais. Mon c'est le Lycée Sacré-Cœur de Kongoussi, une ville située au Centre-Nord du Burkina, à 100km de la capitale Ouagadougou. Nous recherchons des lycées pour des correspondances pour des échanges culturelles afin que nos élèves aient un regard vrai sur les autres cultures.

modify delete 131477 - from marie18 (France) - 2024-01-18
Middle school - "Busco IES español para correspondencia e intercambio (2024-2025)"

Bonjour, je suis prof d'espagnol dans un collège d'Ardèche, j'ai environ 120 élèves de 5e,4e et 3e (1°, 2° y 3° de ESO) et je cherche un établissement en Espagne (de l'Aragon à l'Andalousie, Est de l'Espagne de préférence mais ouverte à toutes propositions) pour mettre en place un échange épistolaire cette année qui pourrait déboucher sur un échange physique l'année prochaine (pour les 4e ou 3e) et dans l'idéal un appariement entre les 2 collèges pour mettre en place des échanges réguliers pour les années à venir dans la perspective de la création d'une section bilangue dans mon collège.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

modify delete 131476 - from Barbara36 (Italy) - 2024-01-18
Middle school - "recherche de correspondants en français"

Bonjour, nous recherchons une classe de collège disponible à entreprendre une simple correspondance avec nous.
Nous sommes des élèves italiens de troisième année, nous avons tous 14 ans et désirons avoir des amis étrangers avec qui on puisse communiquer en français, par lettre ou e-mail.
Nous pouvons également échanger des messages en italien si nos correspondants l'apprennent à l'école.
écrivez à barbara.testini@tiscali.it si cette idée vous intéresse, merci beaucoup!

131476 -
modify delete 131520 - Reply from Marie253 (France) - 2024-02-13

Je suis professeur de latin et mes élèves et moi-même aimerions beaucoup avoir des correspondants italiens. Notre établissement est situé à l'ouest de la France, à Maulévrier, près de Nantes, Cholet et Angers.
Si vous êtes intéressée, n'hésitez pas à me contacter !

Cari saluti !

Marie Bredeaux

modify delete 131467 - from Íngrid60 (Spain) - 2024-01-14
Middle school - "Anyone interested in a penpal English exchange?"

Hello, I am currently teaching English to 11-12 year-old and 15-16 year-old students from Barcelona, Spain, and I would like to do an English exchange with students of similar age abroad. In principle, I had a penpal exchange in mind, but I am open to do other kind of activities. I am specially interested in improving the English communication skills of my students (so I would rather focus only on English writing / speaking, rather than doing an English-Spanish exchange). However, I am open to suggestions.

Feel free to contact me if you're interested.

131467 -
modify delete 131539 - Reply from Erika193 (Mexico) - 2024-02-27

Hi! I teach English to students between the ages of 13 and 17. We are in Mexico, I would be interested in writing and zoom calling your students, this way both classes can work on improving their English. My email is erika.sherwell.hadad@gmail.com, let me know.

131467 -
modify delete 131512 - Reply from Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-08

Hello! I see that you just posted a message here just a few weeks ago. I'm an English Language teacher of 4th grade students here in the United States, in the state of Iowa. My name is Molly Wilson and I have about 15 students that are wanting to practice their English with pen pals. All of my students are Hispanic, coming from various countries south of the border. We are wanting an authentic English writing experience and would look forward to communicating with you. Thank you!

131467 -
modify delete 131485 - Reply from Maria Silvina12 (Argentina) - 2024-01-24

Hello Ingrid! I'm also interested in a penpal English exchange. I'm an English teacher at a Secondary School in Unquillo,Cordoba, Argentina. My students are 11-13 years old. Our school year begins on February 26th and finishes on December 2nd. We have a two-week holiday in the middle of July. Contact me if you're interested.
Best regards.

modify delete 131463 - from Chrissy177 (Canada) - 2024-01-10
Middle school - "Correspondants recherchés avec des élèves de 14-15 ans en français"

Je suis une enseignante du cours de français 9e année (élèves de 14 et 15 ans) dans la ville de Dieppe, au Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada. Nous sommes surtout d'origine acadienne (Acadie) et nous sommes une communauté francophone en situation linguistique minoritaire. Nous aimerions faire une correspondance épistolaire ou par courriel, en français, avec une autre classe de n'importe où au monde! J'ai 23 élèves. Nous serions prêts à vous écrire en premier, dès janvier!
Merci de me faire signe si cette correspondance vous intéresse.

131463 -
modify delete 131521 - Reply from Marine174 (France) - 2024-02-13


Je suis éducatrice, et je souhaiterais également organiser une correspondance entre les jeunes que j'accompagne et de jeunes enfants du Canada. N'hésitez pas à revenir vers moi si cela vous intéresse.
Nous vivons en France dans la région Grenobloise au coeur des Alpes.
Je vous remercie pour votre retour

131463 -
modify delete 131503 - Reply from Vanessa 65 (France) - 2024-01-29

Je suis éducatrice spécialisée j'exerce en structure spécialisée avec 25 jeunes tranche d'âge 14 à 17 ans. Ils seraient ravis de partager et de correspondre avec vous.
Voilà n'hésitez pas à me recontacter
Voici mon adresse mail v.dupin546@gmail.com.
Merci infiniment Melle Dupin.

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modify delete 131500 - Reply from Vanessa 65 (France) - 2024-01-28

Bonjour 👋

Je suis éducatrice spécialisée et je souhaiterais correspondre avec votre classe .
Je travaille au sein d'un IME avec 25 élèves. Avec une équipe pluridisciplinaire éducateur, instituteur.
N'hésitez pas à revenir vers moi si vous souhaitez plus d'informations.
Sa serait un réel plaisir.

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modify delete 131499 - Reply from Lou88 (France) - 2024-01-24


Je supervise le conseil municipal des jeunes à Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel, en France.

Les jeunes, âgés de 8 à 15 ans, manifestent l'envie d'échanger avec des jeunes d'autres pays pour mieux appréhender la réalité ailleurs, partager sur la culture et la vie des jeunes.

Seriez-vous intéressée par cette initiative ? N’hésitez pas à me contacter : delcourtloupro@hotmail.com

Bonne journée,


Lou Delcourt

131463 -
modify delete 131469 - Reply from Barbara36 (Italy) - 2024-01-14

Bonjour Madame,
c'est Barbara Testini qui vous écris de Montagna in Valtellina, un village dans les Alpes italiennes. J'enseigne le français comme langue vivante dans un collège près d'ici (Istituto comprensivo Fumasoni- Berbenno). Mes élèves de troisième année auront tous 14 ans en 2024. J'en ai 54 et je pense que notre situation pourrait etre bonne pour un échange épistolaire ou par courriel avec vous. En plus ça a l'air très intéressant, utiliser le français pour communiquer avec quelqu'un si loin de nous - on aurait beaucoup de choses à se raconter!
Mes élèves ont des lettres de présentation toutes pretes, qu'ils ont écrites pendant les vacances d'été 2023, avec parfois de belles décorations. Si vous etes d'accord pour faire une correspondance avec nous, écrivez-moi et je serai heureuse de vous envoyer tout de suite ces premiers messages. On pourra organiser le reste au fur et à mesure...
Quant à moi, je suis née en 1973, j'ai une famille avec un garçon de 13 ans une fille de 14 ans. Je travaille à mi-temps et je m'occupe de ma famille et de mon jardin. Je ne suis pas sportive, mais je fais beaucoup de promenades à pied dans la nature. Dans le passé, j'ai eu des expériences de correspondance avec des classes françaises et une année avec des élèves grecs. C'étaient toujours des lettes en papier, parce que les élèves adorent recevoir des lettres concrètes, mais si vous le désirez, on pourrait passer à l'e-mail, ou alterner. Toute belle expérience de mes élèves est aussi une belle expérience pour moi. Bon, je vous quitte en vous disant à bientot. Barbara barbara.testini@tiscali.it

modify delete 131454 - from Camille95 (France) - 2024-01-06
Primary school - "Echanges"

Je suis enseignante dans une classe de CE2-CM1 avec 23 élèves. Cette année, nous travaillons beaucoup sur le thème du monde. J'aimerai donc pouvoir mener des échanges, un projet, avec une classe d'un pays étranger, afin d'ouvrir les élèves à une nouvelle culture et vivre une expérience enrichissante !
N'hésitez pas à m'écrire.

I'm a teacher in a CE2-CM1 class with 23 pupils. This year, we're working a lot on the theme of the world. I'd like to be able to organise an exchange or project with a class in a foreign country, to introduce the pupils to a new culture and have an enriching experience!
Don't hesitate to write to me.

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